Category Archives: Lowndes County Commission

GA SB16: Lowndes County Commission Expansion

Georgia Senate Bill 16 Lowndes County; provide for a board of commissioners; powers and composition has passed the House on Feb 10th and the Senate on Feb 28th and is now waiting for the governor to sign it. Here’s the summary:
A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend and supersede the laws pertaining to the governing authority of Lowndes County; to provide for a Board of Commissioners of Lowndes County; to provide for the powers and composition of the board of commissioners; to provide for election districts, qualifications, terms of office, and filling of vacancies of commissioners; to provide for meetings and quorum; to provide for the responsibilities of the chairperson; to provide for a vice chairperson and the vice chairperson’s responsibilities; to provide for submission pursuant to Section 5 of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended; to provide for severability and effective dates; to provide for the repeal of existing enabling legislation; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
The actual bill still has to be approved by U.S. DoJ “pursuant to Section 5 of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended”: Continue reading

VLCIA Bonds: $15M becomes $23.5M?

How much are those bonds VLCIA has committed we the taxpayers to?

According to VLCIA’s FYE 2011 Annual Financial Report it looks like the bonds started out as about $15,000,000, and are

If I’m reading that right (I am not a CPA), VLCIA took out about $15M in bonds for which they will pay back a total of about $23.5M. Is that really $8.5M in debt service, or about 56% of the original principal? Is that a good deal VLCIA has made with we the taxpayers’ money?

Meanwhile, VLCIA has

That’s an interesting number to contemplate while other arms of local government are scraping to pay salaries and provide services. One of those other arms of local government is the Lowndes County Commission, which appears to be co-guarantor for those bonds.


VLCIA “inter-governmental funding agreement” with Lowndes County

If Lowndes County funds VLCIA and helps secure its bonds, how can the Lowndes County Commission have no control over VLCIA?

In Note A: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies of VLCIA’s FYE 2011 Annual Financial Report:

Reporting Entity

The Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority is a political subdivision created by the State of Georgia Legislature to stimulate growth in the Valdosta-Lowndes County area. The Authority’s revenues are derived primarily from contributions by local governnments and by the sale of land in the industrial development parks owned by the Authority.

Well, the VLCIA’s charter is available on the web and it doesn’t just say “growth”; it also says “the public good” and “the general welfare” of the community.

The financial report continues:

The members of the Industrial Authority are appointed by both the City Council of the City of Valdosta and the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners. Primary operating funding, as well as guarantees for certain bonds, comes from the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners and accordingly, the Authority is considered to be economically dependent on Lowndes County.
The first sentence is correct. If the second sentence is correct, how can the Lowndes County Commission say it has no control over or responsibility for the Industrial Authority?

Further, in Note F: Long Term Debt:

The bonds are secured by an “inter-governmental” funding agreement between the Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority and Lowndes County, Georgia.
If the Lowndes County government is co-guarantor of VLCIA’s bonds, how can the Lowndes County Commission say it has no responsibility or control over what VLCIA does? I am not a CPA, but the term “fiduciary responsibility” comes to mind. These bonds are, after all, being paid for by our tax dollars, and the Board of Commissioners are our elected representatives for the county.

How big are those bonds, anyway? See the next post.


VLCIA Annual Financial Report FYE 30 June 2011

Where does that $3 million a year in VLCIA tax revenue go?

In the Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending 30 June 2011, for the Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority (VLCIA), there are some interesting assertions, and some really interesting dollar figures. These documents were obtained by open records request February 2011 and given to LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.

See the following posts about the “inter-governmental agreement” between VLCIA and Lowndes County and about the size of the bonds and debt servicing VLCIA has committed to. And of course read the report for yourself and see what you think.


DHS grant for emergency vehicle, LCC work session, 21 Feb 2011

Here’s video of the explanation by county staff the proposed DHS grant application for an emergency vehicle. It includes questions and statements from commissioners, and goes on for almost 11 minutes. This was at the work session of 21 Feb 2011.

The sound would be better if the county used their own equipment, which is already purchased and in place in that same room, to record their own sessions and make them available over the web.

Here is the LAKE video. Maybe somebody would like to make a transcription.

Work session, Lowndes County Commission, 21 February 2011.
Video by John S. Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.

Video of this topic at the regular session of the next day will follow. This is one of the grants Ken Klanicki referred to in his LTE in the VDT the other day about a steep learning curve.


“the learning curve is very steep” –Ken Klanicki

This LTE appeared in the VDT yesterday (28 Feb 2011). -jsq
Former Lowndes County commissioner Richard Lee once told me “…the learning curve is very steep for first-time commissioners.” Our new county commissioners, Richard Raines and Crawford Powell, are living proof of the veracity of that statement. In case Bill O’Reilly is reading this, here’s a few examples.

Earlier this month a grant application for the purchase of 5,000 weather emergency radios was nixed by a 2 – 1 vote. The radios could’ve been a means for citizens residing in remote areas of the county to

Continue reading

The owl in Hahira: March 2011 LAKE meeting

The owl in Hahira:
Monthly LAKE Meeting
When: 5:30-6:45 PM, Tuesday 1 March 2011
Updated meeting location
Where: home of Thomas Ieracitano
414 East Main Street, Hahira
That’s on US 122, just east of the Masonic Lodge.
Thomas says:
“Bring a lawn chair, laptop (I will have Mediacom wireless) and your own food and drink.”
If it rains or there are too many bugs or something, we will move to:
Down Home Pizza
103 South Webb Street, Hahira

Help cover food, water, transportation, incarceration, solar energy, biomass, and regular local government meetings: you never know when news will be made!

Popular topics lately on the LAKE blog, On the LAKE Front, include Continue reading

Lowndes County Commission meets tonight

County Commission Chairman - Ashley Paulk District 1 Commissioner - Joyce Evans District 2 Commissioner - Richard Raines District 3 Commissioner - Crawford Powell
Lowndes County Commission meets tonight, 5:30 PM, at 327 N. Ashley Street, Valdosta, GA 31601. Here’s the agenda: appointement to SRJDA (what’s that? come and see!), Hump Road abandonment, landfill permit modification, $800,000 DHS grant application, purchase of wetland credits for old Clyattville Road, Gateway Grants, and other items. Some of them may affect you.

Meetings start on time, and remember if you want to speak you have to sign up before the meeting, so come early.


Citizens and Sheriff Prine recognized @LCC, 8 Feb 2011

The Lowndes County Commission seems to have suddenly gone from lecturing citizens about how it’s a waste of tax money for people to speak too often to inviting all sorts of citizen groups to show up and speak or be recognized. I call that a good thing. We’ll see if this era of good feelings lasts. In addition to the many students speaking about Tranqulity Trail, at the same meeting the Chairman recognized a Boy Scout troop (at least I think that’s what that one was) and Boy Scout Troop 418 (I’m pretty sure about that one). Also the Chidren’s Advocacy Center (more about that one later). And Sheriff Prine thanked the Commission for their support in searching Ocean Pond for seventeen days.

Regular meeting of the Lowndes County Commission, 8 February 2011,
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia.
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.


Tranquility Trail –James Wright and students @LCC, 8 Feb 2011

Valdosta City Council member James Wright and students speak to the County Commission about Tranquility Trail. The students have a number of good points, such as “It’s not about me but our community” and “Don’t Litter, Make Our Trail Glitter”, and trees have educational and recreational benefits, and “We need our community to come in with us… how our community can get involved.” James Wright wraps up with “Development of our community and our citizens.” There’s more. Here’s the whole thing:

Regular meeting of the Lowndes County Commission, 8 February 2011,
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia.
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for LAKE, the Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange.
