Videos: ULDC text amendments, small county rezoning, Airport Authority annexation and rezoning, small Valdosta rezoning @ GLPC 2024-06-24

The Planning Commissioners unanimously recommended approval of everything on their agenda for June 24, 2024.

Including an item that Commissioner Vicki T. Rountree clarified that if they approved it, that would be the last time the Planning Commission would see such items.

The rationale by the County Planner was so staff could make “minor amendments” and “move forward with them more quickly.” He did mention there would be meetings with “stakeholder groups”. We know that means builders and developers, not the tax-paying and voting public.

[Collage @ GLPC 24 June 2024]
Collage @ GLPC 24 June 2024

Nonetheless Commissioner Chip Wildes made the motion to recommend that amendment, seconded by Commissioner Steve Miller. And all the Commissioners voted for the motion.

Different text under the same agenda item title is on the agenda for the July 8 and 9, 2024, Lowndes County Commission meetings.

What does the Planning Commission recommendation mean, since the content changed before it got to the County Commission?

This is the far-reaching amendment to the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC), or at least the version presented to the Planning Commission:

[Amendments 1-3.]
Amendments 1-3.

Amendment #2 LCBOC / GLPC

Show sections below in full with the following modifications:

Table 10.01.03 — Delete GLPC X for Amendments

10.01.05(D) — Strike item 2

10.02.07 — No changes at this time — show section in the draft amendment package

On the county’s website, Home -> Services -> Departments -> Planning -> Unified Land Development Code,
Unified Land Development Code (ULDC)
see this item: ULDC Unsigned Searchable Copy – April 9, 2024 (PDF).

On page 10-8, PDF page 247:

[4.9.24-ULDC-FINAL 202404100959255767-0247]
4.9.24-ULDC-FINAL 202404100959255767-0247

10.01.03 Entity Responsibilities

The table below identifies the types of applications and the entity that is responsible for the final decision or, in the case of the Planning Commission, recommendation regarding the application.

Table 10.01.03. Types of Applications and Entity Responsible.

In the table, “Amendment to the ULDC” is marked for Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners.

This change removes the mark for Planning Commission. Which means there is no public hearing before the meeting in which the County Commission decides.

The second item is similar: “10.01.05(D) — Strike item 2”.

On ULDC PDF page 253:

[4.9.24-ULDC-FINAL 202404100959255767-0253]
4.9.24-ULDC-FINAL 202404100959255767-0253

  1. Action by the Board of Commissioners regarding proposed amendments to the ULDC text shall be taken at an advertised public hearing, and shall be based on the following information:
    1. The TRC compliance report and recommendation;
    2. The recommendation of the Planning Commission;
    3. The application and supporting documentation; and
    4. Testimony during the public hearing.

The subject amendment removes “2. The recommendation of the Planning Commission.”

While the Planning Commission doesn’t actually make any decisions, at least if something is reviewed by them the public gets a chance to see it before it suddenly appears before the County Commission.

But not anymore.

Also notice that 10.01.05(D) doesn’t say anything about testimony (such as letters and telephone calls) by citizens before the public hearing. So you’ll have to watch for the County Commission agenda to appear on Friday to know to show up on Tuesday for the public hearing.

Well, the County Commission could decide not to ratify that Planning Commission recommendation. I’m not holding my breath….

A couple of questions come to mind:

  1. Who asked for this amendment? Staff? Planning Commission? County Commission?
  2. What are the upcoming ULDC amendments that we won’t get to see before they show up at the County Commission?

The Chairman and two county commissioners attended the Planning Commission meeting. Two of them left after this item.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the agenda and board packet.

Here’s a LAKE video playlist:

Videos: ULDC text amendments, small county rezoning, Airport Authority annexation and rezoning, small Valdosta rezoning @ GLPC 2024-06-24
Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, .
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE).


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2 thoughts on “Videos: ULDC text amendments, small county rezoning, Airport Authority annexation and rezoning, small Valdosta rezoning @ GLPC 2024-06-24

  1. Pingback: Packet: ULDC text amendments, small rezoning, and liquor license @ LCC 2024-07-08 | On the LAKE front

  2. Pingback: Videos: ULDC text amendments, small rezoning, and liquor license @ LCC Work 2024-07-08 | On the LAKE front

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