Agenda: Development Authority appointment, VOCA grants, Coleman Road paving, LMIG, Water projects, Windstream @ LCC 2025-01-13

It’s a busy first agenda of the year for the Lowndes County Commission, Work Session Monday morning, voting Regular Session Tuesday evening.

[Agenda: VLDA appointment, Coleman Road paving, LMIG, VOCA grants, Water projects, Windstream @ LCC 2025-01-13]
Agenda: VLDA appointment, Coleman Road paving, LMIG, VOCA grants, Water projects, Windstream @ LCC 2025-01-13

Terri Lupo’s term has expired for the Development Authority. Robert Green and Brice Evans also want to be appointed. Usually the Commission reappoints the incumbent.
Cost What
$1,300,000.00Coleman Road NW Paving and Drainage Improvements, P.1.0016279 Supplemental Agreement No. 1
$635,000.00GEFA Loan DWLSL2023097 for Lead Service Line Inventory
$160,122.00Bid for Six Compact SUV Vehicles for Multiple Departments
$79,380.00Emergency Repair – Lowndes County Fire Station #5
$50,000.00Lowndes County Local Bridge Replacement at Jumping Gully Road at Bevel Creek (0019937)
$45,761.60Union Road Lift Station Pump Replacement
$33,232.00Approval of the Solicitor General’s FY25 VOCA Grant Award

The above table, generated by LAKE from the agenda items, is hard to add up because of items where the BUDGET IMPACT is actually incoming funds from a new source, such as this one: “After reviewing the initial TIA budget, bid amount, and projected tax collections for TIA, the TIA office has agreed to provide additional funds of $1,300,000.00, to cover the total cost of the project.” Coleman Road NW Paving and Drainage Improvements, P.I.0016279 Supplemental Agreement No. 1.

This station, Emergency Repair – Lowndes County Fire Station #5, is at 4970 Bemiss Road, Valdosta, GA 31601, north and across from Pine Grove Road.

2025 Georgia Department of Transportation Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant (LMIG) Application: “As a part of the Georgia Department of Transportation Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant Program, Lowndes County has been allocated $1,366,958.46 for FY 2025. As a part of this grant program, Lowndes County will be responsible for a minimum 10% match in local funding, which is allocated in SPLOST VIII. The grant money is proposed to be used for resurfacing the roads listed in the attachment in the board packet.” That would be the board packet that is not posted where the public can see it.

Getting ahead of sewage problems before they become spills! GEFA Loan Modification: “Lowndes County received a loan from Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) for a project to rehabilitate the sewer collection system and related appurtenances. This project has taken longer to complete than initially anticipated. After consulting with GEFA it was recommended that the loan be modified to extend the completion date to June 2026 for the manhole and lift station rehab. Staff recommends approval and authorize the Chairman to sign the modification documents.”

GEFA Loan DWLSL2023097 for Lead Service Line Inventory: “The Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) offers funding through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, specifically for the lead service line inventory requirement. The lead service line inventory is a requirement from EPA and GA EPD for all public water systems. The loan can be used for engineering, administration, service line investigation and potholing, devices and equipment. Lowndes County has been approved for a $635,000.00, loan with a 3.25% interest rate and a potential forgiveness of $190,000.00, if all funds are used. Staff recommends approval and authorize the Chairman to sign the documents.”

Here is the agenda.

We do not have the board packet yet, because I forgot to send the open records request until today. Of course, the county could put the packet on their own website and save everybody the trouble of doing open records requests.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2025, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

  1. Call to Order
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  4. Minutes for Approval
    1. Work Session – December 9, 2024 & Regular Session – December 10, 2024
  5. Appointments
    1. Valdosta Lowndes Development Authority

      Documents:Valdosta Lowndes Development Authority -.pdf

  6. Public Hearing
    1. Beer, Wine & Liquor License – Brian Walker of Beezy Bee, LLC, DBA Rum Runner, 3988 N. Valdosta Rd., Valdosta, GA

      Documents:Beer, Wine and Liquor License – Brian Walker of Beezy Bee, LLC, DBA Rum Runner, 3988 N. Valdosta Rd., Valdosta, GA.pdf

  7. For Consideration
    1. Budget Calendar for FY 2026 Operating Budget

      Documents:Budget Calendar for FY 2026 Operating Budget.pdf

    2. Beer and Wine License – Heather Louise Holmstrom of Speedway, LLC, DBA Speedway Store # 42348 (1883), 2165 Old Clyattville Rd., Valdosta, GA

      Documents:Beer and Wine License – Heather Louise Holmstrom of Speedway, LLC, DBA Speedway Store 42348 (1883), 2165 Old Clyattville Rd., Valdosta, GA.pdf

    3. Approval of DA’s Federal VOCA Grant Application Renewal

      Documents:Approval of District Attorney Federal VOCA Grant Application Renewal.pdf

    4. Approval of the Solicitor General's FY25 VOCA Grant Award

      Documents:Approval of the Solicitor General FY25 VOCA Grant Award.pdf

    5. Coleman Road NW Paving and Drainage Improvements, P.I.0016279 Supplemental Agreement No. 1

      Documents:Coleman Road NW Paving and Drainage Improvements, P.I.0016279 Supplemental Agreement No. 1.pdf

    6. Emergency Repair – Lowndes County Fire Station #5

      Documents:Emergency Repair – Lowndes County Fire Station 5.pdf

    7. 2025 Georgia Department of Transportation Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant (LMIG) Application

      Documents:2025 Georgia Department of Transportation Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant (LMIG) Application.pdf

    8. Lowndes County Local Bridge Replacement at Jumping Gully Road at Bevel Creek (0019937)

      Documents:Lowndes County Local Bridge Replacement at Jumping Gully Road at Bevel Creek.pdf

    9. Union Road Lift Station Pump Replacement

      Documents:Union Road Lift Station Pump Replacement.pdf

    10. GEFA Loan Modification

      Documents:GEFA Loan Modification.pdf

    11. GEFA Loan DWLSL2023097 for Lead Service Line Inventory

      Documents:GEFA Loan DWLSL2023097 for Lead Service Line Inventory.pdf

    12. Amendment #1 to Windstream Build Agreement

      Documents:Amendment 1 to Windstream Build Agreement.pdf

  8. Bid
    1. Bid for Six Compact SUV Vehicles for Multiple Departments

      Documents:Bid for Six Compact SUV Vehicles for Multiple Departments.pdf

  9. Reports – County Manager
  10. Citizens Wishing to be Heard-Please State Your Name and Address
  11. Adjournment


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

[VLDA appointment, Alcohol, Budget Calendar]
VLDA appointment, Alcohol, Budget Calendar

Valdosta Lowndes Development Authority

[Page 4]
Page 4

Beer, Wine & Liquor License – Brian Walker of Beezy Bee, LLC, DBA Rum Runner, 3988 N. Valdosta Rd., Valdosta, GA

[Change of ownership]
Change of ownership

Budget Calendar for FY 2026 Operating Budget

[Page 6]
Page 6

Beer and Wine License – Heather Louise Holmstrom of Speedway, LLC, DBA Speedway Store # 42348 (1883), 2165 Old Clyattville Rd., Valdosta, GA

[New establishment.]
New establishment.

Approval of DA’s Federal VOCA Grant Application Renewal

[BUDGET IMPACT: Zero Impact on County]
BUDGET IMPACT: Zero Impact on County

Approval of the Solicitor General’s FY25 VOCA Grant Award

[BUDGET IMPACT: $33,232.00 Cash Match]
BUDGET IMPACT: $33,232.00 Cash Match

Coleman Road NW Paving and Drainage Improvements, P.1.0016279 Supplemental Agreement No. 1

[BUDGET IMPACT: $1,300,000.00; additional TIA funds to cover the total cost of the project.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $1,300,000.00; additional TIA funds to cover the total cost of the project.

Emergency Repair – Lowndes County Fire Station #5

[BUDGET IMPACT: $79,380.00 due to sewage backup in the 2024-11-06 flash flood. Kellerman Construction.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $79,380.00 due to sewage backup in the 2024-11-06 flash flood. Kellerman Construction.

2025 Georgia Department of Transportation Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant (LMIG) Application

[allocated in SPLOST VIII. The grant money is proposed to be used for resurfacing the roads listed in the]
allocated in SPLOST VIII. The grant money is proposed to be used for resurfacing the roads listed in the

Lowndes County Local Bridge Replacement at Jumping Gully Road at Bevel Creek (0019937)

[BUDGET IMPACT: $50,000.00]
BUDGET IMPACT: $50,000.00

Union Road Lift Station Pump Replacement

[BUDGET IMPACT: $51,196.00; repair would cost $45,761.60.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $51,196.00; repair would cost $45,761.60.

GEFA Loan Modification

[Page 15]
Page 15

GEFA Loan DWLSL2023097 for Lead Service Line Inventory

[BUDGET IMPACT: $635,000.00]
BUDGET IMPACT: $635,000.00

Amendment #1 to Windstream Build Agreement

[COUNTY ACTION REQUESTED ON: Amendment #1 to Windstream Build Agreement]
COUNTY ACTION REQUESTED ON: Amendment #1 to Windstream Build Agreement

Bid for Six Compact SUV Vehicles for Multiple Departments

[BUDGET IMPACT: $160,122.00]
BUDGET IMPACT: $160,122.00