Cancelled: Deep South Solid Waste Authority special called meeting today, 2019-03-27

According to DSSWA Chair Kevin Beals, today’s special called meeting is cancelled. Instead, they will handle business at their regular April meeting. There is no agenda for that meeting yet, but he will ask for one to be sent when it is ready.

The topics of the special called meeting were the July 1, 2019 increase in local government surcharges per ton, from $1.00 to $2.50, as passed last year in HB 792 and SB 385. Also ADS wants to increase its rates, due to that and apparently some federal rule changes.

Julia Shewchuk, Plaque

In other news, Julia Shewchuk is no longer with SGRC, since about a year now. According to the February 2018 SGRC newsletter, In the Region,

…Julia Shewchuk received plaques commemorating their years of service and loyalty to the Southern Georgia Regional Commission….

Julia Shewchuk – 10 years of service

Elizabeth Backe is the Planning Director at Southern Georgia Regional Commission, among whose functions is handling agendas for DSSWA.


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  1. Pingback: Deep South Solid Waste Authority special called meeting today, 6PM 2019-03-27 | On the LAKE front

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