Hearing a representative was in town, Gretchen took the LAKE video camera
down to the Chamber of Commerce.
Greg Gullberg of WCTV invited her to rebut Rep. Austin Scott (R GA-08)
in her role as Chair of the Lowndes County Democratic Party (LCDP).
After some back and forth,
the WCTV story
shows transparency winning, and Gretchen with the last word.
But their [sic] is one thing they both agree on.
“I quite honestly think both sides ought to put their budgets on C-Span and maybe we ought to have those negotiations on C-Span,” said Scott.
“So I’m all for having everything all out on the table for all citizens to see,” said Quarterman.
Hey, what if
the Lowndes County Commission put its board packets and budgets out on the web
for all us taxpayers to see?
Here’s the WCTV video. The video Gretchen took will follow.
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