Maybe HB 475 should be called the “Easy Jobs for Cronies Act”. It adds various definitions of public-private partnership, and then throws in a wild card: Continue reading
Maybe HB 475 should be called the “Easy Jobs for Cronies Act”. It adds various definitions of public-private partnership, and then throws in a wild card: Continue reading
Jay Hollis, CCA’s Manager of Site Acquisition, in his Valdosta-Lowndes County, GA / CCA Partnership: Prepared Remarks of August 2010, wrote:
So who is this local leadership?Our Valdosta/Lowndes County site quickly became our primary due to its local and regional workforce, collaboration of local leadership, site characteristics, proximity to necessary services and infrastructure, and accessibility to name a few.
We look forward to working closely with Valdosta/Lowndes leadership as we move forward in the months to come.Continue readingFinally, I’d like to take a moment to recognize a few folks that have been essential to the project:
According to
Valdosta-Lowndes County, GA / CCA Partnership: Talking Points
(undated, but it refers to
“The agreement formalized by the Industrial Authority on 8/17”),
The Valdosta/Lowndes site became the primary due to the local and regional workforce, collaboration of local leadership, site characteristics, proximity to necessary services and infrastructure, accessibility, etc.Nothing in there about low poverty or high wages. One could even read that the other way around, as in a low-wage population looking for jobs.
Looks to me like our Industrial Authority didn’t do much due diligence about private prisons.
Also note that the contract of 17 August 2010 between VLCIA and CCA was signed after the announcement in July 2010 that CCA had selected Decatur County. More about that in another post.
Economic Impact of Project Excel by Clifford A. Lipscomb, Ph.D., 2 November 2009:
The VLCIA has noted that Project Excel is considering other locations. Below I provide a comparison of key economic indicators for these alternative counties — Grady and Decatur.So which other county did CCA actually pick? Continue reading
In closing, it appears that Project Excel is an excellent candidate for location in Lowndes County.
Table 1. Characteristics of Selected Counties Variable Decatur Grady Lowndes Population, 2008 28,823 25,115 104,583 % Pop w/ Bachelor’s degree 12.1% 10.6% 19.7% Median HH Income, 2007 32,650 33,060 38,666 Persons below poverty, 2007 22.5% 22.2% 20.5% Persons white non-Hispanic, 2008 54.8% 60.6% 60.0%
According to “SCHEDULE 1.6.2 DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE” CCA was supposed to provide to VLCIA
CCA did provide a Title Objection Letter 19 November 2010, and that was due “within 30 days of receipt of the Survey”. So these Preliminary Specifications were due about six months ago. Let’s see them!Submission of Preliminary Specifications (Section 1.6.1)
No later than 6 months after receipt of the Survey
If those specifications have not been received by VLCIA, maybe the contract with CCA is no longer valid.
Or maybe VLCIA already received the NTP and is moving on with implementing the project. Seems to me the community should be informed, one way or the other.
CCA has already paid for two extensions on their Option Agreement
for land purchase.
Second Extension Term
was paid for in March 2010
and forwarded to the land owner.
Here’s video of
Col. Ricketts announcing it to
the VLCIA board 15 March 2011.
That second extension expires 13 March 2012, six weeks from today.
A Third Extension Term is possible, but has to be negotiated. Here’s what Purchase and Development Agreement of 17 August 201 says: Third Extension Term. The Authority shall use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain an option for a third extension term of twelve (12) months (the “Third Extension Term“). In the event the Authority is able to obtain such extension option on terms and conditions such that any required earnest money to be paid by the Company in connection with the exercise of such extension option does not exceed $75,000, and there is no increase of the price of the Site or any other payments not already required by the Option Agreement, then the Authority shall enter into a written agreement (the “Third Extension Term“) with the Seller reflecting the terms and conditions of such extension option….What happens if the Authority does not provide such an extension option? Continue reading
That agreement includes this legal boilerplate:
There’s nothing in there that says VLCIA can’t even say in their board meetings that Project Excel is a private prison for CCA. And outside board meetings, some board members have no reluctance to acknowledge that.it will use any confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information to which it has access solely for the purpose set forth herein and that it will indefinitely protect the confidentiality of such information and will not directly or indirectly disclose, reproduce, distribute, transmit or transfer by any means in any form any confidential documents, information and/or trade secrets that AUTHORITY may have or acquire during the Evaluation Period.
Confidentiality agreements like that are normal between two business entities. They seem a little odd between a business entity and a governmental agency. For example, that Agreement continues:
For purposes of this Agreement, “confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information” includes, but is not limited to, marketing materials, conceptual site drawings and images, form contract agreements, the identities of business contacts and the relationships developed with such contacts during the Evaluation Period, proposed terms of purchase and sale, if any….Yet many of those things are by their nature public records that VLCIA is required to hand over in response to an open records request, such as the one Matt Flumerfelt made which produced documents such as these: Continue reading
That survey plat was included in EXCEL (CCA) Title-Survey Objections (Reno-Cavanaugh) of 19 November 2010. That’s one of a group of files returned by VLCIA in response to an open records request by Matt Flumerfelt.
We now have some idea of what the prison would look like, due to this plan: Continue reading
Anita Singh wrote for the Telegraph today, Carlos Fuentes: legalise drugs to save Mexico,
Nobody is winning except the profiteers in arms andFuentes, Mexico’s greatest writer and a former diplomat, addressed the contemporary problems of Latin American — in particular, Mexico’s drug problem.
He said: “The drug traffickers are in Mexico, they send the drugs to the US and once they get across the border what happens? We don’t know who consumes them. We can’t prosecute, we can’t defend. It’s a very difficult situation for us Mexicans. The governments of the US and Mexico have to fight drug trafficking together.”
Fuentes believes that decriminalising drugs is the only way to end the violence that in the past five years has claimed nearly 50,000 lives of gang members, security forces and innocent bystanders.
“It is a confrontation. Sometimes we win, sometimes they win. But there are 50,000 killed and the relatives of those people don’t care who is winning.
We’re all losing through lack of money for education and militarization of our own police.
We can’t afford this costly failed experiment.
The real solution is the same today as in 1933:
legalize, regulate, and tax.
That will also drop the U.S. prison population way down,
saving a lot of money that can be used for education.
It’s going to happen eventually, so building more prisons that will end up being closed is
a bad idea.