Arrogance of (Georgia) Power —Michael Noll

Received yesterday on Smart Metering in Finland Compared to Georgia Power; also as a facebook note. -jsq ONLY a monopoly like Georgia Power can proclaim to be “environmentally responsible” yet operate some of the worst coal power plants in the nation. Its Scherer Plant near Macon even leads the pack in regard to greenhouse gas […]

Started on Time! Lowndes County Commission finally set its clock @ LCC 2012-07-10

Somebody finally set the invisible clock in front of the Lowndes County Commission Chairman: for the first time in recent memory, they started on time, instead of four or five minutes before the announced start time. Even the old dog on the phone was surprised. The whole meeting took about seven minutes long. Note the […]

Privatizing water: could it happen here?

Water, the next oil: many big companies have already been betting on that for years now. Do we want privatize companies controling our water supplies for their profit, running up prices at our expense? We can prevent that, and we should get on with it. Jeneen Interlandi wrote for Newsweek 8 October 2010, The New […]

Nuclear and coal burning water: solar doesn’t

Solar power is the smart thing to do for jobs, energy independence, and profit. It’s also what we need to do to save water. Julia Pyper and ClimateWire wrote for Scientific American 29 June 2012, Electricity Generation ‘Burning’ Rivers of Drought-Scorched Southeast: A new report reckons the water cost of electricity generation Power plants are […]

Internet speed and access —John S. Quarterman @ LCC 2012-05-08

At a recent Lowndes County Commission meeting, I said: I was interested to learn two weeks ago that my neighbor Timothy Nessmith was interested in getting DSL on Hambrick Road. He said you can get it as close to him as Quarterman Road. I can attest to that because I have 3 megabit per second […]

Hazard mitigation and some licenses at County Commission 24-25 October 2011

Last Monday there was a hearing about hazard mitigation plan updates which I, uh, showed up late for. Ten minutes late, which, given that nobody else showed up at all, meant that the county staff went home, so as to avoid wasting taxpayer dollars presenting to an empty room. That was the second and last […]