Packet: Remerton variances for Bryce Nerland, Woodard Street @ GLPC 2024-05-20

The Greater Lowndes Planning Commission heard two requests for variances on two adjoining lots, “The main motivation behind the request is to allow a reduction in setbacks to allow new construction for 6 single family homes on 2 vacant lots.”

Nobody spoke against. The Planning Commissioners unanimously voted to recommend approval of each request. The Remerton City Council probably has approved the requests by now.

[Setback variances for two lots on Woodard Street, Remerton @ GLPC 2024-05-20]
Setback variances for two lots on Woodard Street, Remerton @ GLPC 2024-05-20

Jessica Freeman sent the Remerton packet materials a week after the Planning Commission meeting. They are on the LAKE website.

Now that I know an email address that seems to work for her, probably future Remerton packets will arrive more speedily after she gets the LAKE open records request.


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

V-2024-01 and V-2024-02, Staff Report

Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

[Staff Report, Proposed Variance Request: decrease in side and front yard setbacks]
Staff Report, Proposed Variance Request: decrease in side and front yard setbacks

Tract 1

[Application for Variance by Bryce Nerland]
Application for Variance by Bryce Nerland

Tract 2

[Application for Variance (the other lot)]
Application for Variance (the other lot)


[Warranty Deed]
Warranty Deed


[Boundary Survey for Bradley Bowen LLC]
Boundary Survey for Bradley Bowen LLC


[Division Survey for Bradley Bowen LLC]
Division Survey for Bradley Bowen LLC


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

One thought on “Packet: Remerton variances for Bryce Nerland, Woodard Street @ GLPC 2024-05-20

  1. Pingback: Two Remerton setback cases, 1 Lowndes County multiple residence rezoning, 1 Valdosta CUP @ GLPC 2024-05-20 | On the LAKE front

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