Your elected Commissioners and top county staff listening to Finance Director Stephanie Black’s report, around 9:30 AM on the all-day retreat agenda. The seemingly most boring subject, but the key to all the others. Gretchen is there videoing, but apparently nobody else other than the VDT reporter. Continue reading
Category Archives: Incarceration
County Commission retreats to Lake Park Thursday and Friday @ LCC 2015-02-05
Everything from Animals to ZBOA agenda for the annual Lowndes County Commission retreat, now billed as 2015 Annual Planning Meeting. Unlike the Valdosta City Council, this retreat is in Lowndes County, at the same location as the recent Lake Park Chamber of Commerce annual dinner. Gretchen will be there with the LAKE camera. You can go, too: it’s an open meeting.
2015 Annual Planning Meeting
Quail Branch Lodge
7601 Zeigler Road, Lake Park, GeorgiaThursday, February 5- Continue reading
Videos: Packets, paving, safety, trash, education, appointment, jail, taxes, water @ LCC 2015-01-13
Teri Lupo reappointed to VLDA and almost all the Commissioners asked questions at some point during the at the Tuesday 5:30 PM 13 January 2015 Regular Session of the Lowndes County Commission, at which two new Commissioners got to vote. Several citizens spoke, on getting board packets on the web, on getting their road paved, on safety on Val Del Road and reopening some of the waste collection sites, and the National Council of Negro Women; the Chairman weighed in on a couple of topics.
They meet again Monday morning 26 January 2015 plus a Special Called Meeting on Waste Management that same morning.
The Alapaha River Water Trail resolution, according to the Chairman before the meeting, is waiting until they’re ready to dedicate the new boat ramp at US 84, which is waiting until the river water goes down enough to pour concrete. Maybe some time this spring.
See the agenda for details on what they were considering, and see the videos of the previous morning’s Work Session for background. Below are links to the LAKE videos of each agenda item, followed by a video playlist. See also the county’s own much more professional one big long video.
Continue readingVideos: VLDA appointment, jail, taxes, water @ LCC 2015-01-12
Teri Lupo was available for questions about
being reappointed to VLDA at the Monday 8:30 AM 21 12 January 2015
Work Session of the Lowndes County Commission.
There were no questions, but
Commissioners Demarcus and one other (I think Mark Wisenbaker) had compliments.
The Chairman asked for a motion to appoint, but was reminded this was
a Work Session, so wait until the next evening for that.
The agenda item for the resolution in support of the Alapaha River Water Trail, according to the Chairman before the meeting, is waiting until they’re ready to dedicate the new boat ramp at US 84, which is waiting until the river water goes down enough to pour concrete. Maybe some time this spring.
See the agenda for details on what they were considering. Below are links to the LAKE videos of each agenda item, followed by a video playlist. See also the county’s own much more professional one big long video.
Continue readingDoJ ending civil asset forfeiture involving federal law
This should also reduce incarceration, through fewer unnecessary stops, so fewer drug busts. Next, how about end the failed War on Drugs?
By Robert O’Harrow Jr., Sari Horwitz and Steven Rich, Washington Post, 16 January 2015, Holder limits seized-asset sharing process that split billions with local, state police,
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Friday barred local and state police from using federal law to seize cash, cars and other property without warrants or criminal charges.
Holder’s action represents the most sweeping check on police power to confiscate personal property since the seizures began three decades ago as part of the war on drugs.
Since 2008, Continue reading
Expanded agenda, VLDA appointment, jail, taxes, water @ LCC 2015-01-12
Whose terms are up and who’s being considered for appointment (Teri Lupo for VLDA again), who bid and how much (including showers and roofing for the jail), and some detail about two tax rates: these are all big improvements to the agenda! I do wonder where the agenda item for the Water Trail resolution is.
However, there’s room for improvement. Even though you get this same extended agenda when you select “packet” for download, it is not the complete board packet. For example, each agenda item has a one or more page agenda item form, and each proposed agreement or contract typically is include in the paper packets the Commissioners get. There are no rezoning cases on this agenda, but when there are, those always contain several maps in the board packet, and often other information. There’s an HTML version of the agenda, in addition to PDF: that’s another big improvement! The HTML code includes this at the end of each item:
<div class="documents"> </div>
So it looks like the website software the county is using is prepared to include such documents. Maybe the county will actually include them soon.
Here’s the agenda in HTML and in PDF on the county’s website, and I’ve also included it inline below. Continue reading
Probation, Sabal Trail, budget, calendar, appointments, Thomas County Commission @ TCC 2014-12-09
The Sabal Trail pipeline and probation payments were major issues at the Thomas County Commission 9AM Tuesday 9 December 2014. Sheriff R. Carlton Powell noted that private probation company Sentinel, which he said serves Lowndes County, was involved in several lawsuits.
Here’s the agenda, and below are links to the videos, followed by a video playlist.
Continue readingVideos: GP Investments, Hahira, Pipeline, Alapaha Water Trail @ LCC 2014-09-09
Five citizens spoke, on topics including the “horrible wretched smell” from ADS, the Sabal Trail pipeline, the proposed local charter school, and the board packet and the Alapaha River Water Trail. Chairman Bill Slaughter asserted there had been nineteen applicants for the Planning Commission appointment and seemed to think the public should be happy about that, having learned it presumably by telepathy. He didn’t divulge who those applicants were, and the only one in the board packet (charming young white guy Brad Folsom) was appointed after somebody reminded the Chairman to at least get a motion first. They also appointed Commissioner Joyce Evans to the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. On the GP Investments water rezoning, County Planner Jason Davenport didn’t know whether there had been a dump site there or where the well would go, but they approved it anyway. They also approved the bookkeeping ULDC updates for Special Events, Zoning Map, Fees and they have since put the new zoning map online!
They approved unanimously the annual prisoner work detail contract without even mentioning the cost. And unanimously with no discussion they approved the Hahira extratorial request.
Here’s the agenda with links to the videos and some notes. See also the board packet, obtained for you by LAKE through an open records request, and the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session, which have quite a bit more information, including applicants for appointment speaking.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
Board packet @ LCC 2014-09-08
Here is the board packet for this morning’s Work Session and Tuesday evening’s Regular Session. First time I’ve ever seen one before they vote on it. I thank the county for that, and you can all see what they are considering.
Hoever, it cost me $33.50, because staff included all 385 pages of the ULDC, even though that (unlike the rest of it) is online on the county website.
They also delivered it only on paper, and only in black and white, even though the Planning Department produces all the land use maps electronically and in color. And they didn’t deliver before the Work Session as I asked, even though obviously the board packet was assembled Continue reading
Videos: GP Investments and Hahira’s Extraterritorial Request @ LCC 2014-09-08
Update 2014-09-09: Board packet via LAKE open records request.
Twelve minutes. When do they actually talk about things? They vote Tuesday at 5:30 PM. “Hahira’s Extraterritorial Request” is for water and sewer for John Bailey. “Rezoning case REZ-2014-15” is also about water and sewer. The other obscure public hearing is to fix something county staff didn’t do correctly back in June.
Yes, it’s the old white guy to replace the young black woman on the Planning Commission, and it’s Commissioner Joyce Evans for the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. And yes, it’s the annual renewal of hiring prisoners from Valdosta State Prison.
Here’s the agenda with links to the videos and some notes.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor