Category Archives: SGRC

First Brooks County Comprehensive Plan Workshop 2016-11-17

Received 15 November 2016:

Brooks County Future Development Map From: “Ariel Godwin” <>
Subject: Reminder: Brooks County Comprehensive Plan: First Workshop
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:51:27 +0000


The first workshop for the Brooks County Comprehensive Plan will be:

Thursday, November 17, 2016
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Brooks County Commission Offices
610 South Highland Street, Quitman

We are inviting you to participate to ensure that this plan update will be developed with as much local input as possible. Please also forward this email to anybody you feel would have an interest and Continue reading

Videos: 2 Lowndes County developments, Comprehensive Plan Update @ GLPC 2016-06-27

The Comprehensive Plan Update was the Other Business. Staff mentioned the many update workshops and said the Planning Commission could put it back on their agenda after the County Commission vote of the next day.

The REZ-2016-12 Bemiss Road Roy Rhodes rezoning is apparently some sort of science center for busing in home schoolers. “Coding? What’s Coding?” said Commissioner Ted Raker.

REZ-2016-13 Evelyn Lund 4701 Knights Ferry Road is a wedding venue.

Here are links to each of the LAKE videos of this June 27th 2016 GLPC meeeting, followed by a video playlist. See also Continue reading

2 Lowndes County developments, Comprehensive Plan Update @ GLPC 2016-06-27

The long-prepared transmittal of the Comprehensive Plan Update is on the Planning Commission agenda tonight at 5:30 PM, along with two Lowndes County land development cases, oddly scheduled for final approval by the Lowndes County Commission at two different dates.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park

Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue
Monday, June 27, 2016 * 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing

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Videos: Community Policies, Comprehensive Plan Workshop #5 @ SGRC 2016-04-18

One video for all the fifth workshop on Community Facilities & Services and Intergovernmental Coordination for the Comprehensive Plan Update for Greater Lowndes County.

Here’s a video playlist: Continue reading

Videos: Policies, Workshop #6 @ SGRC 2016-05-09

Educating people upstream about things they could do to reduce flooding, was among the topics discussed by Gretchen with the small sixth workshop that on Monday May 9th 2016 reviewed the Policies section (Word, PDF) of the 19 April 2016 Workbook for the Update to the Greater Lowndes Comprehensive Plan, as Ariel Godwin said in advance.

Here’s a video playlist:

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Existing and future land use and character area maps @ SGRC 2016-06-06

Received by email today this Reminder:

Lowndes County Future Development Map The final workshop for the Joint 2016 Lowndes County and Cities of Dasher, Hahira, Lake Park, Remerton, and Valdosta Comprehensive Plan Update will be:

Monday, June 6, 2016
5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
SGRC office, 327 W. Savannah Avenue, Valdosta

At this workshop we will review the existing land use and future land use or character area maps.

The entire plan workbook can be downloaded at: Continue reading

Policies @ SGRC 2016-05-09

5PM today, a Comprehensive Plan Update Workshop for Lowndes County, GA. Introduction to Policies Received by email this Reminder:

The next two workshops for the Joint 2016 Lowndes County and Cities of Dasher, Hahira, Lake Park, Remerton, and Valdosta Comprehensive Plan Update will be:

Monday, May 9, 2016
5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m.
SGRC office, 327 W. Savannah Avenue, Valdosta

At this workshop we will review the Policies. We will not have time to review them in as much detail as we have with the Issues and Opportunities, which is why I sent them out for your review ahead of time.

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Community Policies, Comprehensive Plan Workshop #5 @ SGRC 2016-04-18

6PM tonight at SGRC, fifth Workshop, as Ariel Godwin reminded us five days ago:

At our next workshop, we will finish reviewing the Issues and Opportunities for the Greater Lowndes Comprehensive Plan. We have two sections to review: Community Facilities & Services and Intergovernmental Coordination. I am attaching the Issues from those sections as they currently stand.

Since this is our second-to-last workshop, in the interest of time, I am attaching Continue reading

Videos: Lowndes Comprehensive Plan Workshop @ SGRC 2016-04-04

Here are links to the LAKE videos of the 4 March 2016 Workshop on the Lowndes County Comprehensive Plan Update, followed by a video playlist. The next Workshop is 6PM tonight.

Here’s a video playlist:

Videos: Lowndes Comprehensive Plan Workshop
Workshop, 2016 Lowndes County Comprehensive Plan Update (SGRC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
327 West Savannah Ave., Valdosta, GA 31601, 4 April 2016.


Videos: Community Wellness and Housing, Comprehensive Plan Workshop #3 @ SGRC 2016-03-21

Here are LAKE videos of the third Workshop of 21 March 2016 about the Lowndes County Comprehensive Plan Update.

The fourth Workshop is tonight, 5-7PM, at SGRC, 327 W. Savannah Avenue Valdosta, Georgia. Here’s the current draft of March 30, 2016, which resulted from that third workshop. Come help us update it!