Update 2: Contact information:
Environmental Protection Division, Air Branch
4244 International Parkway, Suite 120
Atlanta, Georgia 30354
Subject: Docket 19407
Or folks can email Eric Cornwell, the director of the Air Branch Division: Eric.Cornwell@dnr.state.ga.us
Seth Gunning tells us:
I received word from the EPD Air Branch Manager, Eric Cornwell, that they have decided that they *WILL*, now, be working to host a public hearing in Valdosta (and possibly a Q & A session prior to a hearing).The plant’s air quality application is supposed to be online at EPD. I can’t find it there, but here it is hosted on the LAKE site.They expect the public hearing to take place sometime at the end of March (law requires a 30 day notice before a meeting takes place). Eric informed me that he would reply to all the emails he has received with the hearing information, and as well would be putting an ad in the Valdosta Daily Times.
More as it develops.