Dr. Michael G. Noll of VSU said representatives of Moody Air Force Base for the second time could not get permission to go on the site for the Moody Family Housing the Commission approved rezoning for two weeks before, at the 27 August 2013 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.
He also handed the Commission and interested parties copies of
a public comment
he and VSU professors Don Thieme and Can Denizman
had sent to USAF.
Plus the developer still refused to
provide a copy of
the geotechnical report
the Air Force’s Environmental Assessment
says the developer is required to send to the Air Force.
If there is nothing to hide, if there are no problems with possible developments of the area, why not share the report?
Two different people report seeing Commissioner Richard Raines
catch Dr. Noll on the way out of the building and ask him
what would be involved in doing the geophysical survey Dr. Noll
repeatedly asked to do.
See also Continue reading