The Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) meets tonight.
Here’s the
The agenda was faxed by GLPC Chairman Bill Slaughter to Gretchen Quarterman for LAKE, at her request; GLPC itself still doesn’t have agendas online, fifteen months after SGRC stopped posting them.
In his fax cover letter of 23 October 2012, Bill Slaughter noted:
Great Job Last Night!
See You Wed. Evening!
Presumably he was referring to her appearance at the
22 October Candidates Forum 30 Club at Serenity Church
and the then-upcoming
24 October Candidates Forum by AAUW at Valdosta High School.
Gretchen Quarterman and Bill Slaughter are the two candidates
for Chairman of the Lowndes County Commission.
You can see LAKE videos of
all four Candidate Forums online.
There is one Valdosta permit case on tonight’s GLPC agenda, and three rezoning cases, one from Hahira, and two from the county. I have been transcribing these faxes, but I don’t have time today, so here’s a brief summary table.
Final action Thursday 8 Nov 2012 |
2. CU-2012-07 Stafford Properties
1609 Norman Drive, Valdosta Request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP for a Car Wash in a Community Commercial C-C zoning district. |
Final action Thursday 1 Nov 2012 |
3. HA-2012-01 Gateway Pines
1022 W. Stanfill Street, Hahira Request for a Variance to Parking Requirement prescribed by Section 7-1.1, 7-4, and 9-3.2 of the Hahira Zoning Ordinance |
Lowndes County,
Final action Tuesday 13 Nov 2012 |
4. REZ-2012-16 Cook County Land Ventures
SW corner of Georgia Highway 122 East and Cat Creek Road, Hahira Request to rezone ~2 acres from E-A (Estate Agriculture) to C-C (Crossroads Commercial) |
5. REZ-2012-17 John Henry Davis dba Lowndes Development, LLC
Davidson Road, Valdosta Request to rezone 23.49 acres from MAZ-II and MAZ-III (Moody Activity Zone) to R-10 (Suburban Density Residential) |