Tag Archives: ADS

Trash lawsuit on WALB

WALB found the Lowndes County government sticking to the letter of its own recently-passed ordinance and contract, and Deep South Sanitation concerned about the county trying to put it out of business.

Lydia Jennings wrote for WALB yesterday, Lowndes Co. files lawsuit against solid waste company,

Lowndes County leaders are going to court to try to stop a sanitation company from picking up trash for some county residents.

County leaders say Deep South Sanitation is in violation of a new ordinance that only allows Advanced Disposal to contract with county residents.

And if the cease-and-desist order is successful, the owner of Deep South Sanitation worries he’ll go out of business.

Cary Scarborough owns Deep South Sanitation, a family owned and operated business he started in 2011 when he saw trash pickup problems in unincorporated Lowndes County.

In two years, he has seen his business grow with 800 Lowndes County resident contracts. But his days of picking up trash could be coming to an end.

“It could shut me down,” said Scarborough.

So why did the county give him a business license? And why is it a good use of taxpayer funds to sue him? The county’s answer:

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Lowndes County v. Deep South Sanitation: Why?

Why is Lowndes County suing a local business for the benefit of investors in New York City? I guess we’ve discovered the litigation last month’s Lowndes County Commission executive session was about. Why is this a good use of taxpayer money?

On Deep South Sanitation’s facebook page yesterday,

Friends, we all watch the news and we see governments making changes that are unacceptable to the American people. Well, it is happening right here in our hometown. LOWNDES COUNTY has issued a CIVIL ACTION LAWSUIT against DEEP SOUTH. The preliminary hearing is set for FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2013 at 9:30AM in Courtroom 5D of the Lowndes County Judicial Complex. The purpose of the hearing is to force DEEP SOUTH to shutdown on that day! (We are a small, local, family owned and operated business.) We need your support because this hearing will effect almost every one of you. “IF” we are forced out, Advanced Disposal will be your “ONLY CHOICE” for garbage service. That means there will be a MONOPOLY for garbage service in Lowndes. The County maintains that it is not MANDATORY for the citizens to use Advanced Disposal so then who else can we choose? CHOICE keeps business healthy and HONEST. Please help support this matter for your sake and ours by calling LOWNDES COUNTY and voice your concerns. Also, there are several petitions being sent around as of today. We personally thank each and every one of you!! From: Cary, Debbie, Trevor, Dylan and Sadee Scarborough

Unnamed Lowndes County “representatives” spelled out in the VDT back in January that

“According to the solid waste ordinance, Advanced Disposal will be the only residential hauler licensed to serve unincorporated Lowndes County.”

A few hours later yesterday, also on DSS’s facebook page,

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Repeat trash talk, plus map @ LCC 2013-02-12

Dave Shepler, regional manager of Advanced Disposal, suddenly decided he didn’t have to be in Biloxi after all, and reappeared at Tuesday evening’s Lowndes County Commission Regular Session for a more public (and more polished) version of what he said at the previous morning’s Work Session.

Trash day map There was a bit of new information, which included that his company had delivered a map of on which day to expect waste collection pickup, which is now on the Lowndes County website and he said it was published as an advertisement in the VDT.

Here’s the video:

He also got into a TV news station’s website report. Eames Yates wrote for WCTV yesterday, Company Apologies for Problems with Trash Collection.

Thanks to Commissioners Demarcus Marshall and John Page for getting some public explanation out of this company granted by the Commission before those two Commissioners were elected.


No list of who bought waste collection center cards? @ LCC 2013-02-12

How can Lowndes County not have a list of who it sold waste collection center cards to? How can it not provide it in response to an open records request?

In the 9 October 2012 Regular Session, Lowndes County Manager Joe Pritchard said:

Just under 5,000 residents who have purchased the cards

That was in his curiously redacted summary of the history of solid waste handling in the county, and he was referring to the access cards to the waste collection centers.

Paige Dukes to April Huntley 2013-01-28 Yet when April Huntley submitted an open records request asking for the names of the 5,000 people who would be affected by the waste collection centers, this is what County Clerk Paige Dukes replied:

In regards to your open records requst for a copy of the 5,000 residents in unincorporated Lowndes County who will be affected by the closing of the recycling centers, the document you have requested does not exist.

Maybe this explains part of why Veolia, excuse me, ADS, seemed so confused yesterday morning. Come tonight to see if any Commissioners ask about this.


Surprise trash talk: repeat scheduled for tomorrow! @ LCC 2013-02-11

Not on the agenda, Veolia, excuse me, ADS, stood up to talk about trash collection Monday morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session. All of the new Commisioners had questions, some of which were answered. A repeat performance is scheduled for Tuesday evening: don’t miss it!

Dave Shepler, regional manager of Advanced Disposal (not on the agenda)

He said ADS wanted to start March 1 in order to give people time to mail in their cards and sign up, but the February 1st date was “what the county wanted to do.” About 400 accounts that had slow delivery, even though they called in very early; “coding error”. Can deliver about 200 carts a day, one crew is doing nothing but handling complaints. Some carts delivered without pickup information; he blamed that on the wind. Missed pickups. When the Bemiss center (presumably the one at Pine Grove) was closed over 3,000 people had not signed up, and there is trash on the ground that ADS is picking up. After 30 days Continue reading