Tag Archives: ACCG

Liability and retirement ACCG plans @ LCC 2013-07-22

The county does have liability insurance that covers all employees, including Commissioners, we learned at the Monday 22 July 2013 Lowndes County Commission Work Session; they vote tonight. And the county is also adopting an ACCG plan for retirement for a couple of new employees.

7.e. IRMA Liability Program Renewal 7.3. ACCG IRMA Liability Program Renewal

Someone (I couldn’t interpret the Chairman’s mumble) said it’s for both property and personal liability. This Interlocal Risk Management Agency (IRMA) program from the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) offers Continue reading

SPLOST, Children’s Appointment, Prisoners, and Water @ LCC 2013-07-22

A SPLOST VII presentation, an appointment to the Department of Family & Children’s Services Board, rehiring prisoners who are cheaper than local labor, and a letter to GA EPD about an upgrade to the Alapaha Water Treatment Plant they’ve been tinkering with since 13 and 14 August 2007 at least. Is this the upgrade Reed Construction Data says is on US 84, was engineered by Lovell Engineering? If so, it’s for:

Water Treatment, Sewage Treatment The Work To Be Done Shall Consist Of Furnishing All Labor Materials & Equipment Necessary To Construct The Project Titled Alapaha Water Treatment Facility As Shown On The Construction Drawings In General Construction Consists Of Approximately 950 LF Of 6 PVC Watermain, Relocation Of 20000 Gallon Hydro-Pneumatic Tank, Valves, Fittings, Controls, Erosion Control Grassing, 2 Submersible Wells, Water Supplies Sulfide Removal Stripper Tank, 2 Booster Pumps, 16′ X 16′ Blcok Masonry Bldg & All Other Associated Apertures Necessary For A Complete Installation

Here’s the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JULY 22, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2013, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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SB 104 that changed comprehensive plan rules: good or bad?

The Georgia legislature overwhelmingly passed a rather brief bill that changes the requirements for Comprehensive Plans by local governments. ACCG and GMA both supported it. It seems to be related to recent Department of Community Affairs (DCA) rulemaking that was mostly positive. Does that make it a good law? Opinions seem to differ. Here’s what I’ve found.

The Bill: SB 104

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ALEC again: GA HB 176 for higher cell towers with less local government oversight

After massive public opposition just fought off a subdivision near Moody’s gate, do we want telephone cell towers popping up in Moody’s flight lines? Trying to outlaw municipal broadband isn’t the only thing telecom companies and ALEC are up to in the Georgia legislature: they’re also pushing a bill for higher cell towers with less local government control over height or siting. Do you want one next to you without even an opportunity for a local government hearing?

Here’s what ACCG says about HB 176, renamed from ‘Advanced Broadband Collocation Act’ to ‘Mobile Broadband Infrastructure Leads to Development (BILD) Act’:

Cell Tower Siting Preemption Legislation Progresses

HB 176 passed a House Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Sub-Committee on Thursday. Representatives from ACCG, Cobb County, Gwinnett County, GMA and several cities expressed concerns on the impact this legislation will have on local cell tower siting ordinances. This bill significantly preempts local governments in reviewing and approving applications for both the modification of existing cell towers and structures (collocation) and the construction of new cell towers and structures local communities. As HB 176 is the top priority of the wireless industry this session and is being backed by many other influential groups including the Americans for Prosperity and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, it has very strong momentum. Please have your county staff review the bill and inform your House members of any negative implications it has on your local zoning, land use or tower/equipment application review processes. This legislation will likely be heard on the House floor soon.

Guess who’s chair of the Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications SubCommittee? Continue reading

National attention on GA HB 282 against muni broadband: needs GA leg. to vote it down

Another bad idea from ALEC already passed in SC and NC and is now in the GA legislature, getting coverage in several national technical and political blogs: HB 282, which would effectively forbid municipal broadband if any commercial carrier offers 1.5Mbps. It's up for a hearing this week: time to call your state rep.

Timothy B. Lee wrote for ArsTechnica 14 Feb 2013, Bill would ban muni broadband if one home in census tract gets 1.5Mbps: Approach could leave some Georgia residents without a viable broadband option.

Incumbent broadband providers are pushing legislation that would restrict Georgia towns from building municipal broadband networks. Under the proposal, if a single home in a census tract has Internet access at speeds of 1.5Mbps or above, the town would be prohibited from offering broadband service to anyone in that tract.

State-level restrictions on municipal broadband networks are

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