Category Archives: Valdosta City Council

Arrests for speaking in an Arizona town

Something seems familiar about this story of a couple of people being arrested at small town council meetings for speaking up.

Ben Popken wrote for the Consumerist 15 July 2011, Small Arizona Town In Furor After 2nd Citizen Arrested For Speaking At Town Meeting:

The town of Quartzsite, AZ, population 3,466, is in disarray after a video showing police hauling away a citizen for speaking at the town meeting podium went viral. The woman was saying that the town council had been violating open meeting laws.

It was the second citizen arrested at a Quartzsite town meeting in two weeks.

What’s all this about? Continue reading

Dancing Around the Issue —Dr. Noll

Received this morning on Biomass plant land offer. -jsq
It is unbelievable that despite all the concerns in our community about biomass, the Industrial authority is still considering to sell the land to a company like Wiregrass Power LLC. This is the same company the Industrial Authority once stated it had no faith in anymore. This is the same company that just missed another deadline as stipulated by their contract. And this is the same company that apparently does not have the best interest of our community in mind.
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Many ways Valdosta can stop biomass

VDT says Only city can stop biomass. Well, maybe not only, but they could, by some of the things VDT suggested.

There are other things Valdosta could do, such as what the VSU Faculty Senate did: pass a resolution opposing biomass. Remember, the mayor of Gretna, Florida did that. If little old Gretna can do it, TitleTown USA can do it!

The Valdosta City Council could also hold an ethics investigation of their own appointees to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority, on the topic of why those appointees are in favor of a project with demonstrated health hazards to the community.

Short of that, Valdosta could demand transparency from VLCIA: Continue reading

Sunday alcohol sales last night was first reading in Valdosta City Council

Two comments yesterday morning:
Just for clarification purposes – this will be the “first reading” on this issue. No vote will take place tonight. It will be placed on our next council meeting agenda later this month for the second reading. That is when it will come to a vote.
-Tim Carroll
Thanks for the clarification, Mr. Carroll. At the reading today, I hope to present to you and all of the other fine leaders of our city the signatures gathered thus far.
-Alexander Abell
Here is Alexander Abell’s previous letter, which includes a link to the petition.


Sunday Sales of Alcohol —Alexander Abell

Received yesterday. -jsq
Depending on what City Council decides at tomorrow’s meeting, citizens may get a chance to vote in November whether or not to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages in stores on Sundays. As an American and a strong believer in freedom and democracy, I support this vote. I wonder why some protest even having a vote.

I cannot think of a single good legal argument for banning the sale of alcohol on Sundays. If you consider alcohol sinful, you are free not to purchase or consume any no matter the day of the week. If it is not against your own morals, why should

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Deaf, dumb, and blind –George Boston Rhynes

A comment Monday on Budget Hearing wrapup: no questions were entertained from citizens -jsq:
Soon the people of South Georgia Will see that the old 1860 Valdosta City Chater Mentality is still in force but has been extended to all citiens. That is to keep all citizens deaf; dumb; and blind to what is really going on in South Georgia. But in the end truth, right and equal justice will most certainly win in the end as history always records!

-George Boston Rhynes

Ponds for flood control and irrigation?

Build retaining ponds upriver to capture flood waters and use them for irrigation? That would be a start on some of the many water concerns. Tim Carroll sent the appended to a long list of people Sunday. -jsq

Important news concerning storm water/flood water management in our area. As noted below in Larry’s email, much work has been done to find solutions. I made this presentation to both the local and state Chamber Governmental Affairs Council’s soliciting their support. There have also been numerous contacts with state and federal representatives concerning this issue.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Happy Independence Day,

Tim Carroll

From: Larry Hanson
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 4:10 PM
To: Tim Carroll
Subject: FW: Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Plan Comments

Mayor and Council;

Any and all Georgians have the opportunity to comment on the proposed state water plan and specifically the Suwannee-Satilla Regional Water Plan that covers our region. As you know, I made a presentation to the regional water council late last year in Douglas regarding regional stormwater and the need to address this issue as part of the state water plan. The presentation was

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Piggyback Come Back #1 —George Boston Rhynes

And now an editorial by George Boston Rhynes, recorded 24 June 2011:
Thanks to local Television, News Papers, Radio, Elected Officials, Some Silence Community Religious Leaders and others who seemingly ignores the many, many problems in our beloved community without any concern that they along with their congregation and fellow citizens are somewhat ignored. Too often the people of Valdosta-Lowndes County and South Georgia in general have buried their heads in the sand; much like the legend concerning the Ostrich Bird that bury his or her head in the sand and pretend that they are in paradise. While the hunter stands only five feet away with a deadly weapon in his had that will soon put him into a extremely deep sleep—-forever!
Here’s the video:

Larry Hanson inducted to GMA Hall of Fame

According to the Valdosta city website 29 June 2011, Larry Hanson Inducted into Municipal Government Hall of Fame:

The Georgia Municipal Association inducted Valdosta City Manager Larry Hanson into the Municipal Government Hall of Fame at the association’s annual convention in Savannah Monday, June 27.

The Hall of Fame honors

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