Category Archives: Lowndes County Commission

Open Records Request – 20130426 – Waste Water

Wastewater spills open records request In addition to calling Lowndes County, I also filed this Open Records Request:

Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 10:56:39 -0400
To: Paige Dukes, Mike Allen, Phyllis Judge
Subject: Open Records Request – 20130426 – Waste Water


Please find attached an open records request for the following:

1) All written reports to EPD about waste water spills for the last 3 years
2) All year long monitoring programs/results after each spill
3) published notices in legal organ of all spills for last 3 years
4) a copy of the Overflow Emergency Response Program

I would prefer electronic copies of these documents if they are available.

Thank you,


Gretchen Quarterman

I attached a scan of the paper Lowndes County Open Records Request form I filled out.


Status of (not Valdosta) Lowndes County Waste Water Spill

Mike Allen, Utilities Director, Lowndes County, Georgia After learning that Lowndes County (not Valdosta) was having a waste water spill, I called the Utilities Department and asked to speak with Director Mike Allen.

The person that answered the phone said that he was not available and perhaps she could answer my question or put me through to his voice mail. I figured that perhaps I could get some of my questions answered so I asked about the status of the current waste water spill. She said that it had been repaired as of 5am today (April 26).

I then asked if it would be possible to get a copy of the Overflow Emergency Response Program and she asked my name. When I said my name (Gretchen Quarterman) she said that I would have to talk to Paige Dukes and she would transfer me. After a long wait, she came back on the phone and said she would transfer me and I was transferred to the voice mail of Paige Dukes. I did not leave a message.


Major Spills: What to Do –GA DNR

Georgia: 14 River Basins Apparently whoever is responsible for a major spill into Georgia waters needs to immediately tell GA EPD DNR and the local health department and post a sign, and the sewage leak at GA 133 into the Withlacoochee River qualifies as a major spill. The City of Valdosta reported it as such, but it’s not clear it was their spill (update: it was Lowndes County’s spill). Excerpts below from GA DNR’s guidelines. -jsq

Water Quality: A Guide for Municipal Compliance by Mick Smith, Environmental Engineer.

Spills and Major Spills


  • Any discharge of raw sewage < 10,000 gallons to waters of the state

Major Spill

  • Any discharge of raw sewage > 10,000 gallons to waters of the state
  • BOD5 or TSS = 1.5 x weekly avg. permit limit
  • Any discharge resulting in a water quality violation
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Videos: trucks and row crops, and Earth Day again @ LCC 2013-04-22

Seven minutes, with some discussion about trucks and irrigation of row crops on a liquid waste application site. There was no special presentation, not about the Westside Archives, nor about anything else. They did mention this morning’s Earth Day event again, and added a little bit of detail.

Here’s the agenda with a few notes, and links into the video.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Videos: No road abandonment, Yes deannexation, and Earth Day @ LCC 2013-04-09

Eight minutes and a few seconds for the Regular Session of 9 April 2013 of the Lowndes County Commission, with the road closing withdrawn (while it’s still unclear who owns the land next to that road) and the deannexation approved. No special presentation was seen at the scheduled item, but an Earth Day event was announced at the end of the meeting.

Here’s the agenda, with a few notes, and a few links into the video.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Earth Day at the Lowndes County Courthouse @ LCC 2013-04-09

11AM this morning the County will plant three hardwood trees where the Annex was at the historic Lowndes County Courthouse.

At the 9 April 2013 Regular Session, The Chairman announced that at 11AM on Earth Day, Monday 22 April 2013,

over at the historical Courthouse square, Lowndes County Board of Commissioners and Lowndes County Public Works Department will plant three trees that are native to south Georgia in celebrating a three-day free-to-the-public electronic recycling event. The public is welcome. And I’d like to also recognize at this time special thanks to Advanced Disposal and Yancey Caterpillar for helping with the funding of this event.

What we’re doing is at the request of the Committee for the Preservation of the Courthouse. The scene around the Courthouse as you see it now the Annex has come off. There is sod down at this point. We’re going to add three more trees on that, which would be the north side of the Courthouse. It would be three different species of hardwood trees. And when that is completed, we should have a sample of each hardwood tree that is representative of south Georgia around the perimeter of the Courthouse.

So it’s going to be really nice, and it will still allow us to be able to use that green space and all right there for some events and such as that, for Farm Days and what have you. So if you do have it, put it on your calendar, take the opportunity to come out and enjoy the morning with us as we plant those three trees.

There’s no press release about this on the Lowndes County website. Buried in their calendar there is this blurb: Continue reading

A contract, an alcohol license, two bids, and a special presentation @ LCC 2013-04-22

The special presentation is about the Westside Archives. The agenda doesn’t say what that is, but Valdosta City Council and former Mayor Sonny Vickers supports it, as you can see in this video by George Boston Rhynes.

According to the VDT 15 February 2010, Vickers

received the Westside Archives Achievement Award for more than two decades of service as a city councilman to the citizens of Valdosta. Westside Archives and the Kill-Me-Quick Community sponsored this award.

At the same time, three other people got Westside Archives awards, including

Lowndes County Commissioner Joyce Evans was granted the Citizenship Award for her services to the county and its citizens.

Here’s the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Videos: Road abandonment, deannexation @ LCC 2013-04-08

More questions than usual at the 8 April 2013 Lowndes County Commission Work Session, but it still only lasted 11 minutes. And a question that wasn’t even raised: who does own both sides of Log Road? The Tax Assessor’s database says something different from what the County Engineer said. No special presentation was seen.

Here’s the agenda, with a few notes.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Who’s inaccurate: VDT, Valdosta, GEFA, Chamber, County?

Both Chamber of Commerce Chair Myrna Ballard and Lowndes County Manager Joe Pritchard say the VDT is inaccurate. The VDT took offense at Ballard’s assertion. Which do you believe? I believe I’d like to see the evidence, not just the VDT’s assertions. And this junior high school cat fight the VDT insists on is not helping fix the real problem with water and wastewater in Valdosta and Lowndes County: the widespread and longterm damage to our watersheds that turned a normal rain in 2009 into a 700 year flood, and caused another flooding of the Withlacoochee Wasterwater Treatment Plant this year. I’m all for investigative reporting, but I have not yet once seen the VDT investigate the real underlying issues of longtime clearcutting and building of roads subdivisions, and parking lots without adequate consideration of water flows.

The VDT front page today has yet another story attacking the City of Valdosta, Loan info from GEFA contradicts City: $11 million awaits disbursement, loan amounts don’t match. I can’t make much sense out of it, because while Jason Shaefer has dug up a lot of interesting information, he doesn’t include dates for much of the financial detail he attributes to GEFA. Let’s see the VDT publish the documents they are referring to. The city does publish its Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports. The VDT has a website, and could publish whatever records it got from GEFA, which after all were produced using our tax dollars, and are therefore public records. Or if the documents are somewhere on GEFA’s website, the VDT could publish links to the specific documents. The VDT did publish a timeline of correspondence with the City about loans, so it could just as easily publish the GEFA documents and its own page-by-page and chart-by-chart comparison so we could all see for ourselves.

The VDT prepended this blurb to its timeline:

It has come to the attention of the Times that the Chamber of Commerce has called a special meeting on Tuesday to address what COC Pres. Myrna Ballard terms as “damage to our community’s reputation” due to the stories that have appeared in the newspaper. The invitation for the 9 a.m. meeting at the Chamber office was extended to only a select group of Chamber members, no media, and states that Mayor John Gayle and City Manager Larry Hanson will explain the city’s financial status. The Times takes very seriously the implication that the newspaper has written anything that is “inaccurate,” as stated by the Chamber. As such, the Times has chosen to show the public the information provided to the newspaper in response to questions posed to the City, with no editing, to allow citizens the opportunity to see for themselves if what the Times has written is an “inaccurate” portrayal of the city’s financial status.

What was that again?

The Times takes very seriously the implication that the newspaper has written anything that is “inaccurate,” as stated by the Chamber.

How about as stated by Lowndes County Manager Joe Pritchard? In a letter from him to me of 29 January 2013 Pritchard stated:

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Road abandonment, deannexation, and a mysterious special presentation @ LCC 2013-04-08

The Lowndes County Commission is holding a Special Presentation; apparently so special they don’t say what it is. Come see for yourself Monday morning at 8:30 or Tuesday evening at 5:30, whichever meeting they’re going to have the Special Presentation; the agenda doesn’t say that, either. And see what they do about an abandonment of a road and a deannexation request.

Here’s the agenda.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

  1. Call to Order
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  4. Special Presentation
  5. Minutes for Approval
    1. Work Session — March 25, 2013
    2. Regular Session — March 26, 2013
  6. For Consideration
    1. Abandonment of Log Road (CR 8)
    2. Deannexation Request, Houser, 2990 Stallings Rd, 148-58A, ~36 acres, R-15 (City)
  7. Bid — Six Month Fuel Contract
  8. Reports-County Manager
  9. Citizens Wishing to be Heard Please State Name And Address
