Category Archives: Law

Videos: trash, appointment, GEMA, juveniles, mowing, and wellness @ LCC 2013-05-28

Trash wasn’t on the agenda, but it was the biggest issue. Like last Regular Session a Commissioner who happens to be a Christian minister prayed for one thing while the Commission does the opposite. Commissioners and staff also seemed confused about a mowing contract but we don’t know why, since none of us have seen what they were looking at. A Board incumbent was reappointed without discussion. In good news, county employees have lost 600 pounds.

Here’s the agenda, with a few notes and links to the videos. See also the Work Session of the same morning.

WORK SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Losing our individual freedom of choosing –Carl Johnson Jr. @ LCC 2013-05-28

A veteran said he was concerned about losing our freedoms right here in Lowndes County because of the Commissions’ recent trash collection decisions, in yesterday’s Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.

Excerpts from what Carl Johnson Jr. said:

Carl Johnson Jr. As I drove into town today I drove by… Brown’s produce. Right across the way was Mr. Carter’s produce. Both of them same business. Why not just take Mr. Carter’s business, and say, well, we’re going to give it all to Mr. Brown…. We think it’s in the best interests of the county. That’s not the American way of life. Competition in everything is the strength of America….


Walter Elliott, Attorney for Lowndes County He said he didn’t know the intricacies of the law, but he asked the Commission to reconsider. Attorney for Lowndes County Walter Elliott looked on stone-faced. County Manager Joe Pritchard, as usual, paid no attention to citizen speakers.

There’s more in the video: Continue reading

A county that eats its own –Gretchen Quarterman @ LCC 2013-05-28

“Stop wasting taxpayer money” said Gretchen Quarterman in yesterday’s Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.

Gretchen Quarterman I sort of wish that I had been able to observe the executive session where you discussed the pending lawsuit against Deep South Sanitation. I wonder who asked the question “Is it beneficial to all concerned?” I wonder which one of you said “This will really attract people to start or relocate business in our county when we sue one of our local business owners.”

If I were considering a business move, I wouldn’t move to a county that eats its own.

I ask that you drop the lawsuit and stop wasting taxpayer money. Thank you.


Bill Slaughter and Gretchen Quarterman were inducted into Valdosta Rotary on the same day (12 September 2012); that’s John Page, already a member, standing behind them. County Attorney Walter Elliott is also a member. The Rotary Continue reading

We like doing business with Deep South Sanitation –Duane Roark @ LCC 2013-05-28

A 47-year local resident got up to say he liked Deep South Sanitation after he tried the monopoly company, and he likes having a choice. This was in yesterday’s Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.

Duane Roark said he was a satisfied customer of the recycling centers the county closed, and he didn’t like it when he heard he had to do business with ADS. Nonetheless, he signed up, but he wasn’t happy because of numerous mistakes so he switched to Deep South Sanitation, where the CEO answers the phone and delivered a can that same day. DSS: a man with one truck: what harm is he doing?

Duane Roark We like that we have a choice….

And he’s got my vote.

Some of the incumbent Commissioners may find votes hard to come by.

More in the video:

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Why are we running a family owned business out of business? –Steve Parker @ LCC 2013-05-28

Private citizen Steve Parker spoke up as a satisfied customer of Deep South Sanitation, and a dissatisfied former customer of the other trash company, wondering “What’s wrong with competition?” in yesterday’s Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission.

Steve Parker Mr. Raines said it beautifully, wanting freedom in his prayer. I agree with him, wanting the freedom to make a choice, so I hired Deep South. Now I’m told that it’s been the position of the board to dismantle Deep South, to tell him to cease and desist, and to take away his business license which he got from the previous board. I know a lot of you inherited this issue, by the way. But at the same time, what is the greater good being served to the county? Why are we taking a family owned business and running them out of business in effect?

What’s wrong with competition? I’m in the financial business and if somebody would give me an exclusive to every client in Lowndes County that would be a pretty good day for me.

He continued Continue reading

Judging appointments, grants, and bids @ LCC 2013-05-28

Fast as a speeding “next” until the juvenile court judge showed up and asked for help getting a grant to save money by putting fewer children in jail. One candidate for a board showed up (late) to speak, and I continue to predict he’ll be reappointed tonight: that’s when they vote: tonight at 5:30PM in the Regular Session. Meanwhile, here are videos of this morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session.

Here’s the agenda, with a few notes and links to the videos.

WORK SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013, 5:30 p.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
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Juvenile Justice grant would reduce costs more than the grant –Judge Council @ LCC 2013-05-28

Would you rather spend upwards of $91,000 a year to lock up a juvenile offender or spend less money to prevent that? Juvenile Court Judge Council advocated the former at this morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session.

6.a. 2013 Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant Program Application

This is about a potential new grant Emergency Director Ashley Tye said he had been working on with Judge Council, applying to the Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant Program which was approved by the legislator and governor this year. (Governor’s Executive Order of 16 April 2013 directing the assembly of the Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant Funding Committee to allocate to counties the funding of $5 million approved by the legislature.) Lowndes County would act as the applicant agent or grant administrator on behalf of the juvenile justice department, and Judge Council would serve as the implementing agency, working with several groups such as LODAC ( Lowndes Drug Action Council, Inc.). If the grant is accepted, it will be awarded quickly, running from June to June. It’s a reimbursement grant: make the expenses, submit a report, and get reimbursed from the grant.

Judge James F. Council, Jr. (who Continue reading

China carbon cap and Georgia Power

If China implements a carbon tax, will Georgia Power CEO Paul Bowers change his recent answer to a question about a carbon tax, which was “why would anyone want that?”

Paul Bowers speaking In February the Chinese Ministry of Finance (MoF) said China would soon tax carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and that’s getting closer in the country whose capital Beijing has smog bad it’s literally off the charts. Katie Valentine wrote for ThinkProgress 22 May 2013, Bombshell: China May Be Close To Implementing A Cap On Carbon Pollution,

China is taking steps to tackle its huge carbon output. Today, the country announced the details of its first carbon trading program, which will begin in the city of Shenzhen next month. The southern city is one of seven cities and provinces, including Beijing, which will take part in the pilot program, set to be completely implemented by 2014.

And according to one local news source, China could implement an absolute, nation-wide cap on its carbon emissions by 2016. China’s 21st Century Business Herald reported this week that the country’s State Council still needs to approve the carbon cap proposal submitted by the National Development and Reform Commission, a government entity that controls much of the Chinese economy. The proposal, which the State Council is reportedly likely to support, would ensure China’s emissions would not increase past the country’s target cap, regardless of economic growth — though it’s still unclear what that cap would be. The paper reported that the NDRC also predicts China’s greenhouse gas emissions will peak in 2025, rather than 2030, as earlier predictions stated.

If the cap is adopted,

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Monsanto rider came from south Georgia: Jack Kingston GA-01

Jack Kingston (GA-01) slipped the Monsanto rider into a recent law, requiring “the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a temporary permit for the planting or cultivation of a genetically engineered crop, even if a federal court has ordered the planting be halted until an Environmental Impact Statement is completed”.

Alexis Baden-Mayer wrote for AlterNet 8 July 2012, The “Monsanto Rider”: Are Biotech Companies About to Gain Immunity From Federal Law?

Whom do we have to thank for this sneak attack on USDA safeguards? The agricultural sub-committee chair Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) — who not coincidentally was voted “legislator of the year for 2011-2012” by none other than the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto and DuPont. As reported by Mother Jones, the Biotechnology Industry Organization declared Kingston a “champion of America’s biotechnology industry” who has “helped to protect funding for programs essential to the survival of biotechnology companies across the United States.”

The Biotechnology Industry Organization’s PR about that award of 24 April 2012 says down at the bottom:

Photos of the award presentation are available upon request.

If that award is such an honor, why are they hiding the pictures of Jack Kingston receiving it? If Monsanto’s products are so great, why don’t they label them so we can tell which they are? Why did a French court just uphold a conviction of Monsanto for poisoning a French farmer? Why does Monsanto oppose independent GMO research? And why did hundreds of thousands of people just march against Monsanto?

Could it be because of liver and kidney damage, cancer and birth defects, pollution of water and air, systematic gaming of the patent system, perversion of the regulatory system, and corruption of the legislative system?

Speaking of corruption, Kingston has put the survival of biotechnology companies above the survival of farmers and the health of the American people.

Jack Kingston, voted Biotech “Legislator of the Year.” Responsible for adding the Monsanto Immunity Rider to the farm bill (H.R. 5973, Section 733). Tell him what you think!
www.facebook.coim/jackkingston/, 202-225-5821, 912-352-0101


Library Board this afternoon @ SGLB 2013-05-21

1PM-3PM today, according to the VDT calendar. Who’s running it now that Kay Harris isn’t chair? And will whoever it is welcome video cameras?

The South Georgia Regional Library Board of Trustees will be meeting Tuesday, March 19 at 1PM in the Folsom Room of the Valdosta-Lowndes County Public Library to conduct regular business.The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend. For more information call 333.0086.

Yes, that says March, but the calendar entry says May 21, today. And it says “open to the public and all are welcome to attend”. But are all welcome to record? Or do all have to stay inside an 8×4 foot blue rectangle next to a loud air cleaner? Was that just Kay Harris’ policy and will it change now that she has resigned as chair and from the board?

If there’s anything about this meeting on the library’s website, I can’t find it.
