Tag Archives: 27 October 2012

LibertYOUtbreak @ LO 2012-10-27

Open, non-partisan forum A local group, LibertYOUbreak, met at Valdosta High School Saturday for a series of brief talks of opinion on issues by a variety of local people.

The first talk, Why No on Amendment 1 by J.C. Cunningham for GA House District 175, has already been posted separately. Here’s a video playlist for the rest.

Talks, Liberty Outbreak (LO),
Video by John S. Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
VHS PAC, Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 27 October 2012.

First they showed an animated movie, The American Dream by the Provacateur Network, which is mostly about money as debt. As I remarked to one of the organizers afterwards, that’s also the theme of Debt: The First 5,000 Years, by David Graeber, one of the founders of Occupy Wall Street (here’s a video interview with him, and a text interview). The cartoon movie, while presenting that theme in some depth, only briefly mentions Wall Street and focuses on the Federal Reserve and an octopus-like long-lived financial villain it calls Red Shield, which is English for Rothschild. I find that last a bit far-fetched, not to say outdated, considering that recent research shows that the real current octopus-like set of interconnected corporations looks more like this. But then plenty of things were said in the recent local political forums that I didn’t agree with, either.


Why No on Amendment 1 —J.C. Cunningham for GA House District 175

J.C. Cunningham, running for state representative district 175, reminded us all that the basic purpose of the Georgia state government is to provide public education, according to its constitution, and that local school boards already can and do approve charter schools. He gave five reasons for voting No on Amendment 1:

  1. Because out-of-state corporations are paying for this campaign….
  2. It creates a new Atlanta-based government bureaucracy.
  3. The new commission will be filled by appointments done by politicians, not the citizens.
  4. Georgia already has 200 charter schools, and we’ve already proven the process works.
  5. A Yes vote would… cost us an additional $430 million while most of our schools are not open a full year as it is….

The only reasoning that I can tell you that proponents have been giving us is school choice, and again, they already have school choice; we have school choice. The only new things about Amendment 1 are higher cost and unnecessary state bureaucracy….

Here’s the video, followed by a partial transcript.

Why No on Amendment 1 —J.C. Cunningham for GA House District 175
Talks, Liberty Outbreak (LO),
Video by John S. Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
VHS PAC, Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 27 October 2012.

Partial transcript:

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