Category Archives: Agriculture

Survey, petition, letters, speak against conmmercial development on GA 122 at Skipper Bridge Road

Update 2023-01-21: Packet: Dollar General rezoning again, VLDA appointment, 2 subdivision infrastructure, special assessment rate, DA VOCA, server blades @ LCC 2023-01-23.

If you do not think “commercial and shopping options in Lowndes County” should include a development foothold in an agricultural and forestry area, here are ways you can oppose it: a survey, a petition, letters, call your Commissioner, and speak in the Public Hearing.

[Trash bags across GA 122 from the rezoning notice sign]
Trash bags across GA 122 from the rezoning notice sign

Somebody identified only as “Joe w/ WG Research” is sending text messages with a survey that includes this question:

4. Would you be in favor of a new and architecturally enhanced Dollar General in North Lowndes County located on GA Hwy 122?

No doubt they want to hear from everybody. So please answer the survey and get friends and relatives who oppose that rezoning to answer it. Continue reading

Public Notice: Rezoning REZ-2022-20, GA 122 @ Skipper Bridge Road for a Dollar General 2023-01-08

Update 2023-01-13: Survey, petition, letters, speak against conmmercial development on GA 122 at Skipper Bridge Road.

That’s sixteen days before the January 24th Public Hearing about the proposed rezoning for a Dollar General at GA 122 and Skipper Bridge Road by the Lowndes County Commission.

[Public Notice and Future Development Map, REZ-2022-20, GA 122 @ Skipper Bridge Road]
Public Notice and Future Development Map, REZ-2022-20, GA 122 @ Skipper Bridge Road

Which appears to be sufficient notice according to O.C.G.A. 36-66-4(a): “A local government taking action resulting in a zoning decision shall provide for a hearing on the proposed action. At least 15 but not more than 45 days prior to the date of the hearing, the local government shall cause to be published within a newspaper of general circulation within the territorial boundaries of the local government a notice of the hearing. The notice shall state the time, place, and purpose of the hearing.”

The notice says opponents of the rezoning have to file a disclosure report about campaign contributions. The same law, O.C.G.A. 36-67A-3 (2010) says the applicant must also file a disclosure report. I will include a request for that in the LAKE open records request before the January 24th Public Hearing.

Valdosta Daily Times, City and Public Notices, January 8, 2023,


Videos: Dollar General rezoning tabled, Troupville Nature Park land purchased @ LCC 2022-12-13

Update 2023-01-10: Public Notice: Rezoning REZ-2022-20, GA 122 @ Skipper Bridge Road for a Dollar General 2023-01-08.

Update 2022-12-22: Videos: Lowndes County buys land from Helen Tapp for Troupville Nature Park and River Camp 2022-12-13.

The Lowndes County Commission tabled the rezoning for a Dollar General on GA 122 at Skipper Bridge Road until January 24, 2023, because they were a day short on required notice.

A dozen or more people in opposition were visible.

Turns out the county did send the correspondence about that before I asked for it in this meeting, and within the statutory three days for answering a Georgia open records request. All the letters returned were in opposition.

[Collage @ LCC 13 December 2022]
Collage @ LCC 13 December 2022

They made the historic purchase for Troupville Nature Camp and River Park, of Land Between the Rivers at the Little River Confluence with the Withlacoochee River. And Chairman Bill Slaughter called seller Helen Tapp up to say a few words.

Apparently they are also modest, since some of them did not seem to like compliments about that purchase.

They reappointed Franklin Bailey to the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC).

Everything else passed unanimously.

In Citizens Wishing to be Heard, Kelly Saxon asked for assistance for the homeless, John S. Quarterman complimented the Commission on purchasing the Troupville land, and Blake Robinson said there may not be many young people who come to these meetings, but they do appreciate the local government work the Commissioners are doing.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the Continue reading

Correspondence: Proposed Rezoning on GA 122 at Skipper Bridge Road 2022-12-12

Update 2022-12-20: Videos: Dollar General rezoning tabled, Troupville Nature Park land purchased @ LCC 2022-12-13.

All letters were opposed, of those sent to GLPC or LCC by December 12, 2022, about the rezoning for a Dollar General on GA 122 at Skipper Bridge Road.

Thanks to Lowndes County Planner JD Dillard for sending this correspondence on REZ-2022-20 last Monday in response to an open records request, before I mentioned it in the Lowndes County Commission meeting Tuesday.

[Map, Letters, REZ-2022-20, GA 122 & Skipper Bridge Road]
Map, Letters, REZ-2022-20, GA 122 & Skipper Bridge Road


There are letters from Joyce Jones, Jamie Rowntree, and Gwen Rowntree. Gwen Rowntree sent a letter to the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) and followed up with a similar letter to the Lowndes County Commission (LCC).

It appears that while there may be people who have spoken to Commissioners in support of the rezoning, as of Monday a week ago nobody had written in support. All the letters are in opposition.

As you can see, Continue reading

Videos: Opposition gets Dollar General on GA 122 & Skipper Bridge voted down @ GLPC 2022-11-28

Update 2022-12-09: Agenda: Sprawl on Skipper Bridge Road and Purchase of Land Between the Rivers @ LCC 2022-12-12.

Update 2022-12-09: Massive citizen opposition to development foothold in agricultural and forestry area @ GLPC 2022-12-08.

The eight citizens who spoke against the Dollar General rezoning at GA 122 and Skipper Bridge Road get star billing.

[Collage @ GLPC 28 November 2022]
Collage @ GLPC 28 November 2022

“We don’t need to have new commercial zoning in our area.” —Gretchen Quarterman

“We have no interest in adding convenience to our peaceful little community.” —Becky Rowntree Harris

“The river is literally my back yard.” —Danielle Jackson

“Ten-day is an absolute joke.” —Samuel Heath Dawson

“And the other 112 acres would be the next battle.” —William Pope

“Put it across from Ashley Paulk’s development.” —Roxanne Newton

“Even with the goose egg [?] it’s still a Dollar General and I do not want this.” —Dan Richardson

“Please take the wishes of the many, versus the dollars of the few.” —Last Speaker

GLPC voted 7:1 to recommend disapproval. The actual rezoning decision will be made by the Lowndes County Commission at its Regular Session, Tuesday, December 13th, 2022, 5:30 PM. If you don’t want that store in an agricultural area, attracting still more subdivisions still farther north in the county, call or write your county commissioner or come speak against at that meeting. If somebody wants to start a petition, that might also help.

Or you can jump to the full meeting, in which you’ll learn the Hahira deannexation was unanimously voted against, GLPC has a new board member, Ron Bythwood, and a new Chair and Vice-Chair starting in January.

So, about 5. REZ-2022-20 Teramore, Hwy 122/Skipper Bridge Rd, 0067 051, 3.0 ac.E-A to C-C. Continue reading

Dollar General, GA 122 & Skipper Bridge Road @ GLPC 2022-11-28

Update 2022-12-06: Videos: Opposition gets Dollar General on GA 122 & Skipper Bridge voted down @ GLPC 2022-11-28.

A line of people protested putting a Dollar General on GA 122 at Skipper Bridge Road, north across from where Wes Scruggs’ store used to be. That was at the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) last night.

[Dollar General agenda item and waterway map @ GLPC 2022-11-28]
Dollar General agenda item and waterway map @ GLPC 2022-11-28

GLPC voted 7:1 to recommend disapproval, according to LAKE’s Gretchen Quarterman who was there and who was the first to speak against. LAKE video she took will follow.

The actual rezoning decision will be made by the Lowndes County Commission at its Regular Session, Tuesday, December 13th, 2022, 5:30 PM. If you don’t want that store in an agricultural area, attracting still more subdivisions still farther north in the county, call or write your county commissioner or come speak against at that meeting. If somebody wants to start a petition, that might also help.

Here is the GLPC Board packet item for REZ-2022-20: REZ-2022-20-GLPC-Packet.pdf Continue reading

Big rezoning inside Valdosta among 5 Valdosta cases, 2 Hahira, 3 Lowndes County @ GLPC 2022-11-28

Update 2022-11-29: Dollar General, GA 122 & Skipper Bridge Road @ GLPC 2022-11-28.

Inside the City of Valdosta, something may finally happen with the Loch-Winn Farms property off of James Road and Riverside Road, near the Withlacoochee River that has been becalmed since 2008. The inland part of the property may be rezoned for 130 house lots.

Hahira may get a Red Owl drive-through coffee shop with indoor and outdoor seating. And a landowner on Hagan Bridge Road wants to deannex some property from Hahira.

Lowndes County may get a subdivision way out west of Snake Nation Road, near the Little River: REZ-2022-18 Hilton, Chug A Lug Road, 0033 023B, ~8.3 acres.

[Collage @ GLPC 2022-11-28]
Collage @ GLPC 2022-11-28

Here is the agenda. The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request, is on the LAKE website.

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission
~ Lowndes County ~ City of Valdosta ~ City of Dasher ~
~ City of Hahira ~ City of Lake Park ~ City of Remerton ~
Monday, November 21, 2022 5:30 P.M. Work Session
Monday, November 28, 2022 5:30 P.M. Regular Session
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia

Continue reading

Videos: Hunter rezoning tabled, Beasley rezoning denied @ LCC Regular 2022-07-12

Update 2022-08-25: Videos: objections to rejection of Beasley rezoning @ LCC Regular 2022-07-26.

A very rare meeting: the Lowndes County Commission considered two rezonings, and did not approve either of them!

[Rezonings, Juvenile Justice, 40 minutes]
Rezonings, Juvenile Justice, 40 minutes

Two weeks ago at its Regular Session, the Commissioners tabled 8.a. REZ-2022-13 Hunter Property, Madison Hwy, E-A to C-C, ~7ac, and denied on a split vote 8.b. REZ-2022-14 Ben Beasley, River Rd. R-21 to R-A, ~13 acres. The first rezoning will be decided Tuesday evening, July 26, 2022. The second rezoning took 15 minutes, for a 40-minute meeting, which is very long for this group.

Everything else sailed through.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the Continue reading

Videos: Confusing rezonings, Hospital appointments, mosquitos, juvenile justice, road abandonment @ LCC Work 2022-07-11

Update 2022-07-25: Videos: Hunter rezoning tabled, Beasley rezoning denied @ LCC Regular 2022-07-12.

Two weeks ago at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session, there was much confusion about both of the rezonings, mostly about how many acres were being requested to be rezoned, but also about frontage on a road where no rezoning sign had been posted.

[Rezoning, Mosquitos, Juvenile Justice, Boring Pond Road Abandonment]
Rezoning, Mosquitos, Juvenile Justice, Boring Pond Road Abandonment

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also Continue reading

Packet: 2 appointments, 2 rezonings, road abandonment @ LCC 2022-07-11

Received Friday in response to a Monday open records request (it did come with an apology for being late), the board packet for the July 11 and 12, 2022, Lowndes County Commission meetings is on the LAKE website.

[Rezonings and Road Abandonment]
Rezonings and Road Abandonment


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!