Category Archives: Sustainability

ALEC and the anti-sustainability astroturf talking points (aka “Agenda 21”)

Why do I keep associating the anti-sustainability astroturf talking points with ALEC? Because ALEC's "our state legislators" were promoting them at Georgia's Capitol.

ALEC logo Chip Rogers Two out of three of the Georgia legislators Jim Galloway named in Georgia's own 52-minute video on the ‘Agenda 21’ conspiracy, namely Chip Rogers and Barry Loudermilk, are associated with ALEC.

Senate Majority Leader (now former) Chip Rogers (R-21) has been ALEC's State Chaimran for Georgia and received ALEC's 2011 State Chair of the year Award. Surely you remember him! Rogers sponsored both misleading amendment 1 ("charter schools") and misleading amendment 2 ("multi-year contracts") on this year's ballot.

Barry Loudermilk Rep. Barry D. Loudermilk (R-14) is on ALEC's Telecommunications and Information Technology Task Force. How convenient that Loudermilk is the Secretary of the Georgia Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Committee!

So there is at least a convergence of ALEC's "our state legislators" and those pushing this anti-sustainability agenda. This is not surprising, since ALEC is opposed to clean, sustainable energy, as confirmed by ALEC's own attempt to rebut that point. A rebuttal that brought to light ALEC's phrase "our state legislators".

I see Loudermilk is a sponsor of a bill called the Georgia Government Accountability Act,

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The real U.N. Agenda 21

What is this Agenda 21 referred to by the anti-sustainability astroturf talking points movie shown at the Georgia statehouse?

The real Agenda 21 is a typical U.N. set of do-good wishful thinking documents adopted at a U.N. conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. If you think it’s been successful in actually implementing sustainability, you haven’t paid attention this summer to the U.N. Rio+20 successor conference from activists actually interested in a sustainable economy. Such pro-sustainability activists generally bemoaned the lack of effective action in the intervening twenty years: the climate continues to warm as almost every nation continues to burn more fossil fuels. The U.N.’s own Rio+20 document pretty much relegates such concerns to a sideline to an expanding economy.

The U.N.’s intentions are good: this is a small planet with Continue reading

Anti-sustainability astroturf talking points (aka “Agenda 21”)

For many months I have been resisting requests from various people (both pro- and anti-sustainability) to write about Agenda 21. Why resist? Because I considered the anti-Agenda 21 campaign a distraction from real issues. Now that ALEC’s “our state legislators” have made Georgia an international laughingstock over it, I suppose it’s a big enough distraction to write about. But the topic of this series is sustainability: you know, exactly what the astroturf talking points are meant to subvert. Sustainability is important, and we should talk about it.

Better Georgia: Agenda 21 Full Video from Bryan Long on Vimeo Jim Galloway’s 12 November 2012 AJC article, Georgia’s own 52-minute video on the ‘Agenda 21’ conspiracy, notes that the video some of ALEC’s “our state legislators” chose to play in the state capitol, like every other attack on sustainability that uses “Agenda 21” as a key talking point, also includes this:

”The Delphi technique was developed by the Rand Corporation during the Cold War as a mind-control technique. It’s also known as ‘consensive process.’ But basically the goal of the Delphi technique is to lead is to lead a targeted group of people to a pre-determined outcome…..”

The actual RAND Delphi study is RAND logo readily available on the web, and it doesn’t say what Agenda 21 conspiracy buffs say it says. Come on, conspiracy buffs: show me where the RAND study says its goal is “to lead a targeted group of people to a pre-determined outcome.” Nobody can show me that, because it doesn’t say that.

Galloway’s article says ALEC’s “our state legislators” were being taught that T-SPLOST was Continue reading