How does the hierarchy work? —Mario Bartoletti

Mario Bartoletti, the first to carry a protest sign into a VLCIA board meeting, said that as a member of WACE he wants to know the hierarchy and to whom does VLCIA report. Sticking to their current policy of never answering directly anything said in Citizens to be Heard, the board did not answer. (My […]

For the children —Matt Flumerfelt @ VLCIA 14 June 2011

Matt Flumerfelt put down his trumpet to speak for the biomass protesters. He recommended responsibility on behalf of the children and grandchildren. He also said he looks forward to the new VLCIA executive director, since her background in hotel marketing fits with his vision of the area as a retirement community. Here’s the video: For […]

Nominated VLCIA Officers for FYE 2012

Chairman Jerry Jennett asked Tom Call for a report from the officer nominating committee, which was that the nominated officers for FYE 2012 are: Roy Copeland Chairman, Mary Gooding Vice-Chairman, and Norman Bennett Secretary/Treasurer. Roy Copeland pulled a very sour face at the news. Mary Gooding asked Roy Copeland if he was willing to do […]

Musical protesters @ VLCIA 14 June 2011

When I got there at 5:30 the biomass protesters were breaking up so some of them could go inside and speak. Matt Flumerfelt is visible heading in the door with his trumpet. Videos of his and other remarks to the board will follow. Here’s the video: Musical protesters @ VLCIA 14 June 2011 Irregular Meeting, […]

Transparency and leadership for the local good —John S. Quarterman @ VLCIA 14 June 2011

Noting that I was there on behalf of the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE), which takes these videos and puts them on the web, I recommended to the Industrial Authority board that they put their agendas on the web, since they give those away at the door and they don’t contain any of the details […]

Why all those VLCIA special meetings?

Here’s the VlCIA board approving minutes for some of those recent meetings, although you can’t tell what they were for, since they were listed on the agenda like this: Minutes Special Called Meeting, May 17, 2011 Executive Session, May 17, 2011 Regular Meeting, May 17, 2011 Special Called Meeting, May 20, 2011 Executive Session, May […]

VLCIA land accounting

Chairman Jerry Jennett is asking for an accounting of the land VLCIA has bought using their $3 million a year in dedicated 1 mil property tax and $15 million in bonds that Lowndes County guaranteed for them. And it seems that much of it is in lots too small to be useful. While the VLCIA […]

Videos from VLCIA board meeting of 17 May 2011

For anyone who wants to review what the Industrial Authority did in its last regularly scheduled meeting, which was 17 May 2011, before going to today’s irregularly scheduled meeting, here is a playlist. Operating at a slower pace VLCIA 17 May 2011 Part 2 of 2: Regular Meeting, Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority (VLCIA), Norman Bennett, […]

Diff Operating Budget —Tom Call @ VLCIA 17 May 2011

Usually silent VLCIA board member Tom Call got a board meeting agenda item: Mr. Jerry and I met on May the second to review the… I was kind of educating myself as to the current operating budget and how it applies… goes into forming next year’s budget…. There’s just a few differences from the 2011 […]

2011 Economic Summit @ VLCIA 17 May 2011

Col. Ricketts reported he was on a panel at the 2011 Economic Summit which was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, and that he got a copy of a report by the VSU Center for Business and Economic Research about how the local area compares with others. Mary Gooding said Col. Ricketts represented VLCIA very […]