The Naylor Boat Ramp should be finished in about two weeks.
Before they vote tonight at 5:30 PM, the Lowndes County Commission met in Regular Session yesterday morning, when tied for most time was the paintball-like game venue that was surprisingly contentious at the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA).
That rezoning tied for amount of time with two bids for vehicles.
Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda. LAKE filed an open records request for the agenda packet, but yesterday I was told it would be available late today or “Wednesday at the latest,” in other words, after the Commissioners vote this evening at 5:30 PM.
And see also the report County to consider recreation facility, Thomas Lynn, Valdosta Daily Times, 10 June 2019, the LAKE videos of the preceding Planning Commission meeting, and the LAKE videos of the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA) denial of most variances the same applicant requested.
1. Call to Order 4. Minutes for Approval
5a. REZ-2019-08 Joshua Knudson, 3435 Bemiss Knights Academy Road
Video. County Planning Technician Molly Stevenson recited a litany of complaints from neighbors.
County Chairman Bill Slaughter pointed out the applicant could do most of this by right; applicant was merely asking for combining some tracts with some rezoning.
Commissioner Scott Orenstein asked what was the result when the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBOA) heard variance requests from the same applicant. Answer: ZBOA denied most variances. Also, ZBOA is a decision-making body.
The Planning Commission voted 5-1 to table until the June Planning Commission meeting, but GLPC is merely a recommending body: it does not decide rezonings.
The county’s agenda sheet says “The TRC considered this request and had no objectionable comments, and staff finds the request consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.” The County Commission could decide to ignore tha Planning Commission and approve this rezoning anyway.
Still from LAKE video of REZ-2019-08 in the preceding Planning Commission meeting -
6 a. Sheriff’s Office E-Citations PDA/Handheld
Video. Sheriff’s department wants to buy laptops and handheld citation thingies for $85,934.66.
Commissioner Scott Orenstein wanted to know what happens in a few years if the tablet technology catches up. Answer from IT Director Aaron Kostyu: the PDAs would last a long time, so there would be no automatic discard of them.
6 b. Tyler Detect-Managed Threat Detection Services
Video. IT Director Aaron Kostyu said this is 24/7 active monitoring of the county’s network (logs, etc.); monitoring that the county did not have inside capability to do.
7a. Bids on Administrative Vehicle
Video. Finance Director Stephanie Black said there were a total of 19 vehicles.
Public Works Director Robin Cumbus had somebody else speak, mostly about an aftermarket item that may or may not fit; apparently the item is a full-size spare tire.
The County Manager called up the Public Works Service Manager, John [?] to clarify.
7b. Bids on Five One-Half Ton Trucks
Video. Some two-wheel drive, some four-wheel drive. Discussion about the same vendor who was disqualified on the other bid, about how that wouldn’t disqualify that vendor from this bid….
7 c. Bids for Thirteen Three-Quarter Ton Trucks
Video. Three of these trucks are for the animal shelter, and will have dog boxes.
8. Reports – County Manager – Naylor Boat Ramp
Video. County Manager Joe Pritchard said Public Works was out there that day, dressing up and backing up the concrete, apparently for the driveway off of US 84. He said he thought the whole thing would be finished in about two weeks. So that would be round about June 24, 2019.
Chairman Bill Slaughter said he went down there and it really looks good. He said he hopes people using it would understand the importance of taking care of it, including putting trash in the trash cans.
8. Reports – County Manager – Naylor Boat Ramp (part 2)
Video. Public Works Director Robin Cumbus said she has some amazing pictures.
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: Knudson & Son Outdoor Activities, Sheriff, Intrusion Detection, Bids
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 2019-06-10.
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