Continue readingIt is unbelievable that despite all the concerns in our community about biomass, the Industrial authority is still considering to sell the land to a company like Wiregrass Power LLC. This is the same company the Industrial Authority once stated
it had no faith in anymore. This is the same company that just missed another deadline as stipulated by their contract. And this is the same company that apparently does not have the best interest of our community in mind.
Category Archives: VLCIA 2011-07-08
Many ways Valdosta can stop biomass
There are other things Valdosta could do, such as what the VSU
Faculty Senate did:
pass a resolution opposing biomass.
the mayor of Gretna, Florida did that.
If little old Gretna can do it, TitleTown USA can do it!
The Valdosta City Council could also hold an ethics investigation of their own appointees to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority, on the topic of why those appointees are in favor of a project with demonstrated health hazards to the community.
Short of that, Valdosta could demand transparency from VLCIA: Continue reading
Only city can stop biomass —VDT
VDT editorial yesterday: after the
Compelled? Give me a break! VLCIA has an attorney, and one of its board members is an attorney. If they can’t find a way to break a land purchase contract because conditions have changed, they need new legal counsel.In a recent Valdosta council meeting, longtime councilman Sonny Vickers asked if there was any way to put the biomass issue to rest once and for all. The good news, Councilman Vickers, is that there is and it’s all in the city’s hands.
The Industrial Authority signed an agreement with Wiregrass Power LLC which allows the company to purchase the land from the Authority and proceed with the project on its own. Although the Authority hasn’t yet voted on the issue, it appears that they don’t have a choice and may be compelled to honor the agreement.
Why didn’t they discuss that in their yet another special called meeting Thursday morning, in which they apparently discussed that offer from Sterling Planet to buy the proposed biomass plant site?
VDT continued:
And once the land is purchased, as long as the company complies with existing zoning laws, there is not a way to prevent the plant from being built.Continue readingOh, but there is.
“You can’t borrow yourself into prosperity.” —irony from VLCIA board member
A David Rodock story in the VDT 5 July 2011 included this quote:
I’m guessing this was G. Norman Bennett. Anyway, that’s quite the irony coming from a director of an organization that raised $15 million in debt Continue readingIncluded among the guests was George Bennett, Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority board member.
“I think it’s time we hold the elected officials accountable, whether they are Democratic or Republican,” said Bennett. “You can’t borrow yourself into prosperity. We need to talk with the legislators at the national level and get them to come around do what America is all about.”
Biomass plant land offer: Industrial Authority board meets this morning

Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority Special Called MeetingThe VDT calendar doesn’t say what real estate, but the source has usually been correct before. Since it’s about real estate they’ll probably go directly into executive session, which means the public can’t attend that part. However, public can attend the public street outside.
When Friday Jul. 8, 2011 8:00 AM Description Purpose of meeting is to discus real estate. Call 259-9972. Where Authority Offices
2110 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA
VLCIA Chairman Jerry Jennett previously said: Continue reading