Category Archives: Lowndes County Commission

SPLOST VII referendum 2013

If you live in Lowndes County outside the cities, the only thing you have to vote on today is the SPLOST referendum. (If you live in one of the five cities, you also get to vote on SPLOST.) See Where’s your polling place in Lowndes County? for where to vote. Here is the SPLOST referendum as worded by the Lowndes County Commission and appearing on the ballot today, according to the Georgia Secretary of State My Voter Page:

Lowndes County SPLOST Referendum
(Vote for One)

Shall a special one (1) percent sales and use tax be imposed in the special district of Lowndes County for a period of time not to exceed six years and for the raising of an estimated amount of $150,000,000 to be used and expended:

by Lowndes County for purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: acquisition of right-of-way for, construction of, improvements to, and maintenance of road, street, and bridge facilities; major capital equipment, including vehicles, for construction of, improvements to, and maintenance of road, street, and bridge facilities; construction of, improvements to, and major capital equipment for water and sewer facilities; major capital equipment for law enforcement purposes, including law enforcement vehicles, and improvements to law enforcement facilities, including evidence storage facilities; major capital equipment for firefighting purposes, including firefighting vehicles, and improvements to firefighting facilities, including training facilities; improvements to 9-1-1 call answering facilities, including upgraded 9-1-1 security system and new computer aided dispatch system; improvements to and major capital equipment for public safety radio system purposes; acquisition of property for, construction of, and improvements to parks and recreation facilities, including new soccer facility, Naylor Community Center, boat ramp on Alapaha River, basketball courts at Freedom Park, and baseball field for special needs persons; improvements and additions to animal welfare facilities; improvements to civic center facility; improvements to historic courthouse facility; improvements to and major capital equipment for library facilities; improvements to airport runway, taxiway, and beacon tower facilities;

by the City of Valdosta for the purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: construction of and improvements to road, street, and bridge facilities to include sidewalks, piping of ditches, land acquisition, design, traffic signals, intersection improvements, resurfacing, street repairs and materials, traffic management center improvements, technology improvements, and other transportation systems and equipment; construction of and improvements to drainage infrastructure, systems, facilities, equipment, and capital materials to include the purchase of land, property, capital equipment for the maintenance of drainage facilities and infrastructure, and necessary studies, plans, aerials, mapping, design documents, and surveys to support such projects; construction of, improvements to, and capital equipment for police facilities and operations to include technology, building renovations, and equipment purchases to include technology and operational equipment; construction of, improvements to, and capital equipment for fire department services, firefighting, training, fire station facilities, fire vehicles, facility renovations, additions, equipment, technology, and other equipment; construction of, improvements to, and capital equipment for parks and recreation facilities; construction of, improvements to, and equipment for water and sewer facilities including but not limited to design, land acquisition, equipment, repairs, renovations, replacement and new construction of facilities, plants, equipment, infrastructure, materials, and capital equipment; construction of, improvements to, and capital equipment for public works facilities to include sanitation vehicles, public works vehicles and equipment, facility and equipment improvements, replacements and renovations; construction of, improvements to, and replacement of a jointly owned public safety radio system to include equipment and technology improvements; repairs, renovations, and capital equipment for administrative facilities to include buildings, Mathis Auditorium, and computer hardware and software; property and land acquisition, capital equipment, and improvements to include design and construction of capital improvement projects as identified in the downtown Valdosta strategic master plan;

by the City of Hahira for purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: construction of, improvements to, and major capital equipment for road, street and bridge facilities, sidewalks, bicycle and cart paths and trails, including acquisition of rights of way, improvement of surface-water drainage, widening, resurfacing, leveling, and other repairs for preservation of road, street, and bridge facilities; construction of, improvements to, and major capital equipment for water and sewer facilities; construction of, improvements to, and major capital equipment for public safety facilities, including police and firefighting and rescue equipment, computer equipment, communications equipment, police and fire department vehicles, and acquisition of property; construction of, improvements to, and major capital equipment for administrative facilities, including city hall, computer equipment and technology upgrades; construction of, improvements to, and capital equipment for city parks and recreation facilities, including acquisition of property and construction of parks;

by the City of Remerton for purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: construction of and improvements to road, street, and sidewalk facilities, and acquisition of equipment related thereto; construction of and improvements to water, sewer, and public works facilities, including, but not limited to acquisition of equipment and payment for services rendered in connection therewith; purchase of equipment for public safety including, but not limited to, public safety vehicles; construction of, improvements and renovations to, or the purchase of property for municipal facilities, and purchase of furniture, fixtures, and equipment related thereto;

by the City of Dasher for purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: construction of and improvements to community culture, history, digital information center, museum, library, and technological equipment and software; construction of and improvements to streets, walks and bicycle paths, roads, and bridges; construction of and improvements to parks and recreation facilities including land development, capital equipment, and infrastructure; development of plans for, construction of, and improvements to sewage and water distribution systems; and

by the City of Lake Park for purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: construction of and improvements to road, street, and bridge facilities, sidewalks, bicycle and cart paths and trails, including acquisition of rights of way, improvement of surface-water drainage, widening, resurfacing, leveling, and other repairs for preservation of road, street, and bridge facilities; construction of and improvements to water and sewer facilities; construction of and major capital equipment for public works facilities, including maintenance building facilities, service vehicles and maintenance equipment, and acquisition of property for construction of a maintenance building; improvements to and major capital equipment for public safety facilities, including police and firefighting and rescue equipment, computer equipment, communications equipment, and police and fire department vehicles; improvements to and major capital equipment for administrative facilities, including improvements to city hall, computer equipment, and technology upgrades; improvements to and capital equipment for city parks and recreation facilities, including acquisition of property, construction of parks, and renovation and restoration of civic center and other historic structures.




SpectraBusters against the Sabal Trail pipeline

Pipeline opposition got written up in the Albany Herald. You haven’t seen many pipeline posts here in the LAKE blog lately because SpectraBusters has its own blog now.


Other recent developments include Florida PSC tentatively approved pipeline, Gertrude Dickinson’s stream of opposition from Sumter County Florida, and schedule of Open House meetings in December required by FERC among the FERC filings about the Sabal Trail pipeline and how to file a comment or become an intervenor with FERC.

Remember Spectra will be haunting the Lowndes County Commission Work Session 9 December 2013.

And if you want to see where Spectra’s gas comes from, come see Gasland II at VSU 7PM Thursday 7 Nobemver 2013.

SpectraBusters: We ain’t afraid a no pipeline!


Videos: Nottinghill tabled, Barrington, Whitewater, New Statenville + VLD * 2 + Dasher + Hahira variance @ GLPC 2013-09-30

In last month’s Planning Commission meeting we learned that developers get agenda items in PDF; yet the county still doesn’t publish agendas or minutes, much less agenda packets, online. Nottinghill (on Orr rather than Cat Creek Road this time) was tabled. Norwood (on Springhill Drive in Valdosta) got recommended denial by 5-4 and was later withdrawn, plus a a Hahira variance (5 to 3 against), a Valdosta conditional use permit (unanimously recommended), a Dasher zoning text amendment (unanimously recommended), and three other rezonings in Lowndes County, on New Statenville Highway, Whitewater Road @ Williams Road, and Barrington Drive @ Bemiss Road.

Here’s the agenda, with links to the videos and a few notes.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission

Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park



Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue

Monday, September 30, 2013* 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing

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The SPLOST Debate –Tim Carroll

Received 27 October 2013. -jsq

I have had a number of folks contact me about the upcoming SPLOST VII referendum and inquiring about a MOST. Trying to talk about all of this in as few a words as I can is not easy. But to give you some perspective—the city’s general fund budget is $32M. $5.9M of the revenue for this fund comes from property taxes. Based on the city tax digest a mill is worth $1.5M. The experts say 50.2% of the sales tax is paid by out of towners. In the opinion of some folks, it is closer to 30%. Pick the experts or local guesses ….it still is a significant amount. It clearly is very beneficial to the citizens of Valdosta and Lowndes County.

By now many have heard about a MOST or Municipal Option Sales Tax.

In the first part of this year—the city of Valdosta was faced with Continue reading

Steward, Chancy, VLCIA, Nottinghill, and Teramore @ GLPC 2013-10-28

Why is the Industrial Authority asking Valdosta to annex and rezone a parcel it apparently does not own? That plus rezonings in Dasher and Hahira (see separate post for more on that one), plus two in Lowndes County: Teramore, and Nottinghill is back.

Here’s the agenda.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission

Lowndes County City of Valdosta City of Dasher City of Hahira City of Lake Park



Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue

Monday, October 28, 2013* 5:30 P.M. * Public Hearing

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Transparency not a problem –Bill Slaughter @ VLMPO 2013-10-23

Defining away another problem, like he already did Internet access, Lowndes County Chairman Bill Slaughter said:

I can’t honestly just buy into the real problem of transparency in this community.

This was after numerous people in the room at the VLMPO Open House on Common Community Vision at Mildred Hunter 23 October 2013 expressed concerns about needs to video local government meetings and put them online, and to make various processes more open.

Regarding videoing, Slaughter trotted out former Valdosta Mayor John Fretti’s old chestnut about allegedly in cities where meetings are televised citizens grandstand and the meetings drag on forever. Nevermind that there are numerous ways to do it, such as putting videos on the web and not simulcasting, and in places like Tallahassee that do both not many citizens usually show up. The people I’ve seen grandstanding consistently at local government meetings around here are Continue reading

Spectra to answer questions about pipeline @ LCC 2013-12-09

Received yesterday. Good first step. Will the Commission also have Spectra speak at the Regular Session, like they did ADS back in February? Will it make that a public hearing?
Update 11:30 AM: Pipeline meeting set: Commissioner gathers opposing views by Matthew Woody, front page of the VDT this morning. -jsq

From: Demarcus Marshall <marshall at>
Date: Friday, October 25, 2013 7:51 AM
To: Tim Bland
Cc: Matthew Woody
Subject: Sabal Trail Pipeline

Tim and Residents along the Proposed Sabal Trail Pipeline,

Brian Fahrenthold of Sabal Trail Pipeline contacted me yesterday and requested an audience with the Lowndes County Commissioners. I have submitted to the chairman a slot for him to address the commissioners at our December 09, 2013 work session. I am writing you to ask Continue reading

Spectra Energy fined $15 million for PCB spills at 89 pipeline sites –EPA

Those PHMSA fines weren’t the half of Spectra Energy’s leaks and environmental violations. Do we want a record-EPA-fined pipeline company running PCBs through our counties? Don’t we have enough PCBs in the ADS landfill in Lowndes County that’s in a recharge zone for the aquifer we all drink out of? Haven’t we already imported enough hazardous wastes from the Seven Out Superfund site in Waycross? Maybe the Lowndes County Commission should hear about these things tonight.

L.A. Times, 21 October 1989, Pipeline Firm to Pay Record EPA Fine, Continue reading

Videos: Health, insurance, library, and alcohol @ LCC 2013-10-21

Vice Chair Richard Raines ran the work session, calling the meeting to order and moving briskly through the first item (minutes for approval). Commissioners asked questions on most of the other items. -gretchen

In the Library item Commissioners discovered even they didn’t get the whole board packet. After the meeting, Gretchen filed an open records request for the agenda packet, but if the county runs true to form she won’t get it until after they vote in the Regular Session tomorrow evening at 5:30 PM. Insurance plan and health plan took more than 20 minutes, with many questions from Commissioners.

Here’s the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Striping and citing @ LCC 2013-10-08

Catching up with the Regular Session of 8 October 2013, why is the county going to pay $150/month for a traffic signal and $2200/month for offramp lighting (both at Exit 22, North Valdosta Road) when they could install solar panels and batteries once and pay nothing ongoing?

They tabled Nottinghill like the Planning Commission did. They voted to let Barrington subdivision sprawl into the county with no conditions, taking staff’s recommendation instead of one about a fence by the Planning Commission.. They voted to rotate the mostly ceremonial Vice Chairman position every eight months. They decided on a price for tentants in the Leila Ellis Building and will get around to drawing up a lease agreement. Commissioners finally did get that list of roads for striping. Fiddling changes to percentages evidence for juvenile justice and hardware and software for fining people coming off of I-75.

Here’s the agenda with links to the videos and a few notes. See also videos of the previous morning’s Work Session.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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