Chatham County and its cities appears to be the future of Lowndes County and our cities. On LOST negotiations, Chatham got tired of listening to the cities and called in the mediator.
Eric Curl wrote for Savannah Now today, Chatham rejects cities' sales-tax proposal, calls for mediator
With a month of negotiations still remaining, Chatham County has given up on working solely with the eight municipalities to determine how an estimated $600 million in Local Option Sales Tax revenue should be split up during the next 10 years.
Chatham County Chairman Pete Liakakis requested Tuesday night that a third party be brought in immediately to help determine distributions, instead of waiting the full 60 days available to reach an agreement before mediation is required.
“I believe the parties are so far apart, that the current process is at an impasse,” Liakakis said.
Liakakis said a proposal presented by the cities two weeks ago that would lower the county's share by about 7 percent while boosting the municipalities' portion was flawed because it is built around the concept that the county's share should be based on the residents living outside city limits.
“It ignores the fact that the county provides services to all citizens of the county,” he said.
Yep, sounds familiar.