Work and Regular Sessions Cancelled @ LCC 2024-09-23-24

“The September 23, 2024 Work Session and the September 24, 2024 Regular Session Commission Meetings have been cancelled,” reads the Lowndes County response to the usual LAKE open records request for the board packet. No explanation was included.

The calendar entries on for the Work Session and the Regular Session are no more informative, merely saying &lquo;CANCELLED”.

[CANCELLED: 2024-09-23-24 Work and Regular Sessions, But Millage Public Hearing Thursday, Lowndes County Commission]
CANCELLED: 2024-09-23-24 Work and Regular Sessions, But Millage Public Hearing Thursday, Lowndes County Commission

However, the third and final Public Hearing on the Millage is 5 PM Thursday, September 26, 2024.

According to Lowndes County Chairman Bill Slaughter in the second Millage Public Hearing on September 19, “And then we will adopt the millage, setting the rate, on September 26, as well.”

How that will work is mysterious, since no agenda is posted for the Millage Public Hearing. Maybe they will just vote after the Public Hearing, since presumably a quorum of Commissioners will be in the room. Or they still have time to announce a Special Called Meeting at least 24 hours in advance, as state law requires.


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