I don’t think those words mean what they think they mean.
“Official duty” and “personal property” generally are opposites,
but the U.S. House this month defined them to be the same.
Proposed by
Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy [R-CA-23],
passed 4:02 PM 3 January 2017
a straight party-line vote,
H.Res.5 – Adopting rules for the One Hundred Fifteenth Congress.
“(b) Records created, generated, or received by the
congressional office of a Member, Delegate, or the Resident
Commissioner in the performance of official duties are exclusively
the personal property of the individual Member, Delegate, or the
Resident Commissioner and such Member, Delegate, or Resident
Commissioner has control over such records.”.
Privatizing official records of Congress; what will they think of next?
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