As expected, the longest item was about the 300′ communications tower proposed south of US 84 E. Second was bids for rotary mowers (really). And a Commissioner wanted to know what’s a blade.
Afterwards, at 9AM, was a special appearance by Tax Commissioner Rodney Cain and his staff, which at 16 3/4 minutes, took almost as long as the entire Work Session.
In between, Commissioners answered my question: Do you miss Gretchen?
Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda and the WWALS videos of the preceding Planning Commission meeting.
- Before
1. Order. 4. Minutes
Video. Chairman Bill Slaughter referred Commissioners to “your now-electronic packet”.
5.a. Appointment to Hospital Authority
Video. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall: Did Mary Margaret Richardson ask to be reappointed?
Chairman Bill Slaughter: Initially she implied she did not, but at the end of the process she said she did. The process is the Hospital Authority sends a list of three names, from which the County Commission must pick, or reject the list. If rejected, the Hospital Authority sends another list, from which the County Commission must pick.
Mary Margaret Richardson is serving out her third term.
5.b. Appointment to Airport Authority
Video. Anthony Payton is the only nominee and asked to be reappointed.
Chairman Bill Slaughter: Payton represents Moody AFB. He is an engineer working out there. Other nominees can still be considered.
6.a. REZ-2019-06 Glenn Gregory, Stallings Road
Video. Molly Stevenson, Planning: Request to rezone two parcels. One was split out due to family ties. The other he wants to subdivide. Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval, and TRC and staff recommend approval.
6.b. REZ-2019-07 Lake Park CFA, Lakes Blvd.
Video. Molly Stevenson, Planning: zoning cleanup before split zoning. C-H is listed as permitted zoning within regional character areas. Area has county water and sewer. Fits Comprehensive Plan recommendation of development within urban areas. Recommended by Planning Commission, TRC, and staff.
6.c. TWR-2019-01 Value Concepts, Inc., US Hwy 84 E
Video. To fill in service gaps. TRC and staff had “no objectional comments”. Planning Commission recommended tabling for a month so that Moody AFB and FAA would have time to comment. Is not in MAZ, but staff recently learned it is in a helicopter training flight path.
Commissioner Demarcus Marshall noted Moody AFB rep. spoke against it, because it’s in that helicopter training flight path.
Stevenson: Moody rep. said wanted time for pilots to comment.
Chairman: By when?
Stevenson: they said probably by tomorrow.
Aaron Kostyu: There is an existing tower of the same height right across US 84, which was there before MAZ was created.
Stevenson: About 800′ away.
Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker: Can we find out from Moody before tomorrow?
Stevenson: Yes; I have a call in to find out.
7.a. Purchase of Computer Server Blades and Software
Video. Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker: What’s a blade?
Aaron Kostyu: A board that goes in a rack to serve many purposes, as opposed to a standalone pizzabox server.
7.b. Backup Appliance
7.c. Professional Services, Coleman Road Lift Station Force Main Replacement
7.e. GDOT TIA Project Agreement – Hightower Rd/Cooper Rd NE Paving + Drainage
7.f. Amendment, Lowndes County Fire Rescue Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) @ LCC Work 2019-05-13
7.g. 2020 Juvenile Justice Incentive Grant Program Request for Proposals (RFP)
Video. Annual grant. To be done electronically with only one physical signature.
Commissioner Demarcus Marshall: Reimbursement rate satisfactory?
County Manager Joe Pritchard: Yes, has been discussed with court; appears to be acceptable.
8.a. Bid for Two New-Year Model Commercial Rotary Brush Mowers
Video. Finance Director Stephanie Black said “low bidder did not meet the performance needs.”
Public Works Director Robin Cumbus clarified that in a performance test on the intended site, the steep I-75 exit slopes, the low bidder’s mower about half way up the Lake Park exit shut off, and was also about 900 pounds heavier than the other mower, leaving ruts and a mess. She thought it was more designed to be a sod cutter for mowing sod farms. Both vendors were there, so they knew.
9. County Manager Report: No report
Do you miss Gretchen?
Waiting for 9AM
Lowndes County Tax Commissioner Rodney Cain
Video. Reduced website from $60,000 to $23,000. No new staff requests, but 3.86% increase on salaries.
Finance Director Stephanie Black said that was calculated from H.R.
His staff:
- Chief Deputy Beth Taylor
- Property Tax Manager Shelly Shaw
- Tag Agent Jeri Smith is out today and will be retiring Ausut 2nd.
- Loretta (he didn’t say her last name) is training to be the new Tag Agent.
I asked County Manager Joe Pritchard afterwards didn’t they finish their budget sessions last week. He said yes, except they couldn’t get the Tax Commissioner in last week.
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: Tower and online packets
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 2019-05-13.
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