The County Manager has found the legal documents on issuance of the the bonds Chairman Slaughter listed in his letter of 18 January.
Received yesterday (as a *.docx file, and still to the wrong email address, but this time including both residence and postal addresses), County Manager Joe Pritchard followed up on his email of 29 January, in which he had seemed puzzled about the term "financial instruments" (it's a standard term in business and investing) such as I asked for 28 January. I thank Mr. Pritchard once again for responding. (I thanked Chairman Bill Slaughter in person the other day.) The relevant correspondance about the flyer that Mr. Pritchard previously wrote was created by the VDT is still missing. I will ask for that Monday, when I respond to Mr. Pritchard's most courteous offer to inspect the financial instruments.
Here's Mr. Pritchard's letter. -jsq
February 1, 2013Continue reading
John Quarterman
6565 Quarterman Road
3338 Country Club Road #L336
Valdosta, GA 31605
Dear Mr. Quarterman:To follow up my email of yesterday, I have obtained the binder of the documents executed at the closing of the $15,500,000 CVDA