Category Archives: Safety

Videos: CDBG, Seago retracted, road crossing closures, CDBG, GEMA, and public safety radios @ LCC 2017-01-24

It’s great they’re talking early about the CDBG grant for Habitat for Humanity and maybe some others, but they can’t get any state or local grants until the county finishes feuding with all the cities in the county about tax distribution. They spent second most time on the Kinderlou Road CSX RR crossing closure. Seago rezoning was withdrawn by the applicant. For Emergency Manager Ashley Tye’s report on tornado damage, see the videos of the previous morning’s Work Session. See also the agenda.

Below are links to each LAKE video of the 2017-01-24 Regular Session, with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. Continue reading

Videos: Seago back again, road crossing closures, CDBG, GEMA, and public safety radios @ LCC 2017-01-23

Lowndes County had no fatailities or major injuries from the recent storm, but our neighbors to the west and north were not so lucky, reported Emergency Management Director Ashley Tye. They vote tonight at 5:30 PM on is no longer on the agenda, but not on the Seago rezoning, because the applicant withdrew it. They can talk about CDBG funding, because of “all the circumstances”, namely that the county is feuding with all the cities in the county about tax distribution, and can’t apply for any state or federal grants until that is resolved. They adjourned to executive session to discuss litigation: does that mean they’re going to sue the cities about tax distribution all the way to the Georgia Supreme Court again?

Below are Continue reading

Seago back again, road crossing closures, CDBG, GEMA, and public safety radios @ LCC 2017-01-23

This morning at 8:30 AM we’ll probably hear a storm report from Emergency Management Director Ashley Tye. And back on the agenda for the third time, REZ-2016-21 Seago, 4678 US Hwy 41 S, still trying to buy a bit of adjoining land to get up to the minimum acreage: see the LAKE videos of the previous regular session, which link to all the previous stuff.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 2017, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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Pipelines companies don’t detect corrosion or stop explosions

A reminder of why to stop pipeline companies from burying investors’ money in the ground and get on with solar power: the pipeline that exploded in Texas last week was half owned by Spectra Energy, the pipeline company behind Sabal Trail, AIM, Penneast, and numerous other fracked methane invasions and behind thirty years of undetected corrosion resulting in leaks, explosions, property damage, and deaths. The pipeline company didn’t detect it and couldn’t even turn it off quickly. Want to bet that it, like Spectra’s Pennsylvania explosion last spring, was corrosion?

A very Texas report said “no people or cattle were injured” and also notice: “The fire is under control and will burn itself out.” Continue reading

FPL admits no need for new electricity until 2024: so why Sabal Trail?

17%, 13%, now 0% new electricity needed in Florida, according to FPL? And the Sabal Trail excuse of coal plant “modernization” has already been accomplished without Sabal Trail? While even FPL is now deploying solar power and admits solar “is now significantly influencing FPL’s resource planning”? So what is the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline boondoggle for, then?

Two years ago I pointed out that FPL’s own projections in its ten-year plans Continue reading

Flood map funding on Valdosta agennda @ VCC 2016-08-11

It’s Valdosta’s turn, after Lowndes County approved up to $40,000, tomorrow (Thursday 11 Aug 2016), it’s on the Valdosta City Council agenda for the city to approve a similar amount, adding up to matching what USGS is willing to supply. It was Valdosta’s idea in the first place, and maybe this interactive flood map for a small part of the Withlacoochee River through Valdosta will help prevent, or at least provide early warning for, the types of road closings and other floodings that happened in 2009.

5:30 PM Thursday, August 11, 2016

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Rally & Motorcade from Serenity Church to Courthouse 2016-07-12

Received from Rev. Floyd Rose at noon today:

As you know, people (White and Black) are marching in support of the black men who are being shot and killed by white police officers, 29519 124070624280866 1794251 N and the police who were killed in Dallas. SCLC decided that we would joined our black brothers and sisters and whites of goodwill all over the country by rallying at Serenity Church, 2016 North Lee Street here in Valdosta, at 10:00 Tuesday Morning, and then motorcade to the courthouse for a march and rally. We expect a large crowd, and would like very much for you, your family and friends to join us.

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Sen. John Barrasso predicted China emissions wrong

See the power behind FERC get it very wrong. About China emissions, about energy and economy, about solar power, and all in one speech.

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), YouTube, 3 December 2009 (posted 15 Dec 2009), U.S. Senator John Barrasso speaks at ALEC in December 2009 in DC. Part 3,

Just look at China, Continue reading

18-wheeler on Hambrick Road, and No Trucks Over 10 Wheels sign

This is what Gretchen meant when she told the Lowndes County Commission trucks too big use Hambrick Road as a short cut, when GA 122 is 0.4 miles farther up Cat Creek Road.

You can see who owns this particular truck, but it’s far from the only one. And in case you had any doubt where this is, Continue reading

Videos: Hambrick Road paving and traffic and Bevel Creek bridge @ LCC 2016-04-26

Thanks to County Engineer Mike Fletcher for doing almost what Gretchen asked at the Lowndes County Commission Regular Session 26 April 2016.

They rattled through the agenda with almost no questions, unanimously approving everything, including the $89,005 in emergency no-bid repairs. You’d have little idea why they were doing anything if you weren’t at the previous morning’s Work Session or you didn’t view the LAKE videos of the Work Session, in which we discovered for example it’s not Beatty Creek Bridge, rather Bevel Creek Bridge. Nonetheless, the County Engineer still said the creek name wrong.

Here are links to each of the LAKE videos of the Regular Session of April 26th 2016, with a few notes, followed by a video playlist. See also the LAKE videos of the Work Session of April 25th 2016, and the agenda.

They meet again this morning at 8:30 AM. Continue reading