Category Archives: Lake Park

Lake Park Rodeo, tonight and tomorrow

Bull riding, barrel racing, calf roping, for the first-ever Lake Park Rodeo, at Raisin Cane, 3350 Newsome Road, gates open 5PM, events start 5:30PM, tonight (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday). Fun, community, and lots of business and political leaders.

Kay Harris wrote for the VDT 23 March 2014, Rodeo Lake Park a big event this week,

A small community can do great things when everyone comes together, and Lake Park folks are definitely coming together for this event.

Support the rodeo this week in Lake Park!


Moody Family Housing Environmental Assessment published

Spotted first by Michael G. Noll in the VDT yesterday, the document promised by Col. Ford the previous evening. A quick search finds nothing about the Nelson Hill Wells, and no mention of VSU or any of the professors there who have expressed concern and asked for access to the site to conduct an independent study.


In accordance with the National Environmental Policy
Act and Air Force regulations, the Air Force Civil
Engineer Center (AFCEC) has completed a Revised Draft
Environmental Assessment (EA), Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI), and a Finding of No
Practicable Alternative (FONPA) to evaluate the
consequences of the following stated proposed action:

The revised Proposed Action would involve the
construction of 11 housing units for senior leadership on
a 15-acre parcel on the base and 90 units on an
approximately 60-acre parcel located northwest of the
city of Valdosta, GA on Val-Del Road (the Val-Del
Parcel). This represents a reduction Continue reading

Air Force has the environmental assessment for Moody Family Housing

Last night I chatted briefly with Moody’s Col. Ford, before he spoke at the Lake Park Chamber Annual Awards Dinner. He said he had been able to get on the site of the proposed Moody Family Housing about a year ago. I mentioned the Nelson Hill Wells and he said they had spent a lot of time already investigating water issues, and now the Air Force has received the environmental assessment. Perhaps it includes the missing piece this time, and maybe there’s a way for the public and local professors to provide input.

Colonel Edward Ford is commander of the 23d Mission Support Group at Moody AFB, Ga. He leads a group of more than 1,450 military and civilian members providing support and services to a population of 28,000 active duty, retired military and family members. His group maintains an installation with more than 830 buildings and more than 17,500 acres, including an adjacent bombing or strafing range. He is responsible for ensuring the readiness of support forces to mobilize and deploy to build, secure, and sustain air base operations at austere bare base locations anywhere in the world.

The 23d Mission Support Group also retains responsibility for civil engineering, environmental compliance, Continue reading

Videos: The Denny Hour @ ZBOA 2013-12-03

Parking at a new Denny’s in the City of Valdosta took most of the hour (did you talk to the gas station next door?), plus signs in Lowndes County near Lake Park.

Here’s the agenda, with a few links into the videos.

Valdosta -Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals

Matt Martin,
Valdosta Planning and Zoning Administrator
Carmella Braswell,
Lowndes County Zoning Administrator
300 North Lee Street, Valdosta, Georgia 327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 259-3563 (229) 671-2430


Tuesday, December 3, 2013
2:30 p.m.
Continue reading

Signs and parking @ ZBOA 2013-12-03

Only two cases, for signs in Lowndes County near Lake Park, and for parking at a new Denny’s in the City of Valdosta.

Here’s the agenda.

Valdosta -Lowndes County Zoning Board of Appeals

Matt Martin,
Valdosta Planning and Zoning Administrator
Carmella Braswell,
Lowndes County Zoning Administrator
300 North Lee Street, Valdosta, Georgia 327 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Georgia
(229) 259-3563 (229) 671-2430


Tuesday, December 3, 2013
2:30 p.m.
  1. Call to Order


  1. VAR-2013-18 — ANS Signs on behalf of Dharmesh Patel (1015 Lakes Blvd. Lake Park)
    Variance to ULDC 9.01.06(A)(3)(B) as it pertains to nonconforming signs


  1. APP-2013-15 — Mike Woolsey (1328 N. St Augustine Rd.) Variance to LDR Section 222-2 as it pertains to minimum off street parking requirements for a restaurant


  1. Approval of Minutes: November 5, 2013
  2. Election of Officers
  3. Adjournment


Early Election returns

So far, according to Lowndes County’s online election results, SPLOST is winning more than 2 to 1, while Bruce Cain and Rose Adams are neck-and-neck for a plurality for Mayor in Hahira with incumbent Wayne Bullard a distant third and Johnny L. Stalvey trailing. Kenneth Davis is way ahead of Traci Selph Davis for Hahira City Council District 2.

In Lake Park, it looks like Bert Rutland is going to make it onto the council this time, while Eric Schindler will remain Mayor.

For Valdosta City Council, incumbents Alvin Payton (District 4) and Robert Yost (District 6) are leading, as is Sandra J. Tooley (District 2), although not by as wide a margin.

For Valdosta School Board, Lizzie Shumphard (District 2) is way in the lead, incumbent Vanassa Flucas (District 2) is even farther ahead, and incumbent Warren Sweet Lee (District 3) is sailing in unopposed.

Apparently some results in Valdosta are still coming in: Continue reading

VDT video interview of Deb Cox on Lowndes County elections

Kristin Finney for VDT 1 November 2013, Video: Upcoming Elections,

Reporter Kristin Finney speaks with the Deborah Cox, the Lowndes County Supervisor of Elections, about the elections being held Tuesday, Nov. 5. For more information about this year’s elections, please contact the Lowndes County Board of Elections office at (229) 671-2850.

And it’s a video interview!

If the VDT can YouTube, who knows? even the Valdosta City Council could, and yes, yes, even the Lowndes County Commission….

See also Where’s your polling place in Lowndes County? 2013-11-05.


SPLOST VII referendum 2013

If you live in Lowndes County outside the cities, the only thing you have to vote on today is the SPLOST referendum. (If you live in one of the five cities, you also get to vote on SPLOST.) See Where’s your polling place in Lowndes County? for where to vote. Here is the SPLOST referendum as worded by the Lowndes County Commission and appearing on the ballot today, according to the Georgia Secretary of State My Voter Page:

Lowndes County SPLOST Referendum
(Vote for One)

Shall a special one (1) percent sales and use tax be imposed in the special district of Lowndes County for a period of time not to exceed six years and for the raising of an estimated amount of $150,000,000 to be used and expended:

by Lowndes County for purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: acquisition of right-of-way for, construction of, improvements to, and maintenance of road, street, and bridge facilities; major capital equipment, including vehicles, for construction of, improvements to, and maintenance of road, street, and bridge facilities; construction of, improvements to, and major capital equipment for water and sewer facilities; major capital equipment for law enforcement purposes, including law enforcement vehicles, and improvements to law enforcement facilities, including evidence storage facilities; major capital equipment for firefighting purposes, including firefighting vehicles, and improvements to firefighting facilities, including training facilities; improvements to 9-1-1 call answering facilities, including upgraded 9-1-1 security system and new computer aided dispatch system; improvements to and major capital equipment for public safety radio system purposes; acquisition of property for, construction of, and improvements to parks and recreation facilities, including new soccer facility, Naylor Community Center, boat ramp on Alapaha River, basketball courts at Freedom Park, and baseball field for special needs persons; improvements and additions to animal welfare facilities; improvements to civic center facility; improvements to historic courthouse facility; improvements to and major capital equipment for library facilities; improvements to airport runway, taxiway, and beacon tower facilities;

by the City of Valdosta for the purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: construction of and improvements to road, street, and bridge facilities to include sidewalks, piping of ditches, land acquisition, design, traffic signals, intersection improvements, resurfacing, street repairs and materials, traffic management center improvements, technology improvements, and other transportation systems and equipment; construction of and improvements to drainage infrastructure, systems, facilities, equipment, and capital materials to include the purchase of land, property, capital equipment for the maintenance of drainage facilities and infrastructure, and necessary studies, plans, aerials, mapping, design documents, and surveys to support such projects; construction of, improvements to, and capital equipment for police facilities and operations to include technology, building renovations, and equipment purchases to include technology and operational equipment; construction of, improvements to, and capital equipment for fire department services, firefighting, training, fire station facilities, fire vehicles, facility renovations, additions, equipment, technology, and other equipment; construction of, improvements to, and capital equipment for parks and recreation facilities; construction of, improvements to, and equipment for water and sewer facilities including but not limited to design, land acquisition, equipment, repairs, renovations, replacement and new construction of facilities, plants, equipment, infrastructure, materials, and capital equipment; construction of, improvements to, and capital equipment for public works facilities to include sanitation vehicles, public works vehicles and equipment, facility and equipment improvements, replacements and renovations; construction of, improvements to, and replacement of a jointly owned public safety radio system to include equipment and technology improvements; repairs, renovations, and capital equipment for administrative facilities to include buildings, Mathis Auditorium, and computer hardware and software; property and land acquisition, capital equipment, and improvements to include design and construction of capital improvement projects as identified in the downtown Valdosta strategic master plan;

by the City of Hahira for purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: construction of, improvements to, and major capital equipment for road, street and bridge facilities, sidewalks, bicycle and cart paths and trails, including acquisition of rights of way, improvement of surface-water drainage, widening, resurfacing, leveling, and other repairs for preservation of road, street, and bridge facilities; construction of, improvements to, and major capital equipment for water and sewer facilities; construction of, improvements to, and major capital equipment for public safety facilities, including police and firefighting and rescue equipment, computer equipment, communications equipment, police and fire department vehicles, and acquisition of property; construction of, improvements to, and major capital equipment for administrative facilities, including city hall, computer equipment and technology upgrades; construction of, improvements to, and capital equipment for city parks and recreation facilities, including acquisition of property and construction of parks;

by the City of Remerton for purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: construction of and improvements to road, street, and sidewalk facilities, and acquisition of equipment related thereto; construction of and improvements to water, sewer, and public works facilities, including, but not limited to acquisition of equipment and payment for services rendered in connection therewith; purchase of equipment for public safety including, but not limited to, public safety vehicles; construction of, improvements and renovations to, or the purchase of property for municipal facilities, and purchase of furniture, fixtures, and equipment related thereto;

by the City of Dasher for purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: construction of and improvements to community culture, history, digital information center, museum, library, and technological equipment and software; construction of and improvements to streets, walks and bicycle paths, roads, and bridges; construction of and improvements to parks and recreation facilities including land development, capital equipment, and infrastructure; development of plans for, construction of, and improvements to sewage and water distribution systems; and

by the City of Lake Park for purposes of capital outlay projects, including major permanent, long-lived improvements or betterments and major capital equipment, consisting of: construction of and improvements to road, street, and bridge facilities, sidewalks, bicycle and cart paths and trails, including acquisition of rights of way, improvement of surface-water drainage, widening, resurfacing, leveling, and other repairs for preservation of road, street, and bridge facilities; construction of and improvements to water and sewer facilities; construction of and major capital equipment for public works facilities, including maintenance building facilities, service vehicles and maintenance equipment, and acquisition of property for construction of a maintenance building; improvements to and major capital equipment for public safety facilities, including police and firefighting and rescue equipment, computer equipment, communications equipment, and police and fire department vehicles; improvements to and major capital equipment for administrative facilities, including improvements to city hall, computer equipment, and technology upgrades; improvements to and capital equipment for city parks and recreation facilities, including acquisition of property, construction of parks, and renovation and restoration of civic center and other historic structures.




Where’s your polling place in Lowndes County? 2013-11-05

“When did they change our polling place?” said the neighbor on the phone. The same time they do every time: before the next election. Why do they do this? Supposedly to reduce costs, now that so many people vote early, and all early voting is at the Board of Elections, they keep reducing the number of precincts, this time down from 12 last year to 9 this year. Another effect is to confuse everybody, and that has the result that some people just won’t vote. Quick version: go to My Voter Page by the Georgia Secretary of State.

According to the Lowndes County Board of Elections, Lowndes County Polling Places: Continue reading

Videos, AAUW Candidates’ Forum @ AAUW 2013-10-15

Water was a popular topic, as you can see in these videos of the Candidates’s Forum by AAUW. Same location (VSU Continuing Education Building) as the one Chamber held, but this time the audience got to ask questions. Yes, Virginia, they do all live in their districts, and some of them have widely divergent views about what cities or school boards should do.

Local AAUW President Diane Holliman gave a welcome, and then Dr. Luke Fowler moderated. Here’s the list of qualified candidates. Here’s Matthew Woody’s writeup in the VDT.

Valdosta City Council District 2

John Hogan and Calvin Graham Sr. were present; Sandra J. Tooley was not.

John Hogan pointed out that a road issue could really be a drainage issue, so it’s necessary to look at context.

Calvin Graham Sr. said he was retired military, lived in the district, and had been spending a lot of time volunteering. He indicated the Continue reading