Commissioner Crawford Powell wanted exemptions or exceptions
to Lowndes County’s travel policy for
“department heads, elected officials, County Manager”.
Commissioner Richard Raines just wanted the limits raised.
Commissioner Joyce Evans preferred they
…make a statement that we should not exceed a certain amount per day.
Chairman Ashley Paulk said exceptions were a problem and indicated they
would be a bad idea.
Powell and Raines are the same Commissioners who thought accepting a
federal grant for NOAA Weather Radios would be “wasteful spending”
of tax dollars and who refused a federal grant for an emergency vehicle.
Spending local taxes seems fine with then when it comes to their travel expenses.
They finally adopted a total of $75/day for meals.
I hate to agree with Frank Barnas, but
GSA standard for trips to Atlanta is $56/day.
At the Monday 24 October 2011 County Commission Work Session,
County Manager Pritchard said the county’s travel policy had been discussed
during their retreat and during budget preparations,
with changes for mileage reimbursement, meal limitations, and use of tax forms.
This is the policy we have been acting under since the adoption of the budget.
I just wanted to bring it back before you to make this adoption public.
Joyce Evans expressed a concern about it saying the County Manager or his
designee could approve expenses.
She seemed to want the designee part removed.
Crawford Powell said:
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