Category Archives: VLCCCTA

Cemetery, residence, parking, housing, appointments to 5 boards @ VCC 2016-02-11

For the Valdosta four public hearings tonight at 5:30 PM, see first the LAKE videos of the Planning Commission Work Session and Regular Session. That cemetery rezoning is quite controversial.

The housing resolution may be related to proposed joint city-county nonprofit for rehab housing in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity.

Also, Valdosta has a new website, apparently as of yesterday; follow this link for more about that and an online survey.

Here’s the agenda. Continue reading

Videos: Sold out to Sabal Trail @ LCC 2016-01-26

Thank you Commissioner Demarcus Marshall for voting no. Calling it “a good business decision”, the CEO of Waller Heating and Air lauded the others for voting to sell county land for a pittance to a company from Houston, Texas, nevermind their resolution of a year ago. We thought we elected them to represent the people of Lowndes County, and we thought they did back in December 2014 when they unanimously voted “the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners opposes the construction of the Sabal Trail pipeline in any portion of Lowndes County.” But at least one of them (“Wisenbaker) didn’t even remember that the county voted to oppose Sabal Trail. Apparently most of them concur with what the County Engineer said about landowners who have not taken Sabal Trail’s money, “I don’t know who they are.”

Update 2016-01-28: WCTV report, plus Gret chen’s question: “Is less than 50 cents per person in Lowndes County enough to risk drinking water for all?”

Landowners who did take the money mostly did not have Continue reading

Videos: Board appointments + Sabal Trail easement! @ LCC 2016-01-25

The main Work Session took six minutes this morning, followed by an executive session, which turned out to be about easements for the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline, which they’re adding to the agenda to vote on tomorrow evening at 5:30 PM.

See also the agenda. Below are links to each video, followed by a video playlist.

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Appointments to 3 boards @ LCC 2016-01-25

Did you know there were openings on three boards? Probably not, since the county didn’t post anything in public. Now the day before they’re appointed, we learn “Dr. Lynne Feldman resigned from the Hospital Authority, leaving a vacant seat on the board. Dr. Steven Brian Dawson, Dr. John W. Devine, and Dr. John D. Roan have all been recommended for the position.” County Manager Joe Pritchard did not say who recommended them, or how they knew to apply. Similarly, on the Lowndes County Division of Family and Children Services Board (DFCS), somebody unnamed didn’t want to be reappointed, and “Elsie C. Napier has been recommended for the position.” And on the Valdosta-Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority Board, David Motley wants to be reappointed. At least we know how he knew.

There’s more on the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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Six board slots to be appointed by Valdosta

You have to live in Lowndes County, but not necessarily in Valdosta, to volunteer to serve on one of these appointed boards. City of Valdosta PR 14 January 2016, Six Opportunities to Serve in New Year,

Valdosta-Lowndes County residents who have made serving their community a New Year’s resolution have until Wednesday, Feb. 3, to apply for one of six city appointments to serve on a board, commission, authority or advisory committee.

The Valdosta City Council will vote on the new appointments at their Feb. 11 City Council meeting to fill the following vacancies:

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Videos: Pipeline, Tourism + KLVB appointments + flowers @ LCC 2014-12-09

The vote was unanimous for the resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline at the Lowndes County Commission Tuesday, to be followed tonight by the Valdosta City Council voting on their resolution of support for Lowndes County against Sabal Trail, including an additional clause about protecting our drinking water in the Floridan Aquifer. This follows a long string of county and city resolutions against that unnecessary, destructive, and hazardous pipeline boondoggle.

Speaking of boondoggles, Continue reading

Board packet: Trash, Pipeline, Tourism + KLVB appointments @ LCC 2014-12-08

The text of the Resolution Opposing the Sabal Trail Pipeline, the Commission meeting schedule, the budget calendar, and the proposed sign for the G. Robert Carter Law Enforcement Complex, plus maps for all those special tax lighting districts and details of budget and requests, all in the board packet for the 8 December 2014 Work Session and the 9 December 2014 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.

The County Clerk once again provided this packet only on paper and only in black and white. The request to the County Clerk asked for electronic copy, but once again she chose not to honor that part of the request.

There’s no change in that after the Open Government Symposium of 21 November 2014. Also, this request was sent shortly after the previous Commission meeting, and with more than three weeks notice the county only made this latest packet available at 4:35 PM the Friday before the meeting, when they close at 5PM.


Videos: Trash, Pipeline, Tourism + KLVB appointments @ LCC 2014-12-08

Who could have foreseen that ADS wants a rate hike? The Resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline they already sent to FERC is on the agenda for voting along with everything else tomorrow, 5:30 PM, Tuesday 9 December 2014. Congratulations again in advance for doing that!

Update 2014-12-09: board packet.

Staff wants to rename the Sheriff’s complex for former Sheriff and former Comissioner G. Robert Carter. And a bunch of appointments, contracts, calendars, and special tax lighting districts. in a very full agenda. Other county commissions, such as Thomas County, list potential appointees in their agenda. If Lowndes County did that, we wouldn’t have to google to figure out how to spell names of appointees. And without this LAKE video, you wouldn’t know who was being considered, unless you skipped work to go to that 8:30 AM Work Session.

Here’s the agenda. The videos are below in the order events transpired, followed by a video playlist.

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Pipeline resolution, Trash report, Tourism + KLVB appointments @ LCC 2014-12-08

The Resolution against the Sabal Trail pipeline they already sent to FERC is on the agenda for voting. Congratulations in advance for doing that!

Advanced Disposal is back to report on their trash disposal. Did they turn in their required written report this time? How about that recycling? ADS’ Steve Edwards scheduled to report is the same who couldn’t forsee any further acquisitions before they bought three more companies. And a bunch of appointments, contracts, calendars, etc. in a very full agenda.

Shortly after the previous Commission meeting, almost a month ago, I filed an open records request for the board packet. Today at 4:35PM I got a call saying it’s ready. It takes me 30 minutes to get there. They close at 5PM.

Here’s the agenda.

327 N. Ashley Street — 2nd Floor
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WWALS on Tourism Authority agenda @ VLCCCTA 2014-10-28

Dave Hetzel from Tifton will appear via video at the Tourism Authority Tuesday morning to talk about the Alapaha River Water Trail that WWALS Watershed Coalition is preparing. Here’s the agenda, sent by VLCCCTA board member Tim Carroll. -jsq

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
8:00 a.m.
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