Author Archives: admin

Solar energy growth like compound interest

Some nuclear backers only want to look at the next table in that FERC report, Office of Energy Projects Energy Infrastructure Update For December 2012, which shows solar energy as 0.34% of total U.S. energy production, and then they stop thinking. But what about that 30% increase in solar power deployed between 2011 and 2012? Think of it like compound interest.

Total Installed Operating Generating Capacity
Installed Capacity (GW) % of Total Capacity % Growth 2011-2012
Coal 337.71 29.17% 1.3%
Natural Gas 491.82 42.48% 1.8%
Nuclear 107.01 9.24% 0.1%
Oil 41.32 3.57% 0.1%
Water 98.12 8.47% 0.1%
Wind 57.53 4.97% 22.8%
Biomass 15.00 1.30% 3.7%
Geothermal Steam 3.70 0.32% 4.2%
Solar 3.90 0.34% 60.9%
Waste Heat 0.69 0.06% 0.4%
Other 1.04 0.09% 0.0%
Total 1,157.86 100.00% 23.3%

Source: Data derived from Ventyx Global LLC, Velocity Suite.
Growth rates computed by jsq for LAKE 24 January 2013.

Let’s look what happens if we assume 30% growth in solar power deployed per year:

Solar power growth rates like compound interest

At 30% annual growth, we’re up to solar as 50% of all generation within Continue reading

New U.S. energy in 2012 —FERC

What new energy sources are being deployed the fastest in the U.S.? According to FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, it’s not what you may think. The big winners are coal, wind, and solar.

According to the report Office of Energy Projects Energy Infrastructure Update For December 2012, Coal, while accounting for only 17% of new capacity in 2012, unfortunately increased by 133% over new capacity installed in 2011. Natural gas did account for the second most new installed capacity in 2012, 33%, but the amount in megawatts installed actually decreased by 20% from 2011.

The most new capacity installed in 2012? Wind, at 40%, with a 56% increase over new installations in 2011. That’s right, wind beat natural gas 40% to 33% in total new capacity in 2012, and whomped gas in increase in new capacity in 2011, by 56% to -20%.

While solar only accounted for 5.59% of new capacity in 2012, that was an increase of 30% over new capacity in 2011, which is way more than gas and after only coal and wind.

New Generation In-Service (New Build and Expansion)
December 2012 January – December 2012 Cumulative January – December 2011 Cumulative Percent of Total New 2012 Percent Increase 2011- 2012
Primary Fuel Type No. of Units Installed Capacity (MW) No. of Units Installed Capacity (MW) No. of Units Installed Capacity (MW)
Coal 4 1,434 8 4,510 15 1,932 17.1% 133%
Natural Gas 6 2,306 94 8,746 108 11,020 33.1% -20.6%
Nuclear 0 0 1 125 0 0 0.474% -%
Oil 0 0 19 49 66 136 0.186% -64%
Water 2 4 13 99 41 94 0.375% 5.32%
Wind 45 3,095 164 10,689 146 6,844 40.5% 56.2%
Biomass 5 91 100 543 131 446 2.06% 21.7%
Geo- thermal Steam 2 9 13 149 9 56 0.565% 166%
Solar 16 77 240 1,476 354 1,131 5.59% 30.5%
Waste Heat 0 0 1 3 2 136 0.0114% -97.8%
Other 2 0 5 0 11 0 0% -%
Total 82 7,016 658 26,387 883 21,795 100% 21.1%

Source: Data derived from Ventyx Global LLC, Velocity Suite.
Last two columns added by jsq for LAKE 24 January 2013.

Biomass unfortunately accounted for Continue reading

Where is the speed zone ordinance? @ LCC 2011-01-10

Lowndes County won’t install speed control devices: policy or ordinance or “decision”, by whom and when? And where is the speed zone ordinance they passed in January 2011, according to the Work Session Minutes of 10 January 2011:

Adoption of the Revised Speed Zone Ordinance,

County Engineer, Mike Fletcher, presented the Commission with a revised speed zone ordinance in accordance with Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) requirements. Mr. Fletcher added that 2 once approved, staff would send the document back to GDOT for execution. Commissioner Evans questioned the speed limit on Boring Pond Road. Mr. Fletcher explained that since the road has been paved, the new ordinance will allow for the new speed to be posted at 45 mph and 55 mph. Mr. Fletcher added that prior to the road being paved, the speed limit was 35 mph. Commissioner Raines asked if the document was a county ordinance. Mr. Fletcher replied yes, adding while the county can make certain recommendations, GDOT prepares the draft in accordance with their regulations.

Chairman Paulk asked Mr. Fletcher to provide those in attendance with a short explanation of speed control devices. Mr. Fletcher explained that in the 1990’s a previous Commission made the decision that speed control devices would not be allowed on county roads due to maintenance and safety issues. Mr. Fletcher added that over time that decision has become policy.

Commissioner Powell stated he had received a request from citizens to increase the speed limit on portions of Old Clyattville Road to 55 mph. Mr. Fletcher replied that due to the curb and gutter installed on the road, he would not recommend it. Mr. Fletcher added he would be glad to check with GDOT to see what the state’s recommendation might be. Commissioner Powell asked Mr. Fletcher to move forward with contacting GDOT.

When “in the 1990’s” was this Commission decision made? In which minutes can we see the vote and the text of this decision?

And how is policy made? By the Commission in an open meeting, or by the staff at some unspecified “over time”?

Plus, where is this speed zone ordinance?


Special assessment: ordinance or policy? @ LCC 2011-01-10

Ordinance or policy? In the Work Session Minutes of 10 January 2011 the special assessment rate is set “in accordance with Lowndes County’s financial policies”:

Special Assessment Rate for 2011,

Finance Director, Stephanie Black, presented the proposed special assessment rate at 5.25% (two percent above prime), in accordance with Lowndes County’s financial policies. Commissioner Raines asked if the rate would fluctuate through the year in the event the prime rate adjusted. Ms. Black answered that the county is required to set the rate annually so the actual prime rate would not be considered again until the beginning of next year.

Yet yesterday she said:

“It’s just always been set at 2% above prime. I believe it’s in your ordinance.”

Which is it, a policy or an ordinance? Maybe it’s a policy set in an ordinance. If so, which ordinance? Is it one of the dozen on the county’s website or is it one of the many more that are not?


PS: Owed to Jane Osborn.

Work Session Minutes @ LCC 2011-01-10

Ordinance or policy? That question comes up for at least two items, Special assessment and Speed control devices, in the minutes of the 10 January 2011 Work Session of the Lowndes County Commission. -jsq

Monday, January 10, 2011
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Conference Center and Tourism Authority meets this morning @ VLCCCTA 2013-01-23

Update 2013-01-23 8:46 AM: They did at least part of the minimum and posted a notice on the door.
How do we know the Valdosta Lowndes County Conference Center and Tourism Authority (VLCCCTA) meets this morning at 8AM? Gretchen asked when she picked up a list of its current board members.

And did I get the right Rick Williams in that picture? That one is Pastor of Northside Baptist Church. Is he the same Rick Williams who is Vice Chairman of VLCCCTA? (Google didn’t find any pictures for Chairman Rob Evans.) If it’s an honor and a privilege to serve on an Authority, shouldn’t the Authority tell us who is serving, instead of making us guess?

This meeting is not on

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Videos: Airport, alcohol, taxes, road, jail @ LCC 2013-01-22

Commissioners discussed several items much more than last year’s Commission at this morning’s Work Session; they vote 5:30 PM tonight at their Regular Session. However, you’d think with an ankle monitoring program Commissioners praised so highly, they’d want the public to know the details. Nope, still none of the documents related to that nor any of the other items they were discussing were revealed to the tax-paying public. They don’t have a press release about that, nor about the Parade of Champions the Chairman talked about (twice) even though it wasn’t on the agenda. He was silent, however, on who the candidates for the Airport Authority are, and none of them were present.

That’s four reports that were not on the agenda: Parade of Champions, ankle monitoring, the county’s wellness program and the upcoming Bird Supper.

Here’s the agenda, with links to the videos and a few notes, followed by the video playlist.

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Abandoning a road leading to the Alapaha River @ LCC 2013-01-22

A landowner asked Lowndes County to abandon a road leading to the Alapaha River, in this morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session.

Abandonment of a portion of Old State Road (CR 16)

Phillip Connell requests that Old State Road that goes through his property and dead ends at the river be closed.

They’re holding an initial hearing followed by a public hearing “I guess it will be in three weeks at the next regular meeting” because state law requires it, according to County Engineer Mike Fletcher. He also said the bridge had washed away, and there was no access into Lanier County. And the river (it’s the Alapaha River, although I don’t think anybody ever said the name)

…is not classified as a navigable waterway; therefore Mr. Connell owns to the center of the river. You can navigate down the river by boat, but if you step out, if you get out of the boat and step on the land, you’re considered to be trespassing.
Engineer did not cite any statutes for his assertions.

Chairman said he and Commissioners Marshall and Evans had been down Continue reading

Ankle monitoring working and saving money @ LCC 2013-01-22

An unscheduled report and testimonials by Commissioners said the county’s ankle monitoring program is going well and saving money, in this morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session.

Ankle Monitoring: In another item not on the agenda, the Chairman asked “Mr. Steven Harmon” to give a report (I’m guessing I got the right Steven Harmon in the picture here). Lowndes County apparently saves over one million dollars each year by using an ankle monitoring program, rather than keeping non-violent offenders in the county jail. That program was initially approved by the Commission 13 December 2011, required a budget adjustment 10 January 2012, was funded by the Commission 19 June 2012, and was in the budget approved 26 June 2012.

We the public still don’t really know what’s in this program, because Continue reading

Hatch 1 nuclear reactor down to 40% power Sunday: why?

Why is Plant Hatch Unit 1 running at well below capacity? Saturday 19 Jan 2013 that nuclear plant was at 100%, according to the NRC, yet Sunday it was down to 45%, then 40% Monday and 64% today. What's going on at Hatch 1? And what happened to nuclear supposedly being 24/7?

There's no event report about this from the NRC; the last item the NRC has on Hatch 1 seems to be from 2003. Southern Company provides no information on this event. Another source (Platts, 4 January 2013) says Hatch 2 (and Vogtle 2) are to refuel in the first half of this year, among Fifty-six US nuclear units to shut for refueling in 2013. But Hatch 1 is not on that list, and a similar Hatch 1 brownout happened 5 and 6 January:

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