NRC to change nuke foreign ownership so EDF can fire up Calvert Cliffs?

The NRC “upheld” license denial for the Calvert Cliffs nuke with its fingers crossed, the very same day directing staff to look into changing the requirement by which it just ruled. A requirement against majority ownership by a foreign firm, in this case Électricité de France (EDF), whose flagship Cattenom reactor caught on fire a […]

Solar power in Japan to equal 7 nukes by end of this year

A Japanese feed-in tariff apparently provoked an explosion of solar power, making Japan head up towards China and Germany in installed solar power. Where is the U.S.? Where is Georgia, with much more sun than Japan? Maybe there is something more to learn from Fukushima after all, SO CEO Tom Fanning. Michael Fitzpatrick wrote for […]

TVA Bellefonte nuke won’t be built

Economics stopped another reactor, this time in Alabama, less than a week after San Onofre. But more are still in the works. Brian Wingfield wrote for Bloomberg Businessweek yesterday, TVA Shelves Work at Alabama Nuclear Plant Amid Industry Struggle, “Over the past few months, TVA has been looking across the company, including at our nuclear […]

The wind from the Cattenom nuke in France blows into Germany

From France to Berlin is as close as 32 nuclear reactors to here. Here’s a scenario for “Core meltdown accident in the nuclear power plant Cattenom (France) contamination of leafy vegetables by radioactive iodine with wind from the southwest”:

Birds stop cleanup work at closed Hanford plutonium plant

Birds nested using radioactive mud from WW II-era nuclear bomb production plant, stopping attempts to clean up some of the worst leaking atomic waste, much of which is liquid in leaking tanks near the Columbia River. We have nuclear plants leaking radioactive tritium next to the Chattahoochee and Altamaha Rivers, and radiation is detectible in […]

Owners want out of uranium enrichment company

Maybe Southern Company and Georgia Power should listen to Urenco’s owners: the nuclear industry is flatlining after Fukushima. Stanley Reed wrote for 27 May 2013, Powerhouse of the Uranium Enrichment Industry Seeks an Exit, The company that operates this uranium enrichment center, Urenco, is the world leader in the field. It is also plumply […]

San Onofre Off Forever Soon

People standing up for safety and sanity may yet stop big business nukes. After San Onofre is finally off for good, how about let’s cancel Plant Vogtle? -jsq Harvey Wasserman wrote for 16 May 2013, San Onofre at the No Nukes Brink, In January, it seemed the restart of San Onofre Unit 2 would […]

Look at Southern Company’s safety performance –SO CEO Fanning

At last year’s Southern Company Stockholder Meeting, Southern Company CEO Thomas A. Fanning said about the U.S. nuclear industry and Southern Company’s safety performance: And if you look at our performance, we absolutely meet the standards that our customers expect and frankly deserve. So let’s start there. Since then SO has not managed to pour […]

5.8 quake in Japan today

A quake big enough to shake houses, about 100 miles from the broken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors. Details from Japan Meteorological Agency: Earthquake Information (Information on seismic intensity at each site) Issued at 21:10 JST 17 Apr 2013 Occurred at (JST) Latitude(degree) Longitude(degree) Depth Magnitude Region Name 21:03 JST 17 Apr 2013 38.5N 141.6E 60 […]

Arkansas tar sands oil spill

Will Exxon clean all these tar sands oil spills like BP “cleaned up” the Gulf? Meanwhile, a solar spill is called a nice day. June 2013, pipeline ruptured in Alberta: 250,000 gallons spilled into the Red Deer River. 27 March 2013, train derailment in Minnesota: 15,000 gallons spilled. “Only about 1,000 gallons has been recovered,” […]