Update 2025-02-13: Videos: Four rezonings, mobile home decals, Lift Station Pump, Tax Refunds @ LCC Regular 2025-02-11.
A meeting so long it had to be interrupted by the scheduled Public Hearing on opting out of the state homestead exemption law: yesterday morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session.
They vote on the regular items this evening at 5:30 PM.
The longest items yesterday morning were the same that had had opposition in the Planning Commission:
5.a. REZ-2025-01 Hurtado Property, Bethany Dr., ~6.4ac, R-A to R-1
5.d. REZ-2025-04 River Run Farm, 6490 River Run, ~27ac., C-C to R-21.
Collage @ LCC 10 February 2025
Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.
See also the agenda and the Lowndes County Commission board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request:
For the separate homestead exemption opt-out Public Hearing, see:
For the rezonings, see also the preceding Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) board packet materials, its agenda, and the LAKE videos of the GLPC meeting.
1. Call to Order 4. Minutes for Approval
5.a. REZ-2025-01 Hurtado Property, Bethany Dr., ~6.4ac, R-A to R-1
https://youtu.be/eK7TZqk0G14There was discussion about drainage across the street at the Williams property.
There was discussion about traffic.The planning commission recommended against this but it seems like it will get approved.
5.b. REZ-2025-02 Hamilton Green Ph. 2, 4618 Bemiss Rd, 1.12ac, C-G to P-D,
https://youtu.be/TmacAJPvoycAccording the the developer there was no interested in the CC portion so they want to build more town homes in the development.
5.c. REZ-2025-03 Thomas Linville, 4888 Break Thru Rd., ~16.3ac, R-1 to E-A,
5.d. REZ-2025-04 River Run Farm, 6490 River Run, ~27ac., C-C to R-21
https://youtu.be/aVWmf2_yaWMDiscussion seemed to lean towards no limiting the number of lots as had been recommended by the planning commission.
6.a. Resolution Authorizing the Tax Commissioner to Receive Payments
https://youtu.be/-E3GsafWcCsHousekeeping that has to be done each time there is a new Tax Commissioner. The Tax Commissioner was present.
6.c. Beer and Wine License – Busy Food Mart, 6901 Bellville Road, Lake Park
https://youtu.be/MvMvJRqS4GEChange of ownership.
6.d. New Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) Software
https://youtu.be/i-vL9kXNUAUFancy name for anti-virus software.
jsq: Commisisoner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know why the big difference in prices. A: The big prices are by big vendors, targetted at Fortune 500, not counties.
6.e. Whitewater Road Lift Station Pump
6.f. Acceptance of Hazard Mitigation Grant for Generators
https://youtu.be/m7leRV9hmCsGrant that was applied for only included Pruitt Nursing homes. If other facilities want to get in on this program (there is a 25% match) they need to ask the county about it and have the money ready and the county needs to apply again. (or so it seemed to me).
A brief adjournment to deal with the public hearing scheduled for 9AM
https://youtu.be/Mg3GE2A5fLMAt least all the people who were in the chambers for the public hearing got to the commission at a work session.
Reconvene meeting 6g. The Crescent Place of Historic Interest Tax Exemption
https://youtu.be/xC7RS24tkyw6.g. The Crescent Place of Historic Interest Tax Exemption
6.h. Rules and Regulations for Claims for Refunds of Taxes
7. Reports – County Manager – held for tomorrow
9. Adjournment
Here is the LAKE video playlist:
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