Update 2025-02-11: Lowndes County Considers Opting Out of House Bill 581 @ LCC Public Hearing 2025-02-10.
Commissioner Joyce Evans will rotate back into the Vice Chair position. On January 28, 2025, the Lowndes County Commission also reappointed to the Valdosta-Lowndes County Land Bank Authority.
In a break with tradition, the incumbent was not reappointed as a Tax Assessor. Gretchen Quarterman, the incumbent (although technically not, since the County Commission did not do reappointments before her term expired at the end of 2024) got a nomination and two votes. James Michael (Mike) Tanner also got a nommination and two votes. Commissioner Scottie Orenstein was not present for that item, since he came in late. That left Chairman Bill Slaughter to break the tie, and he voted for Tanner.
The previous morning, Commissioner Demarcus Marshall said he wanted to ask questions of the applicants for 6.a. Appointment to the Board of Tax Assessors. Chairman Bill Slaughter said they weren’t doing that in the Work Session because both applications were not there, but they can do it in the Regular Session Tuesday.
Mike Tanner did not attend the Regular Session. Gretchen Quarterman was there as usual, videoing the meeting.
The voted on the added agenda item, 8.d. Publish the intent to opt out of HB 581, to do that. That item and all the others were approved unanimously, except as noted above.
Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few comments by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.
See also the agenda, the board packet, and LAKE videos of the preceding morning’s Work Session.
1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge
Chairman Recognitions – Leadership Lowndes
https://youtu.be/EWjTczA6bEoSeriously, how about just have an agenda item for recognitions?
4. MInutes for Approval
Chairman comments – rotation of the Vice Chair
https://youtu.be/8YmV2aW7ETcThank you to Demarcus Marshall and recognition of Joyce Evans.
5.a. GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
6.a. Appointment to the Board of Tax Assessors
https://youtu.be/9LHuhm9o3dMJames Michael (Mike) Tanner was appointed.
Gretchen Quarterman was not reappointed.It will be interesting to see what they do next year.
6.b. Valdosta-Lowndes County Land Bank Authority
https://youtu.be/inwOv_FxdpEJoyce Evans was reappointed.
7.a. Beer, Wine – Liquor License – Lisa’s Billiards and Sports Bar
8.a. Special Assessment Rate for 2025
8.b. Approval of Elected Officials Using County Issued Purchase Credit Cards
https://youtu.be/sRnk1vxOlvcIt wasn’t really clear to me from either the work session, nor this session, exactly which elected officials have county issued cards. Clearly the two approved at this meeting do, but are there others?
8.c. Approval of the Solicitor General’s FY2025 VAWA Continuance Grant App
https://youtu.be/iNKREJjFvRwI will be interesting to see how this all goes with the new federal administration.
8.d. Publish the intent to opt out of HB 581
https://youtu.be/skm5cqwS-kYI made up the title of this item because it was not on the published agenda.
Update 2025-02-11: Lowndes County Considers Opting Out of House Bill 581 @ LCC Public Hearing 2025-02-10.
9. Reports – County Manager
Chairman / Commission comments
https://youtu.be/8iNskx1OKYkChairman commented on County BiCentennial
Commissioner Marshall commented on bird flu outbreak and department of Ag statement about same.
Here is the LAKE video playlist:
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Pingback: Videos: Tax Assessor and Land Bank appointments, Assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC Work | On the LAKE front
Pingback: Packet: Tax Assessor and Land Bank appointments, Assessment rate, VAWA, alcohol @ LCC 2025-01-27 | On the LAKE front
Pingback: Lowndes County Considers Opting Out of House Bill 581 @ LCC Public Hearing 2025-02-10 | On the LAKE front