Videos: air conditioning, Insolvent taxes, Fender Road Improvement Project, VLPRA @ LCC 2021-06-07

Air conditioning, a quit claim, and, by far the longest, those incorrect tax assessment notices were the big items at the most recent Lowndes County, Georgia, Commission Work Session, June 7, 2021.

[Manager and Chairman, Demarcus Marshall, Engineer]
Manager and Chairman, Demarcus Marshall, Engineer

See previous post for the agenda and the board packet.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

  • 1. Call to Order 5a. Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority
    1. Call to Order 5a. Valdosta-Lowndes County Parks and Recreation Authority


  • 6.a. Agreement for HVAC Service for Additional Lowndes County Buildings
    6.a. Agreement for HVAC Service for Additional Lowndes County Buildings

    Video. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know if the HVAC contract included replacing filters and the like, and was there room for work by local contractors. The Chairman (who used to work in that field) said that local businesses (not his) were getting much of the service business through the HVAC contractor.

  • 6.b. Acceptance of Quit Claim Deeds for a portion of Gaines Lane
    6.b. Acceptance of Quit Claim Deeds for a portion of Gaines Lane

    Video. Chairman Bill Slaughter referred to the Gaines Lane quitclaim as “the gift that keeps on giving.” Commissioner Marshall wanted to know whether this would finally do it. The Chairman said yes.

  • 6.c. Insolvent List – Tax Commissioner
    6.c. Insolvent List - Tax Commissioner


  • 7.a. Fender Road Improvement Project
    7.a. Fender Road Improvement Project


  • 8. Reports – County Manager
    8. Reports - County Manager

    Video. County Manager Paige Dukes said that the recent tax assessment notices did not include exemptions for the new county fire millage. She didn’t say this was because nobody from the County Commission’s office told the Tax Assessor staff to do this, but she said corrected notices will go out. Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker wanted to know what else needed to be done. It should all be resolved by early August, after the Commission votes on the fire millage in July. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall suggested further discussion. The Chairman said they had already decided to create the new fire tax district. The issue now is tax exemptions to include the new millage. The vote in July will be about all the millages, including this one. Commissioner Marshall still wanted to know if notices were going out about something the Commission had not voted on. The Chairman said they always went out early so people would time to appeal. Commissioner Marshall said that was why discussion was needed. The new notices will have the fire millage exemption in addition to the usual homestead exemption, conservation exemption.

    Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker wanted to know if the new state Forestry Protection Act exempts ad valorem taxes on timberland, as PCA wanted to know when they called him. Finance Director Stephanie Black said she would provide information on that. Also the Tax Assessors can run a sample on a tract of land upon request.

    The Chairman said the incorrect notices were due to a communication failure between the Commissioners’ office and the Tax Assessors’ office.

    The County Manager also asked for an executive session to discuss pending or potential litigation. They finally did that.

Here’s a LAKE video playlist:

Videos: air conditioning, Insolvent taxes, Fender Road Improvement Project, VLPRA @ Lowndes County Commission Work Session
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, June 7, 2021.


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