I wonder if there is any way for the Industrial Authority, County Commission and City Council to now do the right thing for Lowndes County. How can they save face?Reading the scientific data makes it clear that an error was made, and clearly this data wasn’t made available to those who have been charged with finding appropriate industry for us, industry that will raise the quality of life for the citizens of Lowndes County by providing good jobs. They can be excused for an industry that provides only a few jobs. Jobs are jobs, after all. But how can we help them apologize to all of us and thank those citizens who have spent so many hours of their own time gathering information and providing a forum to educate us? I wish it were possible.
Luana Goodwin
Tag Archives: Biomass
NAACP asks EPA for review of biomass plant permit
From: Leigh TouchtonAttached was a PDF file. Here’s an excerpt. Continue reading
Subject: NAACP Georgia State Conference asks EPA for review of Wiregrass permit
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 21:39:26 -0500
To: [numerous parties]Apparently some people have incorrect information about the Georgia State NAACP Conference position. Please see attached.
Valdosta NAACP Claims Environmental Racism

Continue readingValdosta NAACP Claims Environmental Racism
The Valdosta-Lowndes branch of the NAACP unanimously passed a resolution of Environmental Racism concerning the siting of Sterling Planet’s Wiregrass Power, LLC, Biomass Incinerator, slated for construction in Valdosta, Georgia, next to the Mud Creek wastewater treatment plant. This incinerator is sited in a predominantly black community: within 2 miles of the incinerator are 2 predominantly black elementary schools, J.L. Lomax with 607 students and Southeast with 304 students, and one predominantly white elementary school, Moulton-Branch with over 500 students. The “Little Blue School” Head Start program serves over 165 children ages 3-5. There are 7 large black churches including Valdosta’s largest African-American church, New Life Ministries, pastored by Dr. Angela Manning, who has organized one Town Hall against the Biomass incinerator. Other churches include the Church at Pine Hill, Morning Star Baptist, Evangel Temple, Church of God of Prophecy, and others, with congregations numbering hundreds. In the area is Sands-Horizon assisted living facility which serves over 60 families, 2 large apartment complexes, Brittany Woods and Park Chase, as well as Valdosta’s largest and most affuent black residential community.Executive Director of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority, Brad Lofton, rejects the claim of environmental racism, and at the September 27, 2010, Valdosta Board of Education meeting called Valdosta NAACP President Touchton “irresponsible” for making the public claim. He says there are seven times more white people who live around the proposed plant. He did not address the fact that school children and church members do not show up on census forms.
The incinerator will emit 87-89 tons per year of tiny particulate
“some opposition that has crept up” –Brad Lofton

Lofton has been misquoting like this since September. Back then he was willing to name the chairman of the local NAACP. He doesn’t mention that Leigh Touchton responded to him back then:
I did not call the Industrial Authority an environmental racist. What I stated quite clearly was that the siting of the Biomass Incinerator in a predominantly black neighborhood constitutes environmental racism.In her response, she went on to rebut Lofton’s alleged facts. He has never to my knowledge responded to the points Touchton raised in her rebuttal. Instead, he goes around making a joke out of the NAACP.
“we are satisfied with the safety of this plant” –Brad Lofton
See also Col. Ricketts on “folks come into the community”. -jsqFrom: Brad Lofton
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 15:07:16 -0500
Cc: [Dr. Noll, Kay Harris, jsq, lhenderson, hopeforcleanwater]
To: “Bill” [Sammons, Leigh Touchton], aricketts@industrialauthority.com
Subject: Re: Background information on Dr. Christopher TeafThanks again for your e-mail Dr. Sammons. As we have said multiple times now, we are satisfied with the safety of this plant, the numerous experts that have approved it, and the due diligence we have done. You can continue to send ten e-mails a day, yet our position remains the same. I hope the weather is nice today in Massachusetts.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
Granting a permit is not evaluating safety –Dr. Sammons
From: Bill [Sammons]Continue reading
Cc: [Dr. Noll, Kay Harris, jsq, lhenderson, hopeforcleanwater]
To: blofton@industrialauthority.com, leigh.touchton@gmail.com, aricketts@industrialauthority.com, [Roy Copeland, Mary Gooding]
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 14:44:54 -0500
Subject: Re: Background information on Dr. Christopher TeafDear Mr. Lofton:
Having talked with many different people in different departments in multiple state governments I do not think that any of them would suggest that granting a permit is the same as “do nothing but evaluate the safety of these projects”. When asked they all say the are following the guidelines set out by EPA/state regulations– they are not evaluating the safety of each project. Many will admit in private that the regulations/guidelines are not up to date with science, but the people in the permitting agencies do not have the authority to grant the permit based on the best available science/data. It’s not dissimilar to discussions of BACT– depending on the size of the stationary source not all BACT is the same.
As an example if you look at the EPA regulations on PM 2.5
“literally countless … no doubt … the issue has long been resolved” –Brad Lofton
From: blofton@industrialauthority.com
To: Leigh Touchton, aricketts@industrialauthority.com, Copeland, Roy, [Mary Gooding] Cc: Bill [Sammmons, Dr. Noll, Kay Harris, jsq, lhenderson, hopeforcleanwater]
Date: Sun, Jan 23, 2011 9:03 am
Subject: Re: Background information on Dr. Christopher TeafThank you for your e-mail Ms. Touchton. Dr. Teaf’s credentials clearly speak for themselves, but as you know, he is only one expert that has provided guidance. His expert opinion is in the overwhelming majority. The state EPD also employs toxicologists and experts that do nothing but evaluate the safety of these projects. The federal EPA does the same. Both groups support biomass and have provided their blessing. This project was also reviewed by experts from VSU, GA Tech, and UGA. It also has been reviewed and blessed by the Obama administration, federal agencies that employ hundreds of experts, the state of GA, Lowndes County, and literally countless environmental groups and experts. There is no doubt about the safety of the three existing biomass plants in Lowndes nor another one. This issue has long since been resolved and the permits have all been approved and are in place at this time.
Have a nice day,
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
“Dr. Christopher Teaf’s numerous paid endorsements” –Leigh Touchton
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 11:20:06 -0500Continue reading
Subject: Background information on Dr. Christopher Teaf
From: Leigh Touchton
To: Brad Lofton <blofton@industrialauthority.com>, aricketts@industrialauthority.com, [Roy Copeland, Mary Gooding] Cc: [Sammons, Noll, Kay Harris, jsq, lhenderson, hopeforcleanwater]To Industrial Authority Board:
In regards to the email correspondence from VLCIA Executive Director Brad Lofton concerning Dr. Christopher Teaf, I spent about ten minutes on the internet researching Dr. Christopher Teaf’s numerous paid endorsements around the country for various chemicals. This article
was compelling. Dr. Teaf is on public record endorsing the safety of arsenic in wood as posing no health threats to children (or adults). Numerous lawsuits around the country were adjudicated against his “expert findings” and subsequently the EPA banned CCA (arsenic) treated wood in playground equipment because of the health hazards to children.
I only spent about ten minutes, but I uncovered much information re:
“I’m not an environmental engineer” –Brad Lofton
Date: Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 5:11 PM
From: Brad Lofton <blofton@industrialauthority.com>Dr. Sammons:
I’m not an environmental engineer, so I would refer you to the hundreds of environmental groups supporting our project, the federal EPA, the state EPD (not sure how it works in Mass, but these are the groups in GA that are given legal authority to permit and regulate power plants, and after a lengthy review, they have approved this project enthusiastically and certified its safety for GA), all the federal agencies, the FL Dept of Health, Dr. Chris Teaf, an expert toxicologist, and others. It’s not my opinion that counts regarding the absence of =93TONS=94 of dioxin and mercury emissions you claim in your attempt to scare our community as you duck in and out. I’m actually quoting experts. Dr. Teaf’s testimony is on our site, plus the EPD permit, Golder analysis, etc. There’s plenty of additional info there as well for your enjoyment. You are welcome to continue e-mailing my staff, but rest assured, we are moving forward at this time.
Have a nice day,
*Brad Lofton*
Executive Director
Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority
2110 N. Patterson Street, Valdosta, GA
229-259-9972 local
877-259-9972 toll free
229-300-3179 cellVisit us online @ www.IndustrialAuthority.com
“I also would like specific documentation” –Dr. Sammons
From: Bill
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011 4:35 PM
To: blofton@industrialauthority.com; aricketts@industrialauthority.com
Cc: mgnoll@valdosta.edu; leigh.touchton@gmail.com
Subject: Radio interviewHi
I just listened to Mr. Lofton’s radio interview. It seemed that he was indicating there was substantiating documentation on the IA webpage to support biomass combustion. I could not find it. The videos of the meeting do not constitute valid information.
Could you send me the url[s] where the information is presented on the web page please.
I also would like specific documentation that the plant will not produce dioxin as he asserts in the interview.
Thank you
Bill Sammons