Eleven minutes plus three minutes from people asking do not pave Hightower and Cooper Roads near Moody AFB. They said they weren’t even consulted before the county decided to pave. Chairman Bill Slaughter offered to talk with those citizens after the meeting, but not during, when the public could have heard him. Before that, County Manager Joe Pritchard summarized internal discussions about the county road inventory.
More than four minutes for the second NATCO rezoning on Val Del Road was the longest item at this Regular Session.
The Wisenbaker rezoning on Great North Road had a Commissioner recuse himself and took 2.5 minutes. The applicant request to table for Hogan on US 42 N was passed in less than a minute.
Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the LAKE videos of the preceding morning’s Work Session, the agenda and the board packet. Also the LAKE videos of the preceding Planning Commission Regular Session, and the agenda of that GPLC meeting.
1. Call to Order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge
Chairman Comments 4. Minutes for Approval
5a. REZ-2019-13 NATCO, Val Del Rd. R-1 to P-D, ~56.102 acres
Video. Nobody spoke against. Attorney Jack Langdale spoke at some length in favor, for unknown reasons, since there was no opposition. The Commissioners passed the rezoning unanimously.
5b. REZ-2019-14 Wisenbaker 3820 Great North Rd. E-A to R-1 ~5.0 acres
Video. Nobody spoke against. Jason Wisenbaker spoke for “so I can move the mobile home to the one acre and sell it, and put the rest back into the farm.”
Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker recused himself because he is related to the applicant. The other Commissioners passed the rezoning unanimously.
5c.REZ-2019-15 US Hwy 41 N. & Wellman Pl. E-A/R-1/M-1 to M-2, ~7.01 ac
Video. Unanimously tabled indefinitely at applicant’s request, waiting for a variance to be handled (presumably by ZBOA) at an unknown date.
6. Reports – County Manager – Road Inventory
Video. County Manager Joe Pritchard “would like to restate for the public that is here tonight” what he said the previous morning about private roads.
7. CWTBH – Steve and Sandra Daugherty – please do not pave our road
Video. They said they only found out about the paving of Hightower and Cooper Road when a surveyor asked to come on the property. When they inquired, the county said the paving was already approved. She wondered how they could arbitrarily decide that without speaking to the citizens. Chairman Bill Slaughter offered to talk to them after the meeting was over, but not during the meeting when the public could hear his answer.
7. CWTBH – Billy Atkinson – do not pave Hightower Road
Video. “I hate to give up that much land. Fencing is a big problem.” Chairman Bill Slaughter offered to talk to them after the meeting was over, but not during the meeting when the public could hear his answer.
8. Meeting Adjournment
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: Do not pave Hightower Road, rezonings on Val Del, Great North Road, US 41 N
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 2019-10-08.
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