Category Archives: Lowndes County Commission

Three appointments, a rezoning, and 2 wastewater but no solid waste @ LCC 2013-06-10

No names for appointments (KLVB, VLCCCTA, ZBOA), and nothing on the agenda about solid waste collection or the public hearing they didn’t hold or why they picked Veolia’s highest bid or ADS buying more companies when its spokesman said that wasn’t forseen or how much the Commission forsees waste collection fees going up or suing a local company at the Lowndes County Commission. Wasterwater is on the agenda twice, which is good after that sewer spill into the Withlacoochee River, but nothing about a five-year action plan. Let’s listen to what the preacher Commissioners pray about: that’s usually a clue to what’s on their minds, even if they proceed to do the opposite.

Here’s the agenda.

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June LAKE meeting Tuesday @ LAKE 2013-06-11

Same agenda as in January, local governance: Water, trash, and money.

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What: Monthly LAKE Meeting
When: about 6:30PM Tuesday
(after the Lowndes County
Commission meeting
11 June 2013
Where: Let's Eat Cafe
2102 W. Hill Ave.
(just west of I-75,
at the Shell station)
Valdosta, GA 31601

Don't let the location fool you: Let's Eat is locally owned, and serves a lot of locally-grown food.

If you're on Facebook, please Like the LAKE facebook page. You can sign up for the meeting event there, Or just come as you are.


Videos of morning of budget discussion @ LCC 2013-06-05

Here’s a video playlist of Wednesday morning’s Lowndes County Commission Budget Discussion Meeting.

Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 5 June 2013.

They broke for lunch shortly before noon, and Gretchen had another appointment, so the video ends there, although the Commission apparently continued te discussion in the afternoon. Hm, if they had real discussion at their other meetings, they wouldn’t have to save it up for long marathon sessions like this….


More clues to how much garbage collection fees will go up

ADS proposed last December to Lincolnton, GA, to start trash collection with a rate very like what Veolia bid to Lowndes County, with increases every year after that.

The Lincoln Journal wrote 6 December 2012, Council hears proposal to privatize garbage collection,

The Lincolnton City Council heard a proposal to privatize the municipality’s trash collection service at its regular meeting held Monday, December 3. The Lincolnton City Council heard a proposal to privatize the municipality’s trash collection service at its regular meeting held Monday, December 3.

The presentation was made by Kevin Rupinta, general manager, and Steve Edwards, area municipal marketing manager, of Advanced Disposal, the Columbia County company that also serves Lincoln County.

The written proposal stated: “Since Advanced Disposal collects garbage in Lincoln County and runs through and around the City of Lincolnton, Advanced Disposal offers the following to reduce the city’s expenses:

(1) Purchase the city’s garbage trucks at an agreed upon fair market value.

(2) Purchase the city’s carts at an agreed upon fair market value.

(3) Provide garbage service for the city at rates that mirror those charged to the county.”

The rates quoted were:

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Budget hearing public notices @ LCC 2013-06-05

Yesterday’s County Commission meeting was billed as a Budget Discussion Meeting, and apparently it was not a public hearing on the county’s budget, because state law requires such a hearing to be advertised in the newspaper or published as a news story, a week in advance. This is different from public notice for other Commission meetings: for budget hearings the notice has to be not just sent to the newspaper: it has to be published, and not in the legal notices section, and it has to appear at least a week before the hearing. It’s also illegal to refuse to provide a copy of the submitted draft budget to the public or the news media:

O.C.G.A. 36-81-5.(d) On the day that the proposed budget is submitted to the governing authority for consideration, a copy of the budget shall be placed in a public location which is convenient to the residents of the unit of local government. The governing authority shall make every effort to provide convenient access to the residents during reasonable business hours so as to accord every opportunity to the public to review the budget prior to adoption by the governing authority. A copy of the budget shall also be made available, upon request, to the news media.

LAKE is a news medium, according to federal law.

Georgia Department of Audits and Accounts has Georgia Law on Local Government Budgets: Continue reading

Solid Waste Corruption in Gwinnett County?

A federal corruption probe and a developer charged with bribing a county commissioner, who already resigned, admitting it; all that plus drug dealing, nepotism, perjury, cronyism, and at least one prison term, in Gwinnett County. This AJC story has a quote by VSU alumnus and current ADS rep. Steve Edwards.

David Wickert wrote for the AJC 8 September 2012, Widening probe stains Gwinnett reputation,

New details of a federal investigation paint a troubling picture of corruption deeply embedded in Gwinnett County—allegations that may undermine the county’s previously sterling reputation as an economic dynamo.

Bribery allegations have now embroiled two county commissioners, a planning commissioner and a zoning board member….

One of Lasseter’s first acts upon taking office in January 2009 was to appoint Gary — a longtime friend — to the Municipal-Gwinnett County Planning Commission, which would pass judgment on his development plans, including the waste transfer station off Winder Highway.

More dominoes in the federal corruption probe began falling last week, when Continue reading

ADS buys At Your Disposal

ADS just bought a company called At Your Disposal, Inc. That’s interesting, because just six weeks ago State Sen. Tim Golden’s fraternity brother Steve Edwards, Atlanta Sales and Marketing for Advanced Disposal Systems (ADS), said he didn’t forsee any additional acquisitions. Additional after ADS’s purchase of Veolia six months ago, just after the Lowndes County Commission chose Veolia’s highest bid for waste collection, which was not as high as its soon-to-be-parent-company ADS’s bid for the same service package.


MINERAL BLUFF, Ga., (June 4, 2012) — Advanced Disposal Services Inc., a regional integrated environmental services company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, has acquired the assets of At Your Disposal, Inc. The purchase further expands the company’s footprint in the North Georgia marketplace.

“Acquiring At Your Disposal presented an excellent Continue reading

How much will trash collection rates go up in Lowndes County? @ LCC 2012-10-09

Speaking of Veolia winning its high bid for garbage collection, here’s a clue to how much more its rates may go up.

Remember ADS Veolia was bought hardly a month later by ADS, owned by Highstar Capital of New York City? Look at ADS’s bid for Proposal D: $18.39.

That’s $220.68 a year. Which is even higher than Wakulla County, Florida’s $196 a year, which Gretchen warned us all about more than a year ago. And more than double the $100 a year for the former county waste collection sites.

Want to guess how much ADS’s monthly rates will rise? Maybe Continue reading

Budget Discussion Meeting 8:30 AM Wednesday @ LCC 2013-06-05

Popped up since 3PM today on the Lowndes County Commission online calendar:

Budget Discussion Meeting (6/5/2013)

On June 5, 2013, at 8:30 a.m., the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners will meet for a budget discussion, in the Executive Conference Room on the 3rd Floor of the Lowndes County Administration Building. For more information, please contact the Office of the County Clerk at 229-671-2400.
That’s tomorrow morning, the morning after the Georgia Supreme Court decision about LOST was expected today.


Budget meetings? LOST meeting? Nothing on Lowndes County Commission calendar

Update 7:45 PM 4 June 2013: 8:30 AM Wednesday 5 June 2013.
Rumor has it that the Lowndes County Commission has already had one budget meeting and is going to have a meeting tomorrow about the GA Supreme Court LOST decision. Yet there’s nothing on the Commission’s public calendar and under Special Events their website says

There are no events at this time
How is meeting where the people don’t know doing people’s business?
