This was the second public hearing opportunity, said Lowndes County Chairman Bill Slaughter, after the first one was 8:30 AM the same day. The third and last one will be on September 26.
He added, “And then we will adopt the millage, setting the rate, on September 26, as well.”
The only Lowndes County Commission meeting scheduled for September 26 is that Millage Rate Public Hearing. Does this mean they will vote in that meeting?
Collage @ LCC Millage 19 September 2024
In this September 19 meeting, Finance Director Stephanie Black explained the millage, including state requirements for announcements of tax increases or rollbacks. She included the usual reminder that two Authorites get their own millage: Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority (VLPRA) and Lowndes County Development Authority (VLDA). FYI, the county Tax Digest is $5.1 billion.
One citizen stood up in the Public Hearing. Alan Watson spoke against. Unlike their usual custom, Continue reading