Category Archives: Lake Park

Georgia post-Hurricane Helene Forestry Meeting Series 2024-12-10

For those of us with many trees blown down, this meeting should be very useful and informative.

[Public Notice]
Public Notice


Participants: GA Forestry Commission (GFC), UGA Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources and UGA Cooperative Extension Service

MondayDecember 9 Tift County Extension Office 1468 Carpenter Rd S., Tifton, GA
TuesdayDecember 10 4-H Center, Lake Park 6100 4-H Club Rd. Lake Park, GA
WednesdayDecember 11 UGA Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center 8163 SR-147, Lyons, GA
Thursday December 12 Augusta Library 823 Telfair St., Augusta, GA


9:00-9:20 Registration

9:20-9:30 Welcome by County Extension Agent and GFC Forester

9:30-10:00 Hurricane Helene—Timber damage assessment — Troy Clymer and Ryan Phillips (GFC)

10:00-10:30 Forest markets and longevity — Lessons learned from Hurricane Michael — Devon Dartnell (GFC)

10:30-11:00 Assessing storm damaged stands — Dr. David Dickens or Dr. David Clabo (UGA Warnell School)

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-11:45 Lean and uprooted pines recovery — Drs. David Dickens or David Clabo (UGA Warnell School)

11:45-12:15 Insect and diseases post hurricanes — frequent visits to pine stands — Dr. Elizabeth McCarty (UGA Warnell School)

12:15-12:45 Emergency Forestry Restoration Program (EFRP) and other programs after a declared natural disaster — Melissa Mullis (Farm Service Agency) or Ryan Phillips (GFC)

12:45-1:15 Lunch

1:15-1:45 Timber taxation and casualty losses— Dr. Yanshu Li (UGA Warnell School)

1:45-2:15 Reforestation options — Dr. David Dickens or Dr. David Clabo (UGA Warnell School)

2:15-2:45 Invasive species — ID and control options — Dr. David Clabo (UGA Warnell School) or Mark McClure (GFC)

2:45-3:30 Seedling availability updates — Arborgen, GFC, Meeks Nursery, and PRT/IFCO

3:30 Adjourn

Registration is required. Each location will only accommodate 90-100 attendees.
Dec 9 & 10 meetings – call 229-386-3298 or email
Dec 11 & 12 meetings – call 912-478-8986 or email

Society of American Foresters continuing forestry education credits will be offered by meeting.

Georgia Master Timber Harvester continuing education credits will be offered by meeting.


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

Videos: 6 Lowndes County cases, 1 Lake Park, 1 Valdosta @ GLPC 2024-04-29

Update 2024-04-10: Packet: Hospital Authority appointment, 6 rezonings, paving and resurfacing, subdivision infrastructure, probationers @ LCC 2024-05-13.

For an hour and 42 minutes the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission discussed and recommended for or against eight rezoning cases.

Two Lowndes County Commissioners attended: Scottie Orenstein and Joyce Evans. The Lowndes County Commission will hear these cases this week, or so we assume, since they have no agenda posted yet.

At the Planning Commission, nobody spoke against most of the cases on the agenda, and the Commissioners unanimously recommended approval of those, sometimes with conditions.

Only two cases were very slightly controversial.

[Collage @ LCC 29 April 2024]
Collage @ LCC 29 April 2024

Clint Joyner said, “I’m telling you, Continue reading

Videos: Appointment to Land Bank Authority, Mutual Aid Agreement, SetterPointe Subdivision, grants, offsite alcohol, data center switches, and failed land sale @ LCC Regular 2024-04-23

With no discussion, the Lowndes County Commission unanimously appointed James Miller to the Land Bank Authority. Gretchen note, “I’m guessing that this was pre-discussed because there was no discussion at either the work session, nor at this meeting. How do they decide? It’s a mystery.”

At that same Regular Session of April 23, 2024, they also approved everything else unanimously.

There was some discussion of how many single-parent families would be affected by the 6.a. FY 2025 Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant.

Commissioner Clay Griner asked where are the 6.g. North Lowndes Data Center Switches. Answer from Aaron Kostyu: “I would be happy to discuss that with you offline, but it’s probably not best for us to discuss data center locations in a public meeting.”

Jeff Hardy asked in Citizens Wishing to be heard about the timeline for replacement of the Frank’s Creek Bridge on Shiloh Road and about emergency services. The Chairman said he would speak to him after the meeting. Seems to me more citizens would like to know the answers.

No rezonings were on the agenda.

[Collage @ LCC 23 April 2024]
Collage @ LCC 23 April 2024

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session, and the agenda and board packet. Continue reading

Videos: Appointment to Land Bank Authority, Mutual Aid Agreement, SetterPointe Subdivision, grants, offsite alcohol, data center switches, and failed land sale @ LCC Work 2024-04-22

Update 2024-05-10: Videos: Appointment to Land Bank Authority, Mutual Aid Agreement, SetterPointe Subdivision, grants, offsite alcohol, data center switches, and failed land sale @ LCC Regular 2024-04-23.

At their Work Session Monday morning, April 22, 2024, the Lowndes County Commission did not reveal which of three applicants they favor to appoint to the Land Bank Authority.

They breezed through everything else, with few questions, mostly wanting to know if there would be any surprises, to which the answer was always no.

This one was not anticipated in the original agreement: 5.d. TIA Supplemental Agreement for Hightower Road/Cooper Road NE.

No rezonings were on the agenda.

They voted the next evening.

[Collage @ LCC 22 April 2024]
Collage @ LCC 22 April 2024

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the agenda and board packet. Continue reading

Packet: 6 Lowndes County cases, 1 Lake Park, 1 Valdosta @ GLPC 2024-04-29

Update 2024-05-10: Videos: 6 Lowndes County cases, 1 Lake Park, 1 Valdosta @ GLPC 2024-04-29.

The Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) will be busy this evening, maybe with a packed audience, to review eight rezoning cases.

[Packet: 6 Lowndes County cases, 1 Lake Park, 1 Valdosta @ GLPC 2024-04-29]
Packet: 6 Lowndes County cases, 1 Lake Park, 1 Valdosta @ GLPC 2024-04-29

Considering waterways, these cases seem unremarkable.

The Lake Park W. Marion Ave. rezoning is near Long Pond, but not on it.

The Valdosta Williams Street rezoning apparently drains into One Mile Branch, which goes into Sugar Creek and the Withlacoochee River, but is not very near that creek.

The Skipper Bridge Road rezoning near Franklinville Road is uphill from the Withlacoochee River, but not near to it. This is the one case with no utilities, but it is for a single house.

The River Road rezoning backs up onto Pebble Creek, which runs into Crawford Branch into the Withlacoochee River, but that area is recognized as wetlands on the plat, with a detention pond.

The Dasher Grove Road and Val Del Road rezoning includes two creeks that run into Sermons Branch, into the Withlacoochee River, but at least they are recognized as wetlands and avoided in the conceptual plan.

The Old US 41 rezoning is near Sermons Branch, which runs into the Withlacoochee River.

The Whitewater Road rezoning is near creeks that end up in the Withlacoochee River.

The Carter Lane rezoning is at the top of Caney Branch, which runs into Enoch Creek, the Alapahoochee River, and the Alapaha River.

Here is the agenda.

The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request, is on the LAKE website.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
~ Lowndes County ~ City of Valdosta ~ City of Dasher ~
~ City of Hahira ~ City of Lake Park ~ City of Remerton ~

Monday, April 22, 2024 5:30 P.M. Work Session
Monday, April 29, 2024 5:30 P.M. Regular Session
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia

Continue reading

Packet: 3 applicants for Land Bank Authority, Mutual Aid Agreement, SetterPointe Subdivision, grants, offsite alcohol, data center switches, and failed land sale @ LCC 2024-04-22

Update 2024-05-10: Videos: Appointment to Land Bank Authority, Mutual Aid Agreement, SetterPointe Subdivision, grants, offsite alcohol, data center switches, and failed land sale @ LCC Work 2024-04-22.

At their Work Session Monday morning and voting Regular Session Tuesday evening, the Lowndes County Commission this week will mostly consider the three applicants to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Land Bank Authority and a variety of grants, plus renewing a Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement Between Lowndes County and the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency, as well as with all the other Georgia counties.

[Collage, Lowndes County Commission Board Packet, April 22,23, 2024]
Collage, Lowndes County Commission Board Packet, April 22,23, 2024

No rezonings are on the agenda.

The one subdivision infrastructure acceptance is as usual listed as Continue reading

Videos: Danny Weeks, Millage Rate, 3 Alcohol, Animals, Paper Ballots @ LCC Regular 2023-08-22

$4.2 million per mill times 2.5 mills is $10.5 million dollars a year that the county fire department is to get with no budget.

That’s up from last year’s $3.2 million per mill for $8 million, so the county fire department is to get an extra $2.5 million. Yet they never advertised it as a tax increase.

For what, and with what accounting, was not explained. Chairman Bill Slaughter said it was to maintain a “healthy fund balance” for five years since they established the fire department. Where can citizens see this fund balance, and what it is being spent on?

[Collage @ LCC 22 August 2023]
Collage @ LCC 22 August 2023

Both millage rate votes passed only by 3:2. If all three of the Lowndes County Commissioners who voted against on one or the other had voted against both, or if one of the other two had joined against on those votes, the county would have had to think again.

However, for the main millage, they approved 8.778 mills, which the Chairman said is a rollback of 1.434 (from last year). This is noticeably less than the Department of Revenue recommendation of 8.896 mills. Less as in 0.118 mills or $283,200. Until Commissioner Clay Griner the previous day asked what millage would actually match the projected budget, they seemed to be heading for the larger figure.

Still no explanation of why only one of the three beer and wine licenses got a Public Hearing.

They added an item for a change order on a Val Del Road water main for “about $180,000”. That reminds me that in July they approved almost $10 million for another water main in advance of development. Got to have sprawl.

More questions about the condition of the old dog box. Continue reading

Videos: Millage Rate, 3 Alcohol, Animals @ LCC Work 2023-08-21

Update 2023-08-23: Videos: Danny Weeks, Millage Rate, 3 Alcohol, Animals, Paper Ballots @ LCC Regular 2023-08-22.

The millage rate settings (general and fire district) got the most discussion yesterday morning, as well they should, in the Lowndes County Commission Work Session. Finance Director Stephanie Black was absent because of COVID, so the main millage rate slide show was given by someone else.

[Collage @ LCC 21 August 2023]
Collage @ LCC 21 August 2023

Commissioners Clay Griner and Mark Wisenbaker had some questions, which elicited information about what lower millage rate would meet the county’s budget. Also a mill this year is worth about $4.2 million, while last year it was about $3.2 million. This is because increases in tax assessments as the Tax Assessors catch up.

The County Attorney said something inaudible in there, because he was facing away from his microphone.

Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker asked whether the fire department could get its millage adjusted down. Chairman Bill Slaughter said they were still building. Commissioner Wisenbaker asked when they’re all built, then could we adjust that down? The Chairman that would be something to consider. County Manager Paige Dukes said that staff and other expenses were running higher than expected, but maybe some new items could go into the next SPLOST.

Commissioner Wisenbaker wanted to know what kind of balance the fire department had. Nobody knew, but the Chairman said they could get that that day.

They vote tonight at 5:30 PM.

Before then, you may want to ask your County Commissioner: Continue reading

Millage, Alcohol, and Animals @ LCC 2023-08-21

Update 2023-08-20: Millage Notice: 2023 Property Tax Digest & 5 Year History of Levy 2023-08-14.

The big item is setting the millage rate for 2023, which in conjunction with the assessments and various exemptions, recovery exceptions, etc., determines how much property tax you pay.

[Collage @ LCC Packet 2023-08-21]
Collage @ LCC Packet 2023-08-21

They will probably set it to a rollback rate of 8.896 mills, which is a reduction of 1.315 mills from 2022. That includes Industrial Authority 1.00 mill and VLPRA 1.25 mills.

The Lowndes County Commission will also separately set the Fire District Millage Rate for 2023. They propose 2.50 mills, which is the same as for last year.

Only one of the three beer and wine licenses gets a public hearing. Why only that one is not clear, since the other two are also because of change of ownership.

And there’s a bid for an Animal Services Chassis Box.

The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request, is on the LAKE website. Continue reading

Videos: ULDC chicken changes deferred, Biomass site to boat storage, Lake Park mini-storage, 2 Valdosta subdivisions and a church @ GLPC 2023-06-26

Update 2023-07-17: Added the Valdosta cases and Other Businesses that had inadvertently been left out of the playlist.

Update 2023-07-10: Packet: Complicated Library Board, ULDC amendments, Boat and RV Storage, Alapaha Plantation Water, Purchases houses by Griner Park, Insurance, LMIG @ LCC 2023-07-10.

Why does Lowndes County want the Planning Commission (GLPC) and County Commission to vote on changes to the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) before the general public has a chance to review and comment on them?

[Collage @ LCC 26 June 2023]
Collage @ LCC 26 June 2023

When even the number of ULDC items changed from 10 to 7 in the week before the GLPC meeting? When somebody asked for more time for citizens to review and comment on these changes, why did the County Planning consultant toss out four straw men? Why shouldn’t the general public have such opportunity when the Homebuilders were shown draft changes weeks ago?

Lowndes County Planning consultant Jason Davenport attempted to explain the ULDC amendments and why the county had not shown them to the general county citizenry, at the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC). He said they had a plan for six public meetings and two social media posts. However, none of that had happened before this meeting. Continue reading