Here are videos of the entire 30 April 2012 Regular Session of the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, which actually discusses cases when there are points to be clarified or positions to be debated. Here’s the agenda.
GLPC had four cases to be decided 10 May 2012 by the Valdosta City Council:
- CU-2012-02 Iras Dubard, 207 Crawford Lane, Valdosta
Recommended for on the second motion, with one vote against (John Page). - VA-2012-06 James D. Cone, 1800 Cypress Street, Valdosta
Applicant said he had a letter of clearance from the Army Corps of Engineers saying there are no jurisdictional wetlands on the property. He also said the flood plain which covers much of the property doesn’t exist, even though the tax assessors map says it does. It’s a church, Restoration Fellowship Church according to the tax assessors’ database, which isn’t permitted to do something I couldn’t catch; maybe you can decipher what she said.
Unanimous recommendation for the requested CC zoning. - VA-2012-07 Fannie O’Neal, 106 Mills Lane, Valdosta
Unanimous recommendation for. - CU-2012-03 Fannie O’Neal, 106 Mills Lane, Valdosta
Unanimous recommendation for.
And three cases to be decided 6 May 2012 by the Lowndes County Commission:
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