Update 2025-02-10: Packet: 4 Lowndes County rezonings @ GLPC 2025-01-27.
The most contentious item at the recent GLPC meeting, at almost half an hour, was 8. CU-2025-02 Perma-Fix of South Georgia 1612 James P Rodgers Circle. Several people spoke against it, including Gretchen Quarterman at 14 minutes. The Planning Commissioners voted 4:5 to recommend denying that Conditional Use application, but then they voted 5:4 to recommend approving.
The Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) merely advises.
The actual decision will be at the
Thursday, February 6, Valdosta City Council (VCC) meeting.
Valdosta has no agenda posted yet for that meeting:
LAKE has sent in an open records request for the VCC board packet.
Another long Valdosta City case was 9. VA-2025-01 James Warren (202 Denmark Street) Rezone 0.73 acres from R-6 to C-C. The Commissioners unanimously recommended approval.
The two parts of the Hahira case took a while due to being complicated: 12. /13 Lemaka Holdings.
Two county cases also took a long time: 3. REZ-2025-01 Hurtado Property, Bethany Drive ~6.4 acres R-A to R-1, where there were already flooding concerns from previous development. Only the property owner spoke for. Several citizens spoke against. Eight Planning Commissioners voted to recommend denial; Franklin Bailey voted against the motion.
And 6. REZ-2025-04: River Run Farm, 6490 River Run, Naylor, Ga ,27.12 ac. C-C to R-21, near the Alapaha River, which got a recommendation to approva with a condition of only 9 lots, on a split vote which may have been 7:2; it was difficult to see or hear.
The county cases will be decided by the Lowndes County Commission on Tuesday, February 11.
All the other cases got unanimous recommendations of approval from GLPC.
Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.
See also the agenda and the board packet materials for the Valdosta and Hahira cases.
LAKE is still waiting for Lowndes County to send the board packet materials for those county cases, after LAKE sent the request on January 27.
1. Call to Order, Pledge, Invocation
https://youtu.be/mYlSlnJ_HNESteve Miller is now the chair of the GLPC.
1. Call to Order (continued)
2. Approval of the Meeting Minutes from November 2024
3. REZ-2025-01 Hurtado Property, Bethany Drive ~6.4 acres R-A to R-1
https://youtu.be/zgRJ2DOdj5E3. REZ-2025-01 Hurtado Property, Bethany Drive, a portion of 0070 063, ~6.4 acres
Current Zoning: R-A (Residential Agricultural)
Proposed Zoning: R-1 (Low Density Residential)Recommend denial by vote 8-1. Franklin Bailey voted against denial.
4. REZ-2025-02: Hamilton Green Phase II, 4618 Bemiss Road, ~1.12 acres, C-G to P-D
https://youtu.be/uQnGfCFIeVc4. REZ-2025-02: Hamilton Green, Phase II, 4618 Bemiss Road, 0145D 007A, ~1.12 acres
Current Zoning: C-G (General Commercial)
Proposed Zoning: P-D (Planned Development) -
5. REZ-2025-03: Thomas Linville, 4888 Break Thru Road, , ~16.3 acres, R-1TO E-A
https://youtu.be/eT5nhRMI0uw5. REZ-2025-03: Thomas Linville, 4888 Break Thru Road, 0218 021A, 019, 020B, and 020A, ~16.3 acres
Current Zoning: R-1 (Low Density Residential)
Proposed Zoning: E-A (Estate Agricultural) -
6. REZ-2025-04: River Run Farm, 6490 River Run, Naylor, Ga ,27.12 ac. C-C to R-21
https://youtu.be/eSU-TPnPSUoREZ-2025-04: River Run Farm, 6490 River Run, Naylor, Ga, Map/Parcel# 0259-029C, 27.12 acres
Current Zoning: C-C (Crossroads Commercial)
Proposed Zoning: R-21 (Medium Density Residential)This item had a lot of comments.
Motion to approve with condition of only 9 lots It passed 7-2 (I think, someone was blocking the camera and it was impossible to hear).
7. CU-2025-01 Marian Leonard 112 W Moore Street CUP for Art Studio in R-P zoning
8. CU-2025-02 Perma-Fix of South Georgia 1612 James P Rodgers Circle
https://youtu.be/agcRdDCB8Sg8. CU-2025-02 Perma-Fix of South Georgia (1612 James P Rodgers Circle) CUP for a Solid Waste Transfer Station in M-2 zoning
Motion to deny vote was 4-5.
Motion to approve was 5-4. -
9. VA-2025-01 James Warren (202 Denmark Street) Rezone 0.73 acres from R-6 to C-C
https://youtu.be/lcocbKuntVgThis had a lot of commission discussion about a commercial property at the end of a residential street
Approved unanimously.
10. VA-2025-02 Courlley LLC (1021 West Gordon Street)Rezone 2.06 acres R-6 to R-M
https://youtu.be/AZVMlN7DXPUAt the location of the old nursery on Gordon Street.
The building that was there was ruined in Hurricane HeleneApproved unanimously.
11. VA-2025-03 Alexander Wynn, 112 Springhill Street, 0.33 acres from R-10 to R-6
https://youtu.be/pFXz1d0mQdEApproved unanimously.
12. /13 Lemaka Holdings – presentation of cases (votes in following videos)
https://youtu.be/2EzcsXrsXWg12. HA-2025-01 Lemaka Holdings LLC (106 & 108 North Church Street)
Rezone 0.28 acres from R-10 to R-P13. HA-2025-02 Lemaka Holdings LLC (106 & 108 North Church Street)
Variances to Section 6-1 of the Hahira Zoning Ordinance -
12. HA-2025-01 Lemaka Holdings LLC (106 – 108 North Church Street) R-10 to R-P
https://youtu.be/iptPXTOpMecHA-2025-01 Lemaka Holdings LLC (106 & 108 North Church Street)
Rezone 0.28 acres from R-10 to R-PThis is the actual vote on the item – vote was unanimous.
13. HA-2025-02 Lemaka Holdings LLC (106 – 108 North Church Street) Variances
https://youtu.be/42gHwAZxlBw13. HA-2025-02 Lemaka Holdings LLC (106 & 108 North Church Street)
Variances to Section 6-1 of the Hahira Zoning OrdinanceAgain, this is the vote only – recommended unanimously.
Other business, I thought they were done but they weren’t
Meeting Adjournment
https://youtu.be/aC-32FDquMYFranklin Bailey wonders, at the end of a nearly 3 hour meeting that started at 5:30pm, “Where are the snacks at?”. I wondered the same. It was a LONG meeting.
Here is the LAKE video playlist:
Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!
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