The most exciting thing last month was the new fire truck, on display outside, seen here driving off with its lights flashing:
LAKE video.
This was the most recent Regular Session, because the Lowndes County Commission meetings for the end of August were cancelled.
County Manager Joe Pritchard again said he wanted higher staff approval limits for items in the budget. There was some question about campaign contributions on the Hahira rezoning and annexation; they didn’t know, but they approved it anyway. The longest discussion was on the Intrado phone system, which will have Lowndes County be the first south of Atlanta with text to 911. A suprising number of and variety of Commissioner questions on the 911 radios. The only question on the three utilities items was whether they were in the budget; they are. As usual, they rubberstamped the three Valdosta State Prison work details, with the only question being whether they were getting enough for the money. A: Yes, because prisoners work cheap.
Below are links to each LAKE video, with a few notes, plus some links into the county’s own videos for the first few items, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda and the LAKE videos of the previous morning’s Work Session. For the Hahira annexation, see also the board packet materials and the Planning Commission agenda.
1. Order 2. Invocation 3. Pledge 4. Minutes
For items 1 through 6.b, see the county’s own video.
5.a. Addition to Basic Decorative Lighting District: Creekside West, Phase 3B GA Hwy 122
At 1 minute 35 seconds in the county’s own video. Nobody spoke against nor for.
- 6.a. Annual Contract Renewal for Mosquito identifying and Testing
At 3 minutes in the county’s own video. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know if there were any changes due to recent results. Answer from Robin Cumbus: they monitor those locations and treat with larvicide. Marshall moved to approve, Commissioner Scottie Orenstein approved, all aye. It’s good they do this instead of spraying.
6.b. Annual Contract Renewal for Prison Work Details
At 4 minutes and 27 seconds in the county’s own video. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know if they’re getting their money’s worth, considering weather and other restrictions. Public Works Director Robin Cumbus said she thinks so, since they pay one salary and get seven bodies. Previously she said two work details are for road work and the third is for engineering stormwater. Marshall moved to approve, Orenstein seconded; all aye.
6.c. Request to purchase Public Safety Radios
Video. Commissioner Demarcus wanted to know how many personnel carry radios. A: 12 full time paid firefighters and 86 volunteers, plus 8 administrative staff also carrying radios.
Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker wanted to know if cell phones could be used. A: No, need to talk to everybody all at once.
Commissioner Scottie Orenstein wanted to know do the volunteers have their radios on. A: Yes, so the dispatchers can tell who is responding, and dispatch more firefighters if needed.
6.c. Cont. Request to purchase Public Safety Radios
Commissioner Scottie Orenstein moved to approve, Commissioner Joyce Evans second, and the item passed unanimously.
6.d. Request to Purchase Thermal Imaging Cameras
6.e. Service Contract for the Mobile Data Terminals
6.f. Intrado Phone System Upgrade Agreement/Expansion
Video. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know if this was consistent with recent state law. A: Yes.
Commissioner Scottie Orenstein wanted to know if this was forseen. A: Yes.
Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know if this would come up again. A: This will handle some years, and Lowndes County will be the first south of Atlanta to be able to handle text to 911.
Commissioner Scottie Orenstein wanted to know when it would go live. A: Possibly as soon as October or November.
Commissioner Demarcus Marshall moved to approve, Orenstein seconded, all aye.
6.g. Bevel Creek Lift Station Pump
6.h. Gorman Rupp Bypass Pump
6.i. Hart Road/Skipper Bridge Lift Station Pumps
Video. Hart Road utilities item Commissioner Scottie Orenstein wanted to know if this was in the budget. A: Yes.
6.j. Coleman Road Lift Station Check Valves
6.k. Notice Of Proposed Hahira Annexation And Rezoning
Video. Commissioner Demarcus Marshall wanted to know if this campaign contributions were also about to County Commission candidates. County Manager Joe Pritchard turned to County Attorney G. Walter Elliott who said, “I don’t know”. County Chairman Bill Slaughter said he went to the Hahira City Council meeting where this item was presented, and the developer is from Tallahassee. Marshall said the notation on the agenda item said the property owner. Still, nobody knew. Commissioner Scottie Orenstein moved to approve saying the county does not object to the annexation. Marshall seconded, and all aye.
6.k. Responded within two weeks to the request
Video. Commissioner Scottie Orenstein wanted it noted that they had responded within two weeks to the request. County Chairman Bill Slaughter said so noted.
6.l. Hahira Extraterritorial Water And Sewer Service Extensions
Video. County Manager Joe Pritchard said the county had not expended any resources on water or sewer in that area and there would be no negative effect on county citizens of this extraterritorial extension. Orenstein moved, Marshall seconded, all aye.
6.l. I’d like to point out that…
6.l. … within two weeks we responded favorably to the request
7. Fire truck and staff budget approval limits – County Manager
Video. He didn’t say then, but now we know that County Manager Joe Pritchard wants his approval limit raised from $10,000 to $25,000, and for Finance Director Stephanie Black from $8,000 to $20,000, which is a factor of 2.5 for each, both for items in the approved budget.
8. CWTBH none; 9. Adjourn
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: fire truck, radios and phones, Hahira annexation, prison details
Regular Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by John S. Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, August 14, 2018.
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