The Planning Commission had a large crowd, including County Commissioner Joyce Evans and Chairman Bill Slaughter visible lower left, and that may be Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker in front of them.
Most of them left after the North Oak Street planned development, excuse me, rezoning, took almost an hour. See the notes on that item below for a spoiler for what happened to it later.
Second longest at almost fourteen minutes was the Lakeland Highway rezoning, in which the current owners apparently were trying to fix a problem left them by previous owners.
Third at almost seven minutes was a tie between the CR Ventures (Camp Rock again) rezoning on Rocky Ford Road and the Kaylyn Gill Tucker rezoning on Enoch Lake Road, carving out a plot for a single house from a planned development.
Below are links to each LAKE video with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda.
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge
2. Approval of the Meeting Minutes: February 26, 2018
3. CU-2018-03 Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
Video. On a motion by Ed Hightower to recommend with staff conditions, the vote was unanimous.
4. VA-2018-05 PACE, Inc. 2206 North Oak Street
Video. On a motion from Commissioner Wildes to find it inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, changing the character of the area, like Baytree Road went from residential to commercial, the Planning Commission recommended denial 6:1, with Commissioner Rountree voting against.
Spoiler: the applicant withdrew the case before the Valdosta City Council agenda was posted for the final decision on it. That means the applicant can come back in less than a year with another proposal.
Room empties as people leave after “their” case
Video. This is why the big developers usually win: they follow what’s going on and talk to the staff and commissioners all the time, while everybody else only shows up for a single case that affects them, without even staying to see how the rest of them go.
5. REZ-2018-08 Hughes, Pearson, Nail Lakeland Highway
Video. Commissioner Vicki Rountree moved to approve, because of the time and effort the applicant had put into it, and got unanimous approval.
6. REZ-2018-09. CR Ventures: Rocky Ford Road: PD Modification
Video. This rezoning is two doors down on Rocky Ford Road from the recent Camp Rock rezoning, and also represented by Jack Langdale. It wasn’t a coincidence. They wanted food trucks to provide food at camp, rather than having an on-site commercial kitchen. Commissioner Hightower moved to recommend; all aye.
7. REZ-2018-10 Kaylyn Gill Tucker : Enoch Lake Road (P-D to R-10)
Video. Commissioner Gladwin moved to recommend; all aye.
Other Business / Meeting Adjournment
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: North Oak Street, Lakeland Highway, Rocky Ford Road
Regular Session, Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 26 March 2018.
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