Here are LAKE videos of
the candidates forum at the Rainwater Conference Center
organized by the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce.
In the one remaining County Commission race, for District 3,
Tom Hochschild made opposition to the Sabal Trail pipeline
a platform plank,
Mark Wisenbaker mentioned his opposition to
the county’s lawsuit against local business Deep South Sanitation (DSS).
We know Hochschild is opposed to that lawsuit and Wisenbaker is
opposed to that pipeline, so we may get some change on the County Commission
in January.
Cary Scarborough of DSS was at this forum, as were many pipeline opponents.
Bikram Mohanty wins special mention for best use of the
VSU students Hochschild brought.
Tag Archives: 7 October 2014
No quorum @ ZBOA 2014-10-07
There was an agenda with the
solar parking Doctor Arunas Urbonas case, and a county case about Design Standards for Single Family Dwellings,
but not enough ZBOA
members were available for a quorum, so today’s meeting is cancelled.
Maybe next month.