Longest at 22 minutes was the second Natco subdivision on Val Del Road. At least they’re moving back towards Valdosta, remaining within existing services (which were run out Val Del Road for Nelson Hill).
The Wisenbaker rezoning on Great North Road sailed through even faster, with nobody speaking against. The Hogan heavy manufacturing rezoning at US 41 N and Wellman Place was recommended to be tabled, 7:0, at the request of the applicant, who discovered a variance is needed first.
They also recommended 7:0 approval by the various elected bodies a Joint Ordinance, which is apparently about the operations of GLPC itself. What’s in it is mysterious. Why they can’t put it on the county or city website is even more mysterious.
Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the GLPC agenda. And the Lowndes County Commission agenda and packet for the October 8, 2019 LCC meeting at which the real decisions will be made.
Call to Order, Pledge, Invocation
Welcome and Meeting Overview
2. Approval of the Meeting Minutes: August 26, 2019
3. REZ-2019-13 Natco Tract 5B, Val Del Rd., ±56 ac., R-1 to P-D
Video. Three citizens spoke against, about increased traffic on Val Del Road and about wetlands. The Chair said since there were wetlands, a wetlands study had to have been done. Not clear anybody on the Planning Commission had seen this wetlands study. GLPC voted to recommend approval, 7:0.
4. REZ-2019-14 Wisenbaker, 3820 Great North Rd., 5 ac., E-A to R-1
Video. Applicant spoke for and nobody spoke against. GLPC recommended approval, 7:0.
5. REZ-2019-15 Hogan Hwy 41 & Wellman Place, 7 ac., E-A to M-2
Video. The applicant, being advised a variance would be needed, asked for this rezoning to be tabled until the variance could be obtained. GLPC voted 7:0 to recommend tabling. I guess this means REZ-2019-15 goes to ZBOA next. Although of course the Lowndes County Commission could choose to approve it anyway Tuesday, or even to deny it.
Other Business – Joint Ordinance
Video. The Joint Ordinance is apparently not for SPLOST VII, rather it’s about the Planning Commission itself. GLPC recommended approval by the various elected bodies by 7:0.
Meeting Adjournment
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: More Natco on Val Del Road + 2 more Lowndes County cases
Regular Session, Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 2019-09-30.
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